xt7kpr7mq26c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7kpr7mq26c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1880089 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-08-jun9-ku. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1880-08-jun9-ku. 1880 2011 true xt7kpr7mq26c section xt7kpr7mq26c 



Wlill Mitchell
Jno. B. Willace.
Ino. L. Cassell
Jas. L. Neale
W. T. W.Jithers


Jno. Shackelford.


Report called
  for on the

  of Bonds

the endow-
ment Fund
can be
for paying

      On motion of the subject of the salaries be referred to the executive

      On motion of T. U-. Kaird the executive Committee be requested to
make a report upon the whole financial condition of the Kentucky Uni-
versity adopted.

      On motion of Curator Munnell that a Committee be appointed to
this Board the propriety of issuing Bonds and funding the debt of the
University at a lower rate of interest adopted.

      'When D. S. Goodloe, Will Mitchell and Thomas Munnell were appointed

      Curator dithers offered the following
Resolved that a Committee of three be appointed to examine the Charter
and ascertain and report to the Board whether the Board of Curators can
use or borrow the endowment fund or any part of it for the purpose of
paying  off the indebtness of the University to the Northern Bank
secured by mortgage on the Ashland and Woodland estate.

      'Which resolution was adopted andl Withers, Bishop and Kinnaird
were adopted.

Adjourned until tomorrow morning 9 o'clock.

                          Wednesday Liorning, June 9th.

Session of
June 8th,
Exec. Com.
adopted in

Leave of
granted to

fee reduced.

       The Board met pursuant to adjournment after prayer by Elder Munnell
       Minutes read and corrected as follows that Curator Withers moved
 that the last meeting of the executive Committee be now adopted which
 motion was adopted.

       The Minutes were then approved.

       Curator Tibbs offered the following resolution

       Resolved that Professor A. R. Milligan be granted leave of absence
during the early part of the next session of the University to complete
his trip to Europe on condition that his place be supplied at his expense
with the concurrence of the Executive Committee - adopted.

       On motion of Curator Munnell the matriculation fee be reduced
to ten dollars.
                    Which motion was adopted.

417. (Contd.)



Curator Crenshaw offered the following resolution.

use of the
for the
Bible College.


         Resolved that whereas the Board of Trustees of the Bible
College at its annual session in 1880, passed a resolution requir-
ing the Chairman of the board and the President of the Bible College
requestof the Curators of Kentucky University the exclusive use of
the Dormitory.

        Therefore resolved that the exclusive use of the dormitory
be referred to the executive Committee of Kentucky University.

                            Jhich was adopted.

Curator Gano offered the following:

of Bible
College and

to A. & X$.

Report of
Com. on   (420)

        Resolved that a committee of three be appointed to confer
with the faculty of the Bible College upon the practicability of
consolidation of the Bible College with the University and to report
to the next annual meeting.

                           Which was laid on the table.

      Curator Kinnaird now moved that an invitation be extended to
the Faculty and authorities of A. & M. College be invited to attend
the Commencement exercises of this University tomorrow morning.

                           WThich was adopted.

      Adjourned until 2 o'clock so as to allow the Board of Curators
an appointment to attend the commencement exercises of the A. & M.

                          Wednesday Afternoon 2 O'clock the Board
met pursuance to adjournment.

      The minutes of the forenoon meeting read and approved.

      The Committee appointed to examine the Charter and see and
report whether the Board can use the endowment fund to pay its debts
made the following report

      Your Comnittee on issuing bonds and funding our debt beg leave
to report;
          That having met and earnestly considered this matter, in our
judgement it will be easier to borrow the money at six per cent, by
mortgaging the estate of Ashland and Woodlands, and pay off the debt
now drawing 8 per cent than to sell the bonds if issued.

                             V-le therefore recommend that the executive
Committee be directed to give their earliest attention to this business
and reduce the present interest as soon as possible.
                                           Horace Miller
                                           Will Mitchell
Which report was adopted.                  Jno. L. Cassell.



  Report' of
  Com. as to
use of the
fund to pay

with regard
to consolidat-
ing Bible
College and
Ky. University.

the Bible
College of
KY. University.

J .L.Stockdell.

Degree of A.B.

Diplomas in


number of

Election of
Officers of
the Board.

     The Committee appointed to examine the Charter and ascertain
and report whether under its provisions the board has power to
use or borrow the endowment fund to pay off the debts due the North-
ern Bank of Kentucky beg leave to report.

     Irhich report was received and laid on the table.

     Mr. Cassell now moved that the resolution of Curator Gano be now
taken from the table and amend so as to require the Committee to re-
port at this meeting of the board. U'Ihich was adopted.

     Curator Tibbs now moved to amend the resolution of Curator Gano
so as to read the governing Board of the Bible College.
     Curator/now moved the following
                                     Resolved that the executive Com-
mittee of Kentucky University be and are hereby instructed to revive
at their discretion The Bible College of Kentucky University and appoint
Professors to the different chairs thereof and make such engagements
with said professors as the interest of University may in their judge-
ments may require.
                   M6otion to lay this resolution on the table which
was adopted.

    J. L. Stockdell was elected as a Curator of the University.

    President White now reported for the degree of Bachelor of Arts be
conferred on Clifton R. Thompson of Dresden, Missouri which was adopted.

   The faculty of the Commrercial College having recommended that the
diplomas of this College be granted the following young gentlemen
who have completed their course of study on motion this was adopted
see below.

   Curator Ricketts offered his resignation as Curator of this Uni-
versity which after being protested against by several curators was

   Curator 14cdichael moved the following
                                         iResolved that no more
vacancies in the board of Curators be filled until the number is re-
duced to the minimum prescribed by the Charter.
                                            WJhich was adopted.

   Curator Steele from the Committee on Nominations made the follow-
ing nominations

    For President - Ino. S. Sweeney
    For Secretary - A. A. Barnes
         Treasurer - H. W. [Ljhite
    Executive Committee
                     W. T. Withers, Chairman
                     VI. E. Rogers,
                     J. L. Stockdell
                     W. T. Tibbs
                     Andrew Steele



    All of which were unanimously elected. Curator Withers moved the
seats of the following Curators be declared vacant they having failed
to attend for two consecutive meetings of this Board Jno. B. Bowman,
A. G. Herndon, J. P. Tarbitt, Enos Campbell, R. L. Wihite,which was

Prof. Neville
Tibbs and
Gano tender
Claim of Prof.

    Professor Neville tendered his resignation as professor in Ky.
              Wdhich resignation was accepted Curators Tibbs and Gano
were tendered their resignations as Curators of this University which
resignations the board declined to accept.

    Curator Ricketts moved that the claim of J. D. Pickett for three
hundred dollars after balance of salary claimed to be due by him be
ordered to be paid by the Treasurer.
                                      Claim rejected.

Curator Mbnnell moved the following

Prof .

Curator T. F.
Fisk and Crnp.
Aug. Williams

         Whereas Professor J. H. N'eville has so long and so efficiently
discharged the duties of his chair in Kentucky University and has mani-
fested abilities as linguist and rare, we feel it due to ourselves and
to him to recognise his eminent ability and services in this institu-
tion these one and twenty years and on his move from our employ to ac-
cept an honorable position in the State College we part with him with
none but the highest sentiments of confidence and respect and wish him
an equal and still greater success there than he has had with us.
                                Unanimously adopted
                                             W1. T. Tibbs Pres. Pro ter

    Letters were presented from J. F. Fisk and J. Aug. Williams giving
their reasons for non attendance at the present meetings and they were

Seats of