
Hard Times.

The Kentucky Kernel

(Formerly The Idea).
Published every Thursday throughout tho College year by the student body
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the stu
dents, alumni nnd faculty or tne institution.

Let's have fifteen
For Arabella.
She never says:
Their team Is yellow.


The greatest word I ever heard,
I'll tell without an animus.
Kentucky's lads will brook no fads-W- e
surely love "magnanimous."

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Is the official newspaper of the University.!
It Is Issued with the view of furnishing to Its subscribers all the college nowf
of Kentucky, together with a digest of Items of Interest concerning tho unl (
verities of other States and Canada.

Entered at Lexington Postofflco as second-clasEDITORIAL STAFF.

rmitttniM nrttiM
Bart N. Peak
Miss Anita Crabbe
William Shlnnlck
MtM Rebecca Smith
McClarty Harbison
J. R. Marsh

T. Oooch

Harry Melton
S. J. Caudill

Miss Elsie Heller


Batill Woods

mall matter.


Helpl Help!!
The woods are turning brown.
The leaves are falling down.
It breaks my heart to see them go
I love their fragrant beauties so.


Assistant Editor,'
Managing iuaitor;
"Squirrel Food"


Athletic EdltoExchange Edlto'

Locals and Law Miss K. Mitchell. .. .Home Economic
Mechanical Herbert Graham
Mining Miss Anna L. Whltworth. . . .Sororitiel
Agriculture Miss Elizabeth Duncan
Patt. Ha
M. C. Finiho,
W. T. Cottingham
H.' J. Evans
Miss Mildred Taylor.
Business Manikgp

W. J. Harris

The Spirit's Return.
Regardless of the fact that Kentucky outplayed her opponents in t hre
out of four quarters and should have won by at least one touchdown, the re 8
Just cause for rejoicing over the 7 - 7 tie score with the mighty Sewi ane
"Tigers" on Stoll Field last Saturday.
It is an undisputed fact that Sewanee has one of the best teams in
Auburn also won from Florida
South. She defeated Florida
feated 'Mississippi A. and M. 26-- according to which "dope" Sewanee Ui on
points better than
point better than Auburn, and Kentucky Is twenty-sevepoints better than Transylvania.
A. and M., and twenty-seveA greater cause for rejoicing, we believe, is the return of
spirit, which was manifested at Saturday's game. Everybody seemel
full of "pep." The chapel hour rally on Friday was one of the most ei- e
rally on Stoll Field,
thuslastic ever Iheld on the campus. The
evening, was a pronounced success. Speeches were made; yells wefe
in a dan e
given; and to cap the climax, President Barker led the
around the fire.
No less than the students did the faculty and alumni show the spirt,
one member of the faculty and one prominent alumnus going so far as o
make known their support in a substantial way.
But the big test came Saturday, when, after the end of the first half
Sewanee had seven points and Kentucky had been unable to score. Itjwas
met gloriously. Instead of giving up to despair and gloom, the State "rcbters"
poured out upon the field and executed a giant snake-dancshown? the
battle-wor"Wildcats" that the students were still behind them a d believed in their ultimate victory. During the whole game the Kentucky iheers
rolled across the field continually.
IThere is no denying that this enthusiasm and support were a big factor
in the second half. Its importance ca; hardIn the "Wildcats'" come-bacly be underestimated.
Sewanee players from t e field
The act of carrying the
marked a new era in Kentucky athletic sportsmanship and received fa rorable
comment which will not only fructify locally, ibut will carry our fame ar into
the South, helping greatly to establish a new and higher plane of j Nation-shiwith rival teams.
State is to be congratulated upon this return of spirit. It mean much,
not only as it affects us who are here, but as it affects the thousand of out
siders who each year form their opinions of our University.



Ker-tuck- y

old-tim- e









match his unbroken spirit.
of "Doc" because


Ye speak

he was lie only

member of the team who wasjinjursd,
and there can be no doubt tie other
members of the team were just as

The Kentucky Colonel Says:
full of courage as he was ai fought
Some of ouah college students love just as hard for Kentucky! honor.
peace and quiet, suh. The othahs are
All hail the team; all hail (he Blue
afflicted with love, suh.
and White, and all hail its chivalrous
We take the liberty to be serious
in this column for once, that we may
congratulate the football team and the
student body in general for .their excellent spirit and gentlemanly conThe old "pep"
duct last Saturday.
was in evidence, our warriors fought
all the harder for the help they received from the stands, and at the
battle, Kentucky
close of an
showed that she was as magnamimous
to her foes who are friends as well
as she was to her own sons.

Our hats are df to you.

Norbert Welner, a nlnetei-yea'r-olprofessor in Harvard Univ rslty,


said to be the youngest c lege pro- fessor in the world.
But the wurst Is yet to pme.

iMrs. Microbe:

It would be advisable to have allies
announcing the game thrown on the
screens at the local motion picture
houses. When Mr. Townes called on
Mn Treacy In order to make the arrangements to have this done at the
Colonial Theater, Mr. Treacy wae not
only glad to do this, but offered to run
the slides free of charge, in appreciation of the large amount of business
which he receives from the students.


Q. A. H., '16.

No use to try

save anything this year, the children
just must have new shoes."

