him, and take their receipt therefor.  The form of receipt
shall be, as near as can be to conform with the facts, as fol-
  Received of ................. Clerk of .
County Court, one key each to the ballot-box that has been
delivered to him this day by ............... sheriff of election
in .precinct .county, Kentucky, after
having first seen him unlock said ballot-box and examine the
package therein, and, finding it to be sealed and stamped ac-
cording to law, and that we saw him replace said package
in said ballot-box and relock the same and .................
judge of election, hereby acknowledges receipt of the county
election seal for his precin(t this ....... day of ...., 1900.

                     Judge of ... Precinct.
                     ............. I...................
                     Sheriff of ... Precinct.


  The judge and sheriff shall retain said keys for the period
of six months, at which time, if there has not been a contest
filed,thentheyshalldeliversaid keys to the County Court Clerk,
together with the county election seal, and it shall be his duty
to destroy said ballots: Provided, however, if there be a con-
test filed, then the judge and sheriff of the different precincts,
who hold the keys to the ballot-box of their respective pre-
cincts, shall, upon notice of the filing of the contest, deliver
the keys to the Judge of the court having jurisdiction to try
the contest, and the officer so holding the county election seal
shall then deliver the same to the County Court Clerk.
  Sec. 11. At the close of the polls, and before the ballot-
box is open, the officers of election shall count the remaining
ballots that have not been used and tear them from the book
and destroy them by burning, and in their certificate of the
result of the election they shall certify how many ballots were
not used and destroyed.