MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESApr. 24, 1902 - page 96-97

      Mr. Frazee, Copy the call' here.

      I think Mr. D. F. Frazee has a copy, I have now W. W.
By Mr0 Stoll.

      It is moved that we proceed now to take up the second
section of the call, said motion was seconded and carried.

      Thereupon MrO John T. Shelby, attorney for the Misses
Pepper, appeared before the Board and made a full statement
with reference to the condition of the title to the Pepper
property   He stated bhat a suit had been instituted in the
Fayette Circuit Court, to remove any cloud which might be
upon the title to the property by reason of the bond executed
by the Misses Pepper to Mrs0 Robinson, and that this suit be
brought to a conclusion probably within sixty days.

      Mr. Shelby expressed the belief that there was no doubt
that the Misses Pepper would be able to pass a good title
to the property0

      After an informal discussion between the members of the
Board and Mr0 Shelby, Mr0 Shelby withdrew0

      Upon the suggestion of President Patterson, the
Secretary read the minutes of the Executive Committeev bearing
upon the subject of the purchase of a site for the girls
dormitory from Dec. 1900, down to the present date.

      At this point Judge Kinkead made a statement to the
Board relative to the connection of various parties which the
Act of the Legislature passed at its late session, making an
appropriation for the girls dormitory, and read letters from
various parties in answer to letters written by him, as well
as copies of his own letters, and offered all of said papers,
and ask that they be spread upon the Minutes of the Board.
No actionwas taken upon this offer.

      After pretty full informal discussion, the following
motion was made by Judge Barker.