‘ tral state horticultural societies. in 24-quart crates per acre of second .
Fruit growers and Experiment Sta- year plots at the Western Kentucky i
tion workers were there from Mis- Experiment Substation at Princeton . ,
souri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and of first year plots at the main
Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Experiment Station at Lexington:
· Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, s
Illinoisi Michiganillndianafand Ollie 1943 Strawberry Yields I
as wel as aut orities rom tie . _ i
United·.States Department of Agri- - m Crateb Per Acre `
culture and many representatives  #j4?_p——-jira; 1
from nurseries, fruit machinery, in- Prince- Lexing—  .
secticide, fungicide, and basket pro- virrieir {rmi Wi -
ducing companies. There was a '   Qjlr  Y
serious tone to all the discussions and imrveetl (llglrvggsi  
much information was brought to *“""d’”‘?‘T_“" i
light on important wartime fruit Teiiiiessee Sliippermi 196 l 274  i
v1·¤d¤¢¤<>¤ pl`Ob1€mS· Tennessee Beauty ,,..., l 257 E 255  i
Kentucky fruit growers in attend- Teririessee Supreme__i 257 l 25l
ance were Mr. Frederick Beyer of Fairfax ____ ____   _< _____e t 248 .
Paducah who represented Kentucky Catskill ` K       _· ______ l 2.il K
in the very important codling moth Blakemore ````       192 i 130 `
discussion; Mr. Thomas Hamilton of Aroma `'ii`' " `l lol i ___i  i
Mayfield, and Mr. and Mrs. William premier. `'```'``-``'A```''`--`'` l _ i "gq  —
Fegenbush of Buechel, in Jefferson ``````'```'i`'``’i`'`` l ````' g  ,
county. PI`Of€SSOI`     Oll"l€y, Head  ;  ,
of the Horticulture Department,  <
University of Kentucky, represented It is iriteresliiig to note that al
Kentucky in the peach variety dis- Lexington, with first year berries.  s
e¤SS1<>¤S-_ Mr W- W- Magill reperted the three Tennessee varieties, closely »
OU the 1mPQ1't3¤t StY3Wb€YYY W_Ol`k followed by Catskill and Fairfax. I
bemg deae m K€¤tuckY In variety yielded considerably more than
testing. mulehmgi and renovation ef Blakemore and Premier, the two  ‘
Old Patches- _ThiS _W3S the f€8tUI`€ main varieties in that section. It is _
SYF3Wb€1‘1`Y d¤S¢¤SS10¤ ef the €0¤· also interesting to note that at  ’_
f€1‘€¤€€- TNS K€¤t¤€kY F€P0Tt 0¤ Princeton, in second year plots, that ·
the b€hHVlOI` of il'\€ DQVV V&l`l€·tl€S, Tgllnggggg Bgguty and Tgylnggggp  Q
Tennessee ShiPP€Y amd Tennessee Supreme had unusually high yields .
Beauty, WGS enthusiastically 1`€· for second year harvests, 257 crates  `
eeived 3S WGS '€h€ i`€‘P01`t ef tht? Out- each. Tennessee Shipper was slight- f
standing results obtained in west- ly ahead of Blakemore, 196 to 192 __ 
SYU K€¤tu€kY fmm €‘3YlY winter crates in the same plots, while  
mulching. Aroma was down around the 109
crate mark. ’
'“;' These iiecords would indicate lhat ·_
, the new ennessee berries are irin `
STRAWBERRIES 1943 enough to stand up well under the
By W_ D_ ARMSTRONG nlosthtryingtcotgiditionts aged tha; they
aso avea en cncy o eara ieavy
_ crop on their second harvest year.
The spring of 1943 was very wet More records in 1944 will be obtained
and this condition extended through to increase our general knowledge
the strawberry harvest season. In of these promising new varieties in
general, most berries were full of comparison to standard varieties.
water, were soft, rotted badly in the
fields, and had very poor carrying ———
quality. This rotting in itself greatly ., , . .
redtlioeed the lyields in suelh varieties blRAW,BhRRY MUl»(·U
as roma, remier, an in Blak-
more to a less extent. It was inter- By W' D· ARMSTRONG
esting to observe that the Tennessee
Shipper and Tennessee Beauty Considerable work has been done
rotted considerably less than most in Kentucky since 1938 on straw-
other varieties and this fact is re- berry mulch study. Records have -
flected in very high yields compared shown that during most winters low ·
to some of the older main varieties. temperatures occur that cause seri-
The following table gives the yield ous injury to strawberry crowns.