Best Copy Available





















SEPTEMBER 25, 1925


Don't Miss It



Press Box In

Journalists To See Educational
Newspaper Film on Campus

Stadium Will
Be Protected

The Picture Service Corporation of
New York City hat offered its splendid film depicting the making of a
newspaper and setting out in detail
the days work in a metropolitan
newspaper office to the department of
journalism free. The offer has been
accepted and the picture will be given
at a convenient time in later October
or early November in Dicker Hall,
using the movie device which belongs
to the Engineering College. Students
in journalism, local newspaper men
and others interested will be invited
to witness the film. This service is
being given to the students without

Several New Buildings, Roads
Widened and Curbed Mark
Work of Maury Crutcher
During Summer

Asks Aid of Students
New Addition to Patterson Hall,
Girls Dormitory, Nearly




When the game starts Saturday the
press box will have a top over it.
Heretofore sport reporters have been
forced to face the elements while

they recorded the games; but, through
the solicitation of tho SuKy Circle,
they will have the protection they deserve this season.
The Louisville Courier Journal and
Times, Lexington Herald, Lexington
Leader, and the Kernel donated funds
for the new top to supplement the
SuKy Circle's money. S. A. ((Daddy)
Boles, university athletic director,
says that the work is being done by
the Southern Tent and Awning Company and wants to assure reporters
that "they have gone unprotected for
the last time in the Stoll Field stadium."

While 'the numerous students have cost.
h been spending their vacations at hme
anui' a
traveling aruumii ii. ' Maurice J. Crutcher, superintendent of
buildings and grounds, lias been veiy

busy during the entire summer, cleaning and rennovating the cacmpus and
buildings for the opening of the fall
term. Many new changes have been
made and all to the advantage of the
student and serve to make Kentucky
a better university.
With the campus and buildings of
this university in such excellent condition as they are at the present, every
student should consider it his duty to
assist in keeping it so and making it
one of the most attractive in the country. As our university is located in
the heart of the Blue Grass region,
the "Garden Spot" of the world, and
with the topographical, features in our
mterest of all alumni of the Univer-favowhy should this not be the



At the close of school, work immediately started and we now posses one
of the most beautiful universities in
the country. The main entrance to
the university has been widened from
the small width of 12 feet to 26. The
large stone piers, which mark each
side of the gate entrance have been
reset and made considerably taller.
On each side of the main driveways
2,500 feet of curbing has been built.
Some changes in the system of driveways, parking and the like has been

Women's Pan Hellenic Associa
tion Lays Down Pledging of
Frshmen Regulations in
"Advice to New Girls"

Include 12 Societies
Rules governing sororities as to the
rushing and pledging of freshman
girls have been announced by the
Pan Hellenic Association
in its "Advice to New Girls." The
purpose of this is to bring about a bet
ter understanding between the new
girls and sorority women.
There are nine national and three
local Greek letter fraternities on the
campus of the University of Ken
They are as follows:
Alpha Delta Theta.
Alpha Gamma Delta.
Alpha Xi Delta

(Continued on Page Three)

Dean of College of Agriculture
Begins Work in Washington
As Chief of U. S. Bureau
Agricultural Economics

Return Each Month
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the College of Agriculture, left last Wednesday for Washington actively to assume his new position as chief of the
United States bureau of agricultural
Dean Cooper was granteconomics.
ed leave of absence by the board of
trustees not to exceed nine months,
during which time he will return to
the University of Kentucky once a
month to spend a few days at his office in the Experiment Station and to
direct the affairs of the College of Agriculture.
Dean Cooper was appointed to the
nffinn of chief of the bureau of agri
cultural economics by Secretary of
Agriculture Jardine following the secretary's request that Dr. H. C. Taylor
resign. This bureau is considered one
of the most important in the department pmnlnvinc 2.000 nersons. includ
ing a field force scattered throughout
the United States. This will not be
Dean Cooper's first experience with
the department of agriculture as he
vfnrmorlv wns an aeent in the bureau
of' statistics and was director of the
North Dakota Agricultural Expen
ment Station.
Dunne Dean Cooper's absence T.
It, Bryant, now assistant director in
the extension department, will handle
much of the Experiment Station work
and Prof. George Roberts, now as
sistant dean of the College of Agri
culture, will act as head of the insti

