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Ru mond F. Betts it is the ma`or mark of individual life: a and wonder — that is the wa I read
(left) und John R. decade. During this last decade, I have the brief message. I pressed the "quit"
Gaines ure seoted in been rivile ed t0 serve as director of ke on our e-mail s stem. I onl “ uit” I
front of members of the Gaines Center. I have delighted in ; the message, not the question. "\/Vhat
the Fellowship pro- assisting with curricular development. I l do you think?” she had electronically
rum during the first have been leased with the well- , in uired. I am still thinkin about it.
9 P , Q S
presentotion of designed growth of our physical space.I ' Anyone concerned with form, with
srorves in 1986. The have enjoyed interviewing students for l memory, with value should continue to l
srorves signify rom- our fellowships and discussing our pro- r think about such a question. Anyone .
pletion of the grams with faculty. None of these fulfill- y concerned with study of the humanities I
pro r¤m. in and worthwhile activities has should. Housed within the three build- i
9 S .
matched, however, that exceptional   ings ofthe Gaines Center for the
quality of intellectual engagement that Humanites are such thoughts and such
comes from discussion with bright stu- concerns. They have been for IO years
dents seeking meaning.   now, and they will be   l
Not too long ago, one of ourjunior l for the many decades  U lil
Fellows sent me an electronic mail mes- l that will follow this,
sage. The illuminated screen bore the y the very first one.
— · l .4_ll
words: “l have discovered the many     l
nreanin s ofthe word ‘kin.’ It is a beau- I Raz mend F. Betts is the ounder and
tiful word. What do you think?” Simple directo r 0f the Gaines Center for l
and direct, sincere and anxious, inquis- ] Humrznities. He is the 0nZy director in
itive and alert. expressive of concern l the center’s 10g/ear history.
lll livrrrrivkv .\lumuus $tm1mer]Q94