The Ornrey Pup.
(Apologies to Luke McLuke.)
An ornrey pup is Henry Bunn;
Our Answer Department.
He "rounds" an awful lot.
Our little son runs away and goes
He'd like to be a German gun,
to the nickel shows.
How can w
And all the time be shot.
stop this? Fond Parents.
Give him a dime and let him go to
An ornrey pup is Jacob Dubb;
He's not half civilized.
He wants to be a student club
How can I remove ink stains from
And be well organized.
a silk waist? Clarice.
Take a sharp pair of scissors and
An ornrey pup is Johnny Benz
carefully trim them out.
Let's e end him to the coppers.
He goes around and tells his friends
My husband snores terribly. What
He's always full of poppers.
can I do to remedy this? Distressed.
Administer him a generous dose of
As Walt Would Write It.
laudanum upon retiring.
Once I saw within a student's room
A pack of cards, some soiled
My hairs persist in falling out
clothes, a book or two,
Please suggest a cure. Ignatz.
A "feed" from home, a pair of holy
Possibly they are stubborn. If so
there is no remedy.
Upon the mantlepiece, all quite
close together.
My husband stays out until 2 a.m.
The Mastodonic Baby.
Of all various features of the paand always offers as his excuse that
he has been to the club. How can I rade one attracting most attention was
several babies which were' pushed in
break him of this? Patient Wife.
baby carriages by their mothers and
Keep a club at home.
"Votes for.
heralded by banners,
A young man I do not like annoys
One baby wheeled by its mother, ocme with proposals. What, can I do to
cupied an open space half a block
make him angry? Popular Pauline.
long. It was wildly cheered. LexingMarry him.
ton Herald.

. With
toward no one and
with all due respect to the dead Osiris,
the Supreme Brahma and the religion
of every one, we wish to put this simple question, "What is, or what constitutes sacredness?"
We are informed that our old assembly hall, heretofore used for any
and all student convocations, ought
not, or must not be used for football
rallies; that the chapel should be held
more "sacred." Perhaps it Is through
our own inability that we do not understand why the four walls of the
above, said hall are any more "sacred"
than our laboratories and
but we are honest If rallies are
or undesirable, why hold them
any place? If a building Is "sacred"
just whom should be permitted to
wander therein lest they pollute it?



there a



striae on our cam-

pus "sacred' 'to the minds and hearts
of all?
Again we say' frankly that we may
have the wrong conception, but our
comment means to be honest and our
intentions the best and we hope not
to offend even the most sensitive. In
a State University we would desig"
nate our "sacred" and
student functions and in so doing we
would consult dame reason and have
due consideration for the likes and
dislikes, faiths and beliefs of the children of humanity.

Our Weakly Novelette.
For hygienic reasons the Dominican
has been recomtmended as
a substitute for the kiss. News item.
"Give me just one little
pleaded passionoitly with salt drops
brimming his eyelids.
(From the Files of The Idea.)
The shivery moonlight trickled
through the tall timber as
she turned her thoroughly disinfected
Old Adam, was (a lucky hound,
cheek toward the stars, and Percival
With rage he ne'er was dizzy;
Octeher 27, 1910.
eagerly planted a perfervid pat-pa-t
He never used a phone and found upon
Kentucky State defeats Tulane, 10
Its sanitary surface.
The doggone line was busy.
to 3, in a loosely-playe- d
game. TuSo they were married and lived
Luke McLuke.
lane uncorks a triple forward pass for
ever after till she
with a chair rung early one morning. 40 yards gain.
Rut Cain was luckiest of men
On Monday following the defeat of
In all that. ancient land;
North Carolina, and the big parade,
He never was caught far from home
the Lexington City Council meets and
Without his favorite brand.
In- - striking contrast to the recent passes an ordinance making it unlawaction of a more or less prominent ful for college yells to be given on a
merchant who displayed a spirit of public street. Great indignation.
Mess Hall Manners.
The faculty and the trustees of the
active hostility to all things connectestate Hall opens at twelve-thirtevery day for dinner. About five min- ed with the University was the spirit University entertain the student body
shown by Mr. B. j. in nonor of the fortieth anniversary
utes before this the hungry boarders of
gather in front of the door and yell Treacy, manager of the Colo'- -f 'pic- of the connection with the school of
loudly to be admitted. When at length ture show, when he was approached James G. White, who later became
we aoor is open tney rush in, run last ""di. iu lu&ara to some advertis vice president of the school.
Professor J. T. C. Noe conducts the
over or push aside the man who opens ing.
In order to thoroughly advertise the Fayette County Teachers' Institute at
the door, and niBh to their tables. The
game of last Sat- which many of the other professors
first man grabs the most popular dish big
and the others yell 'Check on it.' For urday, Manager F. O. Townes thought deliver speeches.
about fifteen minutes there is a very
busy scene, as the meat affords the
Jaws good exercise." Freshman English theme put on board in class room.

European soldiers were recently
taken captive who declared that they
Lad neither had a bath nor a change
cf clothing in six months.
Probably they were Mexican pris
oners from the foreign legion.


pat-pat,- "

hap-jpll- y




"Squirrel Food" has lnfcjmation to
the effect that the Unlver&ty of din- cinnati students have map arrangements with railroad officiis for sev
eral cattle cars in which t make the
The fighting qualities of the team trip to see the game Satuilay. ijden- Once I saw within a student's room
cannot be too Jtiighly commended. tucky hospitality demand that we a pack of cards, some soilod clothes,
Certainly it was ah Inspiring sight to meet them at the station vith a few a book or two, a "feed" from home, a
see "Doc" Rodes, the sterling quarter uaies or hay and some rn on the pair of holy sox, upon the mantle-piecback, stagger out on the field and fall cob.
all quite close otgether.
because his injured body could not'


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