Back the Kernel
Students Should Mention Paper
to Merchants When Shopping

The business manager of the Ker
nel wishes to make an appeal to the
of Ken- cttwlnn a nf Vm TTnivprSltV
tucky to support the Kernel and its
program of development by their patronage of the business firms whose
ndvorfisiiiL' nnnears in the columns of
this paper. It is only through tho
medium of advertising that tho Kernel has been able to achieve the place
it now holds among tho college papers
Tho Lexington merof the South.
chants aro expressing faith in tho
pnliimns of tho Kernel and are the fi
nancial backers of tho paper. When
vnn buv. mention the Kernel, and you taking a part iri the growth





Capt. "Ab" Kirwan

Wildcat Special of 15 Coaches Will
Carry Rooters to Chicago Game and
Back for Only $13.66 on October 3

Hey! Want to go to go to Chicago
with the Wildcats, October 3? All
you need is $13.66 The Southern is
going to run a "Wildcat Special" for
the benefit of the students who wish
to accompany the team and if you
haven't got thiB small amount, bor
row it and let s go.
Chi Omega
The announcement in regard to the
Delta Delta Delta
"WildcatSpecial" was made by H. C.
Delta Zeta
King, district passenger agent of the
Kappa Delta
Southern Railway System.which will
Kappa Kappa Gamma
operate the train from Lexington tc
Zeta Tau Alpha
the Windy City. The train, which
will be composed of 15 coaches, includ
Omega Rho
ing two compartment sleeping ears,
Sigma Beta
ten standard pullmans, two day
Theta Sigma Xi
coaches and a baggage car, will leave
These fraternities are governed by Lexington Friday, Oct. 2, at 6:45 p.
Council composed of m.
and arrive in Chicago Oct. 3, at
two representatives from each frater 7 a. m. Returning, the special will
leave Chicago Oct. 3, at 11::4:0 p. .
Rules Enumerated
and arrive in Lexington Oct. 4, at
1. No girl shall be bid to a fra about 9 a. m. Many fans are planning
ternity unless she has fulfilled entrance requirements.
2. She shall be matriculated in the
university as a regular student.
3. She shall be taking work equiv
alent to or more than 14 credit hours.
Bid day is the second Thursday

to make the trip and the best equipment everprovided for a football special from Kentucky has been secured.
The special will go to the Twelfth
street station at Chicago but a stop
will be made at Sixty-thir- d
only a few blocks from Stagg field,
to allow fans to go direct to the stadium of University campus. A special
round trip rate of $13.66 has been secured for the trip. According to present indications one of ,the..largast
crowds evar o leawe, . Lpjcingtcin i or"
an event jatj uch'.a distance will be
on board the "Wildcat Special." .Ar.
you going. to b.omio'therii7
It is. expected". that 'the university
band, which was proclaimed idicbest
college band in ttoesc"uth.Myheti it 'Accompanied the 'football team 'to Knbx-vill- e
and Atlanta will go to Chicago
and many celebrations are planned
for the morning and evening in the
Windy City in addition to the big
battle in the afternoon



after school opens.
The two days of registration, Mon- (Continued on Page Three)


G. C. Knight'
Edits New Book

Instructor in English at U. of K.
To Publish "Readings From
The American Mercury"

Another book to bear upon its title
page the name of a professor in the
University of Kentucky will soon appear in Readings from the American
Mercury, edited by Grant C. Knight.
The volume, published by Knopf, is
to be a collection of representative
essays culled from the files of the
American Mercury and meant to
serve as collateral material for
courses in advanced composition and
essay writing.
The choosing of Professor Knight
for this work indicates that our English department, recognized as among
the best in the South, has attracted
the attention of H. L. Mencken who,
as everyone knows, is not overly
friendly to pedagogues.
This will be Professor Knight's
second book to appear in 1925; the
first, Superlatives, also published by
Knopf, has been widely read, and re
viewed in the Book Reviews of the
New York Times, The New York Sun,
The Saturday Review The Chicago
Tribune, The Boston Transcript, The
Christian Science Monitor, and other
papers of critical authority.

National Fraternity on Scholar
ship Established on Campus;
Is First Chapter Granted
in Kentucky

U. of K. Band Will
Step Out Tomorrow
35 Members Have Been Practicing Since Sptember 14,

Be Enleraained by Kentucky Societyxof Chicago
After Game

The University of Kentucky Band
will be as fit tomorrow to take its
place on Stoll Field as will Captain
Thirty-fiv- e
Kirwan's Wildcats.

