Upon motion said report was received and filed.

     It was moved that the salary of the librarian, Miss Margaret King, be fixed at

V75.00 per month, begimning as of September 1st, 1912, all of which is to be paid oat of

the Library Fund, which motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

     A commmnication from the Pan-Hallenic Council was received and referred to

President Barker, to take such course as he should think proper.

     Mlotion was made, seconded, and unanimously carried that the Business Agent and

the Auditor make up a Budget for the Sinner School and report it at the next meeting

-of the Executive Committee.

     not0ion was Hade, seconded, and unanimously carried that Mr. Younger Alexander be

elected Treasurer of the University until his successor is chosen by the Board of

Trustees provided he executes a bond similar to that executed by the late Waller Rodes,

Treasurer of the University, and complies with all the terms and conditions of the law-

relative to such Treasurer; and the President of the University is authorized upon the

compliance with such terms to notify Mr. Alexander of his appointment.

    President Barker reported to the Executive Committee that he had appointed Iywel

Davies as a delegate to represent State University in the American Mining Congress for

the express purpose of cooperating and aiding the passage of the Federal Mining Bill,

which proposes to appropriate i?5,000.00 to the assistance of the Mining School of the

State University; this bill further proposes to increase this sum $5,000.00 per anmum

until the amount reaches $25,000.00.

December 10, 1912