each candidate having immediately on its right a small square
large enough to contain the cross mark by which the voter is
required to designate his vote. Underneath the name of each
candidate shall be left a blank space large enough to contain
a written name, and the general arrangement shall conform as
nearly as possible to the following:
Name of voter ...................... Consecutive number.

For Governor-       For Governor-        For Governor-
WM. GOEBEL .......  W. S. TAYLOR .....  JOHNG. BLAIR ...j

For Lieutenant Governor-  For Lieutenant Governor-  For Lieatenant Governor-
.T. C. BECKHAM ....  JOHN MARSHALL     ................. .....-

(and continuing in like manner as to all candidates to be voted
for at such elections).
Name of voter ..........      Consecutive number .
  The secondary stub shall be on the end of the ballot oppo-
site to that of the several party devices.
  On the back shall be printed "official ballot," the date of
the election and fac simile of the signature of the clerk who