E Clark, of Kentucky VVesleyan; judge Charles Kerr, Desha Breckinridge, Pro-
fessor F. Patil Anderson, Dr. Glanville Terrell and Dr. \/Vilkinson. 1
I  . Dr. \\’iley’s talk briefly handled the question of education today and he ex-
Zl pressed a regret that the large colleges and universities are placing such em- L l
A r phasis on technique and leaving such little stress on the human and altruistic
2 ° side of the youthful training. He lamented the fact that the aim of the educator
l . and the student seems to be to make a living, to amass wealth or to acquire fame,
)_ _ altogether forgetting the bigger and broader side of the work for the benefit
__ i Of mankind, of the state and nation and for future generations,
Qi  » Dig \/Viley, who has been for many years a brilliant light in the stellar world y ‘ A
C · of scientists, has offered his time and labor and the accomplishments of his brain ·
al  N {Oi- the betterment of the American people. He is better prepared to advise and   -
_ to warn the American people of the dangers of training young people in the lines Z
— of skill and efficiency alone, than any other one man. His observations are com— l
° pelling and his word an authority on any subject. {
  The other speakers for the luncheon were happy in their remarks, many of  
lk  ( which touched lightly on education in the State. Dr. Terrell alone made a formal l
ll` 1 but brief talk on George \\’ashington and the American idea of patriotism. Pres-  
lc   ident Barker presided at the luncheon, which was attended by about 100 guests  
Q and was one of the most enjoyable in which the faculty of the University have . l
if  T joined tl1is year. i
,;_ : Br Puor. A. M. BTILLICR. ‘
ite 2 ARTICLE VIII, (Axim Lasr.) . {
_ “ Stcixsox or IQOQ-IQIO. {
N  - orrlctiks or rut; .\ssoc1.vr10N; j
1:.  V Faculty Committee; A. M. Miller, Chairman; P. \\’. Corbnsier, Secretary; >
ter L- H. E. Curtis, Treasurer; A. M. \\’ilson, A. C. Zembrod, \\”. li. Rowe. i
zre Q Student Organization: Ben Logan, President; B. D. \\’illiams, \'ice—Presi-  
se.   dent; E. B. \’\’ebb, Secretary.  
tp- f Members of Student Committee: E. B. \Vebb, _T. T. Gower, F. T. Miles, g
is  f W. L. Getton.   `
ug V Managers: R. A. Lowry, Football; _l. H. Hall, Baseball; L. C. Bridges, 3
THF  l Nlctfs Basketball; Alice Cary \\iilIi;uns, Girl`s Basketball; _l. S. Garvin, Track.
itlt i Captains: R. C. Barbee, Football; QI. B. Giltner, Baseball; \\`. \\’. Rodes,
nid  . Heirs Basketball; Bessie Hayden, Girl`s Basketball; P. L. Threlkcld, Track. l
me  L FOi)'l`Ii;\].I., Fart, or tooo. ‘  
qi  , M1'. E. R. Sweetland, of Cornell, and during the previous year coach at  
nid C0l¥?ll0, had been secured as coach of the football tcélm. l ·  
ere  a it was with considerable reluctance that I yielded to lllC·\\'lSll(‘S`Ol the other i
I  q mCmh€FS Of the C0mmittee_ and what appeared t0 be the wishes Ol the Fl\1