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ACCI. 174-0 - GEORGE LAWS — APR. 15-1927. `
, Fatally injured in Virginia in automobile accident before he could be retucned
I to work. Balance of compensation due — #8.57. Compensation board advised that
V/// money must be paid to duly qualified administrator. Widow does not wish to go
to the expense. hk. Sampson recnnnends paying #8.57 to widow on regular receipt
form and closing the case.
ACCI. 192-C - W. W. HEADDEN — KAY 23, liz?.
FATAL- Compensation board allowed widow and daughter compensation on basis of
total dependency. Company appealed case to courts. Will be heard probably
sometime this summer. Defendant will claim that widow's corduct was such as
_that its legal effect was that she had abandoned the decedent and not sufficient
proof upon which to base the conclusion found by the Board that child was
ACCI. 227-C - JC¤. PABHOTP — JnN. 2, l9z8.
FATAL- Claim of dxf alleged wife of deceased denied by Board. etill the matter of
$100.00 to dispose of. Dhould this be said to children. z children in Eenham.
FATAL— Pending before Gompensation Board.
ACCI. z68-C — AARON MCGLAKLHY — SETS. ln, 1928.
, Double compound comminuted fractures both bones both legs lower third.
, I Dr. Britton says anything up to 50{ of body·Dr. Lyons o5% body—Ur. Todd 21% to body.
ACCI. 280-C — TOM TRENT — APR. 17, 1929.
Fracture of right pelvis with upward dislocation. ¤r. Todd says able to return
,· to very light work now. Ur. ¤ritton says wait three or foxr months longer.
J Ur. T. says :5 to o5% to body·¤r. Britton says nearly, if not a total. Dr. Beggs
thinks somewhere in between. ‘
AGCI. 282-C - THANK POORH - APH, ;6,l9L9. ‘
slight fracture upper portion of second lumbar vertebrae. Old injury Jan. 3, 1924
r while working ior Climax Coal Vompany Ou accotnt of which Board awarded him 601
disability. ¤eturned to work May 27, 1929. in Put on coal loading Nov. 19, 1929
l making more money than before injury. Hofuses tc settle for less than $150.GO.
-_ #r. Beggs says no dicaoitity. Yr. Qampson recommends lettine case so before
Compensation Board.
ACC1. 291-U — WILL WASHINGTON — JUNE 21, 1929.
Fracture of lower third right femur. Pied of cardiac decompensation Sent. lzth.
‘ See report of·Jr. P. lated ¤eptenber 14th, 19k?. Phjrteen days comp. due.
h ACCI. 295-C · RILEY CAUDILL — JULY 17, l9z9.
¤imp1e fracture left romur lower third. Returned to 1iaht`work Jan. 6, l€oO to
, regular work loading coal Feb. 8th, Practically nc disability—littlo imoainne t
` uxmxxi of flexing. Trobably 10% to leg. can be settled,
ACC}. 298-U — GAO. E. ;NiTH — July 19, 19z9.
_ Uompression fracture socznd lumbar vcriebrx. Able to return to work in two or
three months. Disability sliprt probably 15 to zda.