Salomon & Co. uses advanced tools - , , ,
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Arthur Salomon has built his Lexington based financial services practice by l . ‘ z;
helping clients make the most of the opportunities they face. Doing ' 'l
business in the Bluegrass for over 30 years has given him the chance to “1'
work with many charitably inclined individuals. For decades he has built ‘ i i.
an extensive knowledge base and network of colleagues specifically . -.
suited to assist clients in their endeavor to create a legacy. And he expects
to see more people seeking his wisdom in the coming years... -
Many Alumni are interested in giving bacl: to the
University. How have you been able to help maximize
their gifts?
Estate Planning is constantly evolving. The tools available and the rules that govern strategic giving
change constantly. Over the years we have worked with clients on the formation of CRUTs (Charitable
Remainder Unitrusts), Donor Advised Funds and Family Foundations to create an individually tailored
plan that achieves everything the client wants and more.
These strategies seem complex, could you describe how they can help
achieve specific goals?
A popular method in today’s environment is the Donor Advised Fund. They allow the client to lessen the
tax consequence on an appreciated asset, and still retain control over which charities they want to give to
and how much. We like to give as many options as possible to our clients. But the real value comes after a
fact finding session to best understand how we can help. Listed below are a some tools we consider when
tailoring a strategic giving plan.
May be a practical option for those who:
Direct giving Know which charities they want to support and want the gifts to go to those
reCIpients immediately.
Need an immediate tax deduction, but want more flexibility in the timing of
Donor-advised funds distributions to charities and would like to see gifts grow in value over time.
Have more than $5 million to give, want maximum control over the use of funds,
Private foundations and want maximum recognition for grants.
Charitable gift annuities Eterdtycome, want an immediate tax deduction, and Wish to support a Single
_ _ Want to receive income while fulfillin charitable— ivin oals.
Salomon & Co Many potential givers shy away from
SALOMON & CO. 800.928.0012 ' such planning because of the perceived
359.255.0012 cost and time involved. Can you
'egacvp'an@sa'°m°nC°-C°m comment on this reluctance?
v 3217 Summit Square Place,
Suite 250 Our consultation and fact finding meeting are always FREE of
7 Lexlngton, KY 40509 charge implementing the strategies could involve some costs. I
J. would simply ask potential donors to ask themselves, “If a short
it All Securities&Adi/isory Services . . . . . .
‘ R I» ofiered ThroughLPL Financial meeting With a profes51ona1 could help me maxnmze my glft and
I C E s MemberF’NRA/S’PC benefit my family would it be worth the time?”. If the answer to
the question is yes. I would encourage them to give us a call.