NOTE.—This report of pay1·oll expended to June 30, 193.{2I .... , is required by Subsections 2 and 8 of Section S3 of the Compensation Act.
YVOrkmen’s Compensation Board, Frankfort, Ky.
Gentlemen: “
The undersigned employer, under oath, hereby nies a report of payroll subject to the Act as required by Subsections 2 and 8 of Section S3 or the Compensation Act cover.
ing wages earned by employees on and after the date of their acceptance of the Act, up to and including June 30, 193 ........
Clerical and office payroll, not exposed to any operating hazard of the business, is reported as "Clerical."
Month (‘lI·rlc;ll (lcneral C(>I.=]. TUV, 1
9 I~l'7I we `I ***18 Ive EBU 1I.I‘% I‘IU ll`; oi.] I 77 I I I I
July .............................. -, 193.7... $ ......... if ,...,, I..;... $.i7.T?.P..i‘._‘ ___.__ ' I ____.. $ ____.... F .i_,,.. ZT..I_i .,.. $ ..,,.. ’ ...! ........ ?.I ...... $ .................,., I ..,... $ ...l...........__i__ _ _,__, 5 __,_,_,_____________ I ______ 5 __________________,_ I ______
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August ________i__._.____.____.._, ism ____,_ $...¥1Q.!..I%&ifIII..I’I.? $.;i%.a..t?..Tt’ .,,I zi?. $..€“I?.?...I..I.I..'...TIT $.;}}i.%..f ......   It .................... I ...... $ .................... I .,..., 5 _,________________,_ I ______ $ __________________,_ I ,_____
‘*· g, »· I III? `Itl ·..c; I¤·iI I .,¤`,;'I I¥'»· "r=I`   < 'YJ; I I I I
September ._..__........_,_,, 193 _.____ $...:Ir.i?r..;;!.·...TI...:19 $:;E:.&f:f.t‘.t .,,, Ifiiii   $tI.`.,.fI.?.}?.I5.TI,I.3.. $ ,.,................. I ...... $ ,,,..........,....., I ...... $ ___,___,_________,__ I ______ 5 ____________________·______
October ,._l......__....._.._._., 193 ......         $ .................... I ...... $ .......t..ii.,.,..t. I t...., 3 ,,_,,_______,_______ I ______ 5 ____________________   _____
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Novémber .................... , 193 ,...., $...f.T1.i.ZI..iT2I..T¥..‘ $3 .... ?.j;I.i.1i ...* YI ....   ...._ j?.?...i2 ..,. I .... TI $ ........, I .,... I .... I ...... S ..................l. I ...i.. $ »................... I ,..... $ ..,_..,._,,,____._,_ I _____, $ _A____A__,_,_____,.. I .,__,_
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December ...................., 193 ...... $...{‘.Y.i.“.Z$5ZI..iI.tI   $t.Z?.f(.!jIII._T..‘.`ifI.I   $ ...............l,.., I _,..,. $ ................,,.. , ,.... It ,,_______,______,___   __,___ 3 ______________,_____   ______
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January ...........i............ , 193{L.     _,,, ifjj ____ I ___... $..Y.I..? __,i j.l;i_.Ij _.... is ..l...... ¥ ...I .....__ I..Q... $ .l.................. I. .,... $ ....l.,..........,., I ..___, 3 ,_______________,__, I ______ 5 ____________________   ___,__
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February ................r..., 193 ...... $...?Ii..2.iI ...... I .... `.. $.?iYi.?...I ........I......   ....l... ?...I ....... If., $...TIff.?.T.’.Tf`I;1.I.fIIJ Il ......,...........,. I ...... it ...,..............t. I ...... 5 ...,______,_______,_ I _,_,,_ 3 ____________________ I ,_____
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MHFCII ..................1....... , 193 ,..... $ ..,...... £..?...TI.I ...... $ ...,... E ..l........ I ..,... $ .i...i.. P ......t.... I e,.... $...TI..I.?..i ....,__ I .... I $ ...............».... . ..... $ ........,,........., . ..... $ ___,....____________ I _____, 5 ____________________‘______
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April ........,...........i......., 100 t..... $...:Et;iz.i·%.$?&%I..i.:’ $.;I;‘.·._g.:iE;’_;;%_.Iii?. $.:.Ttf.e.. ‘_I_ i;iT?.Ik?§ :5 ,..i I .$f.r.?.E€ ,·_’_ ?,I..:I?III   ....,....,...,.....t I ,_.... sa ........,......_..., I _._.., 5 ____________________ I _,_,__ 5 ____________________ I__,
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May --....<-...................... , 193 ...... $...fTZ.’.LT.'.T.?.fI..FI.TI' $.r:&;.,1.i:.;:’...I.1.E?. $..9.;..2.;;.rIt ....   $..E::’?.! ....   $ ..,................t I .,.... $ ....................~...... $ ___,,._,________,___ I ______ 3 ____________________ I ______
June ....,......................l.. ,10:1 ...... $ i.....   $.;I:·.·}.;.‘:EJI;€—? $..}r.?.a.j.f.~.i;'§..IEr.?     ....1t...........1.. I 1..... II t...1........_...,., I ttl_.. sr ____________t_______ I ______ e __,________,________  
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. . >;&3IzI·» day of   Ry ez
Signed this ,....,.........,.,,..l.... fl .,.... it ,........ v ......._________ Eh; ___________,________________________________________ y l93_‘j _____
‘ ......... I .-..—...· é T., ._.,,. le; ___,   ____ L }   ~Y`F·I·<`       
tliinployer) U  
.   - _, [ r*»o;i»;s .1u<..;tc-z-
Snhsm-Ibod and sworn to by ,___,_,,.,,,...,......   ,___   ___,___,__,,,,_______,__,___________,__,,, , before me a Notary Public in and for the County of __,_______ fi _______ _ ____A_______________________________ _ ___________
St[{`[Q   __,,,,,.@'Z§?.’E¥§.E{`.€.}€({y. .·.··-· · -··----·· · ······—··· - ···- ··· --—··----—·---·---- · ·--···-·· · -··-·-·· •
· Witness my hand and seal this the ........... iIII.I;I}.{I ....................., day of ....._....................   ................................................................................................... { .r.. ., ]93.§].
~l A ` - L r
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’ / _,¢*
II   .n 1.1*
Notary Public .......................,.. ' ..L l....   ............................................... Co., ............   ...........................
` _ Imc. 'F, ak F3.
· My commission expires ..l.....................................................................................,...............................................................................,.............................
, NOTE.——Individnal reports for separate operations or businesses of same employer may be filed if desired.
In case a fair estimate of prospective expenditure for next twelve months cannot be taken from average expenditures to date, as shown above, please explain and fur-
nish new estimate.