McVey Is Member
The University of Kentucky was
granted a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa,
the national fraternity on scholarship,
at the triennial meeting of the na
tional organization held in New York
on September 8. A local association
has been in existence at the univerf
sity for the past three years, and
this association petitioned the nai
tional senate, known as the United
Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa.
This is the first chapter to be.
granted in Kentucky, although there
are five other chapters in the south,
including Texas, Vanderbilt, Virginia
and Alabama.
vt. uianviue xerriu was roe Kentucky representative at the meeting
held in ew York, and it was through
him that word was received in tae
president's office that Kentucky was
the sixth college in the southern dis
trict to receive this honor.
(Continued on Page 14)

"Big'" Dinner Planned

The Kentucky Society of Chicago,
composed of graduates of the University of Kentucky and former residents of Kentucky, is planning to give
an unprecedented welcome to the
Kentucky Wildcats and their specia
train of rooters when they pull into
the Windy City for the game with
Coach A. A. Stagg's Maroons on October 3.
The following letter has been re
ceived from T. W. Vinson, secretary
of tho society, which is a good reason
why every loyal Blue and White follower should make his arrangements
to hit the rattler for Chicago "on the

This issue of the Kernel, which
September 2 Maryville at Lexconsists of 16 pages, and whkh was
put out mostly by the work of oaly
3 ChUaf o at Chicago.
five students, was made posalblt only
October 10 Lexingthrough the many improvements
which were made in the mechaaloal,
aad Lee
October 17 WnMwgt
editorial and business department- '
the paper during the summer ninths.
at Lexington.
October 24 Sewaaef at LexingThe paper row owns a complete printing plant and in the future, will be
October 31 Ceatre at Danville.
published oa the campus.
7 Alabama at
the first time, the
Last year,
Kernel was set oa its own linotype
14 V.
If. I. , at machiM but was printed at a Weal
MtablUhMent dowjjawn
November W Teiaessee at Lexvery Thursday Bight. The Uttoua- ' tlen of a'tywtyp
ington (homecomiaf ).
jaaehlae Mirfced ft



and Attend Football
Games En Masse


(Continued on Page Three)

Know Yells, Songs
On Wednesday morning along with
the opening of school, all freshmen
rules went into effect. Since that
time the university campus has been
liberally sprinkled with blue and white
caps, freshmen have abandoned their
seats at the head of boarding house
tables to upper classmen and have
assumed an attitude of courtesy toward upper classmen befitting their
Tn order that freshmen may know rules thov must abide by. the
Student Council has published n list of
such rules which are as lolows:
(1). Freshmen must at all times
wpnr the adonted can.
f 2. Freshmen must attend all foot
ball games en masse without dates,
and attend all pep meetings.
(3). Freshmen must know school
snrifs mid veils for hrst trnme.
(4) . All freshmen must take part

(8). Freshmen must not cut classea
(Continued on Page Three)



plete printing plant online, ca'inm'is,'!
October a Eastern Stttto
av we ena ox wie lust session, vuu
School for Teachers at
business department, with tliavi'ui of
Prof. Enoch Grehan, under .'whqso f
.'Octobor 30 Georgetown College
guidance me paper nan progrcsseu so
rapidly, decided that the Kernel was
Freshmen at Georgetown.
in such financial condition as to warCollege
14 Butler
rant the purchasing of a press, with Freshmen at Loxington.
other equipment necessary to comUniversity of
plete a mechanical department. After
Tennessee Freshmen at Knoxvillo.
du consideration, it was decided to
28 Centre College
buy the press which was installed in
the basement of the Science building, Freshmen at Loxington.
By ruling of tho Southern Con
In the
ame room whero the linoferenco the Freshmen aro only al
type machine is situated, about the
lowed to play five games in ono sea
first of September. Along with tho







on Page 14)

Board of Trustees
Hold First Meeting
John Skain Elected Treasurer of
University to Take Place of
W. A. McDowell, Deceased
The board of trustees of the Uni-ersiof Kentucky met in regular
quarterly session Wednesday at noon
in the president's oft ice at the uni

The followiner members were pres
ent: Judge Stoll, Messrs. Rhoads, Gor
don, Bassett, Lebus, Ingels, benator
Froman, Hillenmeyer, Turner, Grady
and McKee.
Amonir the important matters of
business transacted the following day
be noted: John Skain, a member of
the executive committee of the Phoenix and Third National Bank, was
elected treasurer of tho university to
like the place of W. A. McDowell,
A committee consisting of Messrs.

on Page 14)

Frosh Bibl&ts Out



".' ... '

nf n nrnvlni.ltnl V
end of the regu



' '...';

at the



these men reported to Sergeant Kennedy on September 14, and for the
past two 5 weeks they have been rehearsing morning and afternoon. The
boys are showing great enthusiasm
and interest in the band this year and
Sergeant Kennedy is quite gratified at
the result of the past two weeks
The band room, on the third floor
of the armory, has been
this summer by the boys who were in
Lexington under the supervision of
Sergeant Kennedy. New lockers have
been installed and each man will
have his own locker for his instru
ment and music. The walls have been
tinted cream with harmonizing cur
tains, and the cheery atmosphere has
been an added source of inspiration
in tho
to the musicians.
(5) . Freshmen aro not allowed to
Saturday when the bugle is sounded
when an
for the first battle of the season on sit at. the head of any table
Stoll Field, the Kentucky, Wildcats iikimii nlnaemnn is can carry canes,
fn. Onlv seniors
will be led by the South's best band.
wear corduroy trousers, "derby hats,
nr irow moustaches.
(7). No ono is permitted' to wear a
high school letter or similar ensignia
University of
whiln iittendinc tho

IsSUe Consists Of

WifVi nn m.vnlliYinnt

2,106 students

lar registration period Tuesday night
the University of Kentucky opened
probably the greatest year in its his- ory Wednesday morning.
For tho nast week virtually every
passenger train or bus which has
nnllpfl into Lexintrton
hns carried
young men and women from every sec
tion of the state, coming to enter the
fall term.
Advntipo recistration was held on
last Thursday, Friday and Saturday
in an effort to eliminate the rush
which usually occurs durinir the two
regular registration days and to aid
the professors in having a full at"The Kentucky Society of Chicago tendance on the first day of their
is composed of a group of very ag- classes which heretofore has been only
gressive business men who formerly partial because all of the students
resided in Kentucky. We have a num- were not able to classify in the two
ber of meetings each year to try to days.
keep alive the old Kentucky fraternal
The first two days of tho advance
Ithas been of tremendous registration on Thursday, which was
value to us from a business, as well held primarily for the football men,
as a fraternal, standpoint.
members of the University It. O. T.
"The Kentucky State University C. "band and students living in Lex
football team is to play Chicago Uni- ington, brought 375 students through
versity on Octobr 3, and the Ken- the
line. On Friday aft- tucky Society of Chicago proposes to prnnon H70 more students registered.
organize and do everything possible The total registration at the close of
We the third day s registration was
to help Kentucky lick Chicago.
have reserved a block of twelve hunThe retrular registration at the
Kentucky friends university began Monday morning in
dred seats for our
may wish to attend the game the lower hall of the Administration
and for all former Kentuckians who building and continued all day. Six
.now live in, Chicago.
were registered
hundred and fifty-fiv- e
"We are also to give our big An- on Monday and on Tuesday 550 more
igned the book oi the registrar.
nual Dinner, with appropriate enterLargest Enrollment in History
tainment on the evening of October 3,
This, is the lnreest enrollment in
fo'iowing the football game, to which
our Kentucky visitors will be invited the history of the university and the
as our guests. We are anxious to problem of housing all of the stuhave every former Kentuckian who dents is becoming a serious one. In
spite of the fact that extra workmen
were employed to help rush the com(Continued on Page 14)
pletion of the new girls' dormitory
Hall, students
ml minim? Patterson
will not be able to move into the new
building just at present. They will
will be made for them at Smith and
wil be made for them at Smith and
Patterson halls until the new dormitory is completed, which will not be
First Year Men Must Wear later than several days.
Adopted Caps at All Times
Miss Virginia Franke, of New



Classes Are Started

tion Period of Five Days

Housing Students
Contest Will Be Broadcasted by Problem of
Becomes Serious ; New DormiRadio From Three Illinois
tory for Girls Uncompleted

Kentucky Kernel Installs New Pressfy,
Now Has Its Complete Printing


Greatest Year in History of
Institution After Registra-

Band Room Redecorated



University Opens Probably
Fnns Who Go to Chicago WiP

M. C. A. Publishes 1800
Copies of 1925 Handbook

On Monday tho Y. M. and Y. W.
more popjilarly
A. handbooks,
Bibles" jiiade
known as "Freshman
npponranco on tho campus1 and
distributed to the student body
of the university. Eighteen hundred
handbooks were printed and distrib-


uted this year.
Frank K. Hoover is the editor and
Johiv Owon the business manager of
this year's "Bible," which contains in
articles by
addition to welcoming
Prosidont McVey and the "V" presidents, suggestions for freshmen, university songs and facts, and a complete diary for the scholastic yoa'
One hundred and ilft
four pages in all comprise the book.
This was the first year that the
handbook was printed in Lexingtui,
J. M. Burns being the printer. It' is
also a noteworthy fact that this year
the handbooks wero out on time.


