. 4 .*  i f   . .—. V I li 'lqlf.
Lexington is noted for the choice cattle raised in the
I Is headquarters for 50 of the greatest horse-breeding
3 farms in the world.
`i Lexington postoffice receipts exceed $120,000 annually.
  Lexington has the greatest Burley tobacco market in
R L . the world. The payrolls of this market amount to over
$15,000 per week for the season.
and Has seven loose leaf tobacco warehouses with a com-
? all bined capacity of handling 10,000,000 pounds of tobacco
`rade . . weekly. Has five rehandling plants with a combined
tains ` capacity of 2,000,000 pounds per week.
irec— Has 9 newspapers and periodicals, 33 white and 18
lders colored churches and 12 as lums, homes and hos itals.
' Y P
ii', 3 Lexington enjoys the distinction of being the Athens
uga? of the south, on account of the number and character of
» her educational institutions. —
egxg Lexington has 50 wholesale houses; splendid flouring _
gOSt_ mills; several distilleries manufacturing whisky, which
`€ Of is shipped into almost every state in the Union; a brew-
' ery selling its product in six states; ten woodworking
plants and is the retail market of Central Kentucky.
Lexington is an ideal point for the manufacture of
Is most advantageously located for the securing of
raw materials and the manufacture of hardwood lumber. I
more Offers exceptional openings for the establishment of
,u d_ wholesale boot and Sl'lO€,·tl11W3.1'€, hats and caps and
H n1en’s ready—tqwear clothing houses.
{ the Offers to the small farmer or truck gardener a prac-
tically inexhaustible market for his products.
Blue Offers to the manufacturer a tax rate of $1.75 on city
taxes, tax exemption for five years, cheap fuel, excellent
Rail_ water supply, and beinglocated ina rich community,
Ohm its people will give the right proposition, which desires
)S Of to locate on a stock subscription basis, a cordial recep-
_ are tion. For further and particular information, call on lor
° _ address Mr S H Clay, Secretary Lexington Commercial
_ Club, 720-721 McClelland Bldg.
IS 3 The Lexingotn Directory is placed by the publishers _
_ in the Directory Libraries of the various cities through-
1Ph‘{d out the country, where it will be constantly consulted
Cublc by non-residents, travelers,’investors, manufacturers and
home-seekers. The advantage to be derived by Lex-
akels, ington from this country-wide publicity is apparent.
IPP Y R. L. 1>oLi< at co.,
m.OH_ Publishers.
s for
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these i
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