twenty-one years; that I have resided in the State of Ken-
tucky one year and in the county of ........ six months, and
in precinct -No ............. sixty days next preceding the .
........ election, A. D. 19  I reside at No.
street (if said person claims to reside in a city.) My two near-
est neighbors are ............. and that I have never been
convicted in any court of treason, or of any felony or bribery
and not pardoned therefor, and that I know of no legal dis-
(qualification which should prevent my vote from being cast
and counted at this election.
   "This the ............. day of ....., A. D. 19.
 ........... ..................................................................................................
   "Subscribed and sworn to before me this the of...
     A. D. 19...
                                  ........ ........
                                  "Judge of the Election."

  Whenever the officers of election disagree as to the quali-
fication of any one who offers to vote, one of the judges of
the election shall administer the oath prescribed in the form
set out in this section, and shall correctly fill out with ink the
blanks in, and require the person offering to vote to sub-
scribe his name thereto, with pen and ink, and upon his fail-
ure or refusal to take said oath and to subscribe his name
thereto, the person so offering to vote shall not be permitted
to vote.  If the person offering does take said oath and
subscribe his name thereto and no counter affidavit is filed,
he shall be permitted to vote, and one of the judges shall cer-
tify the same, and the oath so subscribed and certified shall
be returned to the County Clerk of the county with the poll
books, who shall safely keep the same, and shall deliver the
same to the foreman of the grand jury on the first day of the
next term of the Circuit Court held in said county, and for his
failure to do so he shall be fined not less than ten nor more
than one hundred dollars.
  It shall be the duty of the Commonwealth's Attorney and
Countv Attorney to investigate each of these certificates and
cause to be summoned before the grand jury such witnesses
as they, or either of them, shall determine proper, and it shall
be the duty of the grand jiirv to make a thorough investiga-