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jg R. L. POLK & coxs LEXINGTON crrv Dimzcronv-1912
Requests for improvements in the service and all com-
plaints should be made to the postmaster’s office.
The entry of new publications and the regulations
governing the mailing of second-class matter and
orders for request envelopes should be made here.
Accounts against the postmaster paid at this office.
Money Order Division—Open from 8:30 a. m. to 9:00
p. m. Walter M. Bruce, Miss Katie T. Hardesty,
clerks. Domestic and foreign money orders issued
and paid in this department.
Registry Division-Open from 8:30 a. m. to 9:00 p. m.
Henry F. Chapman, Vl/alter j. jordan, clerks. All
valuable matter should be registered and mailed in
this Division.
Stamp and General Delivery Division—Open from 6:30
a. m. to 9 p. m. Miss Emma S. Gilroy, Miss Mattie
Walker, Mrs. Sadouia M. Elkin, Andrew Hamon,.
Mailing Division——john VV. Rucker, Fleat M. Hays, Clar-
ence B. Miller, G. Stanley Milligan, George A. Bate—
man, Ernest B. Foley, clerks. This division has
charge of the classification, distribution and dispatch
and mails.
Rural and City Delivery Division—George R. \\’arren,
supt.; james C. Mahoney, john B. Irvine, Miss Mar-
garet Carroll, james M. \/Vest, George L. Britting—
ham and \Nm. B. Prather, clerks. To this division
is assigned the supervision of all mail matter de-
livered in the city by carrier, through lock boxes or
general delivery. Boxes rented and keys issued and
returned. The delivery of special letters by messen-
gers; also the supervision of the rural carrier service
in Fayette county.
Letter Carriers-—\V. S. Anderson, Arthur F. Adams, Q.
A. Bailey, C. F. Bowman, Raymond Cropper, H. M.
Crosthwaite, A. E. Diamond, Thomas Gunn, W'. R.
Owings, j. R. Smith. R. F. \\/illiams, Frand R. Dia-
mond, F. A. Durst, Russell S. Griffee, Otta T. jones,
joseph H. Hukle, Samuel VV. Marrs, Samuel R.
McCoe, W. R. Montague, Robert L. Oots, Andrew
Scott, Benjamin B. Simcox, john B. Snowden, E. L.
Simcox, Clarence N. W/'elch.
Rural Carriers—Marshall Alverson, Elijah Cunningham,
john Gilchrist, George G. Helm, Edward \V. jack-
son, C. M. Marshall, john H. Scruggs, I. S. Vande-
ver, j. H. Marshall, H. Guy Gordon, VV. C. S. Hay-
Substitute Carriers—j. H. Laval, F. \V. Smith, George R.
Special Delivery Messengers——VV. McK. Morton,
Thomas j. Sellers.