he year^yas 1915; the opponent, Tennessee. It was the first annual Homecoming J$Xff*& evolving from what had originally been called ffie Turkey Day game. The large number of graduates whs attended the gameinljidhfeed the name change.
As* in 1915 an effort was made in 73, to include aiumnirlexi ^p^^^lents and non-gre
$ jif:'~
Greek s
toJi^flHMB^rii that,'' explai ejS^PIedford, Student Gent BoarMsCB) publicity director f Homecoming, g j
"We wanted to have afi outl for.^^l^Grcck studerits,/parti larly freshman, who wante
if^'bur dida^fca."''
icjaj* and ry coopera-
financing, some of the ' m&t- Ledford
plffatie   on- Thufsday^ eight units participate were five floats andi UK Marching Band ROTC escorts.
The  15 Homecoi d ate sc G r a ndS4ars| and his wife, Dr. anc Singiltary, Coach his wife, and the lege representatives those invthe;parade. ^ch%vbu,l sororities^frat
$?p^^rpj0P Homecoming " theme, American Mv]&f?
e winning float, "Curciland and the Argonauts", representing the movