2008 Distinguished Service Awards
The UK Alumni Association Distinguished Service Awards are presented annually to honor and recognize Hve alumni and one non-
alumni friend of the University of Kentucky who have provided extraordinary service to the University of Kentucky and the association,
The 2008 recipients were honored during the UK Alumni Association Board of Directors Summer Workshop,
Scott Davis Alumni Club, where she has served as sec- Alumni Club, and then served as president
Fort Thomas retary co-chair ofthe 2004 and 2005 an- for one year and treasurer for nine years, She
Scott Davis has been an active member of nual meetings, and chaired the Student has served on the UK Alumni Association
his local club for over 15 years, He has been Recruitment and Communications Com- Board of Directors since 1988 and serves on
a member ofthe board of directors ofthe mittees, She returned to the UK Alumni the Membership Committee, Frye is active
Northern Kentucky/ Greater Cincinnati UK Association Board of Directors in 2006, in volunteer work serving as Conservation
Alumni Club and has served as its president, Chairwoman ofthe General Federation of
treasurer, and advisory board member, He is William "Pete" Fried rich Women’s Clubs Pem1sylvania,\While at UK
a member ofthe UK Alumni Association Shelbyville she was a member ofthe University Concert
Board of Directors, In this capacity, he has Pete Friedrich has been involved with Band and Alpha Xi Delta sorority
been chairman ofthe Club Development the UK Alumni Association on the
Committee as well as serving as a member of local club and national level, He is past- Ahh Miller
the Finance, Budget and Investments Com- president ofthe UK Alumni Associa- Wihchester
mittee and the Scholarship/ Great Teacher tion and serves on the Executive Ann Miller has been actively involved on
Awards Committee and treasurer, Committee, the Budget, Finance and the local club and national level for over 25
Investments Committee, the nominat- years, She is a member ofthe Clark
Ellen Fergusoh ing for the Board OPficers Committee, County UK Alumni Club Board of Direc-
LeXihgT0h and is chairman ofthe Past Presidents tors and served as the club’s president for
Ellen Ferguson helped revive the Dallas- Advisory Council, While in Birming- two years, She started the annual golf tour-
Fort Worth UK Alumni Club — serving ham, Ala,, Friedrich held the positions nament which benehts the club’s scholar-
as president, vice president, secretary, of president, president-elect, treasurer ship fund and is now in its 18th year,
membership chairwoman and board mem- and board of directors, member, He also Miller has served on the UK Alumni Asso-
ber from 1988 - 2003, Under her leader- helped develop major revisions to the ciation Board of Directors and on the
ship, the club grew from less than 100 club activities and recognition program, Membership Committee, While her hus-
members to over 250 members, She was a band, Bob, was president ofthe UK
member ofthe UK Alumni Association Lihda Frye Alumni Association, she worked on nu-
Board of Directors from 1997-2003, Since LOCk Haveh, PA merous activities and has always been a
moving to Lexington in 2003, Ferguson Linda Frye headed the steering committee great ambassador for UK,
has been active in the Fayette County UK that founded the Lake Cumberland UK
George Ochs
    — y   ' Louisville
  ` ` gy   5,5 '¥       Dr, George Ochs is a 2007 recipient of
‘__p` "     ·‘   fg;   ` ' E f the Distinguished Service Award and
’°l?El;;;.,\·» I [A _» _  L ;  '__ l .   i also was honored during this year’s Sum-
" ,   _V       il   mer Workshop, He has served the
Y_ WY? T       ,   Greater Louisville UK Alumni Club in
I r     §;. It T. 7 . . . . 1 d. ·d
A W E     E M N various capacities, inc u ing presi ent,
        *   7 iiiiia secretary and vice president, His leader-
-.   W _,__ Y L    I ·=,,{_ F" ship extends beyond the positions he has
T ,, __ V.  "=»i_{;, gg     held, He was instrumental in bringing
        several initiatives to the club, including
`    _ ll   V   § recognizing outstanding juniors with a
ETA I     / [  .     E UK Book Award, the UK Counselor’s
y · i       .             ru   Dfinlperi IE;ception,dexpanding1;he scp pe
  ~ r   ,,,   a A     i‘   5 §,,E,§§i§ ZZ`T§§F§hiP§i£Eg€aZ,i°  
The Distinguished Service Award recipients are pictured along with Paula Pope, past-presi- Bank, golg is ggyvingg fguyth totni gn
dent, UK Alumni Association, and Peggy lVleszaros, chairwoman, Alumni Service Awards tho UK Alunini Aggggigtign Bggyd gf
Committee. Front row, left to right, are Linda Frye and Ann lVli||er; second row, Pope and Ditootots,
lVleszaros; back row, Pete Friedrich, George Ochs, Ellen Ferguson and Scott Davis.
www.uka|umni.net 37 ((