end of the experiment, the cattle will be sold.  The Fischer Packing Com-
pany will be repaid for their out-of-pocket expenses and the gain in the op-
eration will be given to the University for further beef cattle research.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
approved and authorized executed.

         E. Adjustment in University Elementary School Fees.

         Mr. Peterson reported that Dean Lyman V. Ginger, College of
Education, had recommended adjustment in tuition for the Division of
Elementary School. At the present time, the fee is $40. 00 for the elementa-
ry and $50. 00 for the high school for each semester. It was recommended
by Dean Ginger and Doctor Sasman that the tuition for the elementary school
be the same as the fee for high school students. It is their belief that the
students are getting a bargain and far  more than their parents are having
to invest in the education of their children.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the fee in the Ele-
rnentary School of the University Training School was fixed at $50. 00 for each
semester, beginning at the end of the current semester.

        F. International Cooperation Administration Contract Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted contract with the International Cooperation
Administration, with reference to continuation of a training program for
Pakistani students in the field of community development. He stated that
the Agreement varies a little from the one we had last year in that the con-
tract provides for a flat stipendf $2, 000 for out-of-pocket costs and general
services rather than a per diem payment.  He stated the amount involved
will be essentially the same and will make detailed accounting unnecessary.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the contract was
approved and authorized executed.

        G. Federal Agency Request to Adjust Housing Rates Approved.

        Mr. Peterson reported that, when we secured a loan from the Hous-
ing and Home Finance Agency for the construction of the Shawneetown apart-
ments, we agreed to certain rental rates. At a later date it was necessary
to request an additional $400, 000 to complete the project.  The University
gave a new suggested rental schedule., We had in mind that we could charge
these amounts and still be economically well within the rental rates in this
area.  The Housing and Home Finance Agency now takes the position that
these rates were established and approved and that the reserve is ziot
building up fast enough.  Therefore, they request that the present rates,
which are $69. 00 for efficiency apartment; $79. 00 for one-bedroom apartment;
and $99. 00 for two-bedroom apartment be raised to $73. 00 for efficiency
apartment; $86. 00 for one-bedroom apartment and $100. 00 for two-bedroom
apartment. It was noted that the rates in Cooperstown are less than those
in Shawneetown and that any adjustment in Shawneetown apartments should be