• involves more than 20 new buildin s, with
1   M 0 m   In H    a physics/chemistry building on Rcie
UK students are asked to cooperate W _ xy J V Street to be the Hrst new structure . . .
with a geological survey of natural *' N ` p JW,  *   Brenda Clarkson, an Alpha Gamma
bridges in Kentucky and report any they ~ ».,,_°Y·y,+   fj   -  -_   _ Delta pledge, is named queen of the
know about to the Bureau ofMineral ”'   A  ‘ J! I  I  _*  ``  ··   Sigma Chi Derby. . . Guest speaker Dr.
and Topographical Survey on the second   f _ an- ·(      2 ”` .. Gerald Leslie of Purdue University says
floor ofthe Administration Building. . . E "' ' l V I  M  V ·”   {Y ~ ` ` that a study shows that girls want a hus-
Inter-fraternity Council passes a resolu- §     _   band who shows promise ofgetting
tion to enforce the old custom offresh- jg K ;=  =   ‘ _ x qq: " I I ' ahead; boys want a wife who knows how
men wearing caps and announces that sg  I f   _ R}   I" i__    to cook and keep house . . . UK an-
male freshmen cannot take dates to foot-     A , ‘ Y A X 5** *  ,· , G 5 - nounces plans to bring parking spaces
ball games . . . UK says it will consider 3 _ Q u i ».   5        ` from 1,366 spots to almost 5,000 . . .
adding a horseback riding class for fe- § .   1 ’ 5 _ s     `_ z,{ gg ·¤"r   “Mrs. UK” — Mrs. Frank Dickey, wife
males if enough girls show sufficient in-   ‘ 4     _       T ofthe president of UK — says she shakes
terest . . . Approximately 500 g     _ ‘ about 6,500 hands or more per year at
individuals apply for campus parking §   V . ` Ly UK events and she notes that a lady usu-
spaces but UK can only accommodate §   A   { VV ‘ [_ _ ally leaves her gloves on . . . Three tear-
about 400 requests . . . Maury Crutcher, Q K  ix` ` I " I ___;{   ., gas bombs are thrown in the upstairs hall
superintendent of buildings and Q -·   A . .   ofthe Kappa Sigma fraternity house
grounds, asks students to refrain from § _ I N   causing damage to the clothing of about
making unnecessary paths throughout Q ~ .2 X _   V: 30 students.
campus as it detracts from the beauty of fl _ _ A
the rounds and causes much expense . . . Makeup Apphcapon Gets 1  
Thegsecond meeting of the YWCA New Meanmg A bulldozer damages the Kirwin-
freshman group is held in Patterson Hall _ Blanding Complex tennis courts result-
and Mrs. Frank McVey speaks on “ The ROTC Cédét Captam Amy PeSt°na’ a mi=·**<<·¤*· ing in $7,000 of repairs and a first degree
Development ofa Charming Personal- mg Semcr m_tRe Gamm College cf Buslfless criminal mischief offense . . . The Na-
ity” . . . Maurice Chevalier stars in (The and Econémlc In the 2002 ` 03 acajjemlc Yea"' tional Institutes of Health awards a
VW)! t0 L022e” at the Kentucky Theatre . . . Shcws an mstryctlonal gmtlp hcw Carpelmg $60,000 grant to UK for 30 students to
Thomas Hunt Morgan, UK Class of upllovlbeccmlng tactablen IS aCC°n)phSh€d’ study age-related problems at the
1886, receives the 1932 Nobel Prize for ensurmg thatfamouflage makeup IS apphed Sanders-Brown Research Center on
Medicine . . . Harry Gamage, UK head t° be less n°t'C€ab|€' Aging. . . UK President Otis Singletary
football coach, resigns . . . Dr. ]. Perrine and UofL President Donald Swain pro-
of the American Telephone and Tele- pose that each ofthe state’s dental
graph Company speaks at UK on “Television: Its Fundamental, schools remain open, contrary to the Kentucky Council on
Physical and Psychological Principles.” Hliglger lilducgion report tlxt suggests mcggipg the schools . . .
e tu ent overnment ssociation an t e Lexin ton
1   ]aycees sponsor a student drive to register new voters?. . It’s an-
UK installs its own Motion Picture Film Processing Center nounced that the Worsham Theater at the UK Student Center
and becomes a part of a small percentage of colleges developing ranks in the top five of its kind nationally by films shown and
movies, with UK football games accounting for 3,200 feet of having approximately18,000 in attendance last year . . . UK
processing a week. . . SUKY holds a contest to “Name the Mas- ROTC has about 1,300 students enrolled with 23 percent being
cot,” a stuffed wildcat purchased last summer from a taxidermist female . . . Richard Pryor appears in (Here 4ndN0w”” at the
in Brooklyn, N.Y. That’s because the previous stuffed wildcat Turfland Mall Cinema . . .]ack Dulworth, a finance junior,
was stolen in 1956 when Tennessee sent prankster raiding par- becomes a new student board member ofthe Kentucky Council
ties to Lexington and the “Colonel” was captured . . . UK an- on Higher Education, the first student rep chosen from UK.
nounces a master plan for expansion over 10 to 15 years that  
>> 62 FaII 2008