by wholly different circumstances. I am sure that I do not
state this too strongly. Phrenology not only asserts, what has
always been nominally asserted, that this is not the case, but it
shows the reasons why it is not. Phrenology not only teaches
the great opposite truth, but it makes plainly visible the founda-
tion on which the truth rests ; it developes its principles,-it
unfolds and establishes its laws and sanctions. We see, by its
light, not only that every man is the equal brother of every
other man, but we see, also, why he is so, and how he is so, and
wherein he is so.
  Let us develope this thought a little, in reference to its bear-
ing on the distribution of human happiness, and so far as it
relates to man's spiritual being. Phrenology shows, that this
spiritual nature of man consists, like his body, of one harmoni-
ous whole, composed of many parts or faculties, all tending to
one end,-all conspiring to form a perfect ONE. It teaches, that
the various powers of the mind have each its independent law,
as well as such as grow out of their mutual relations. It
teaches, that in the healthy energy and rational activity of each
individual faculty consists the pleasure which this faculty is
capable of imparting,-the good of which it was intended to be
productive. It teaches, that the pleasure and the good depends,
exclusively, upon this energy and activity in each particular
instance. It also teaches, that a certain appropriate form of
suffering is the pre-ordained and inevitable consequence of a
want of this activity, or of an excess of it, in each faculty. All
of happiness and all of misery, all of good and all of evil, which
we here enjoy or suffer, excepting such as comes from mere
aninial indulgence, or mere bodily pain, is exclusively depend-
ent on the condition of these powers. The proper cultivation
and use of all these powers, the lower actingr ever in subordina-
tion to the higher, the selfish and the animal subject always to
the disinterested, the intellectual and the moral, is happiness
and good. Every departure from this rule is suffering and
  We thus see where it is that 'the primal Law of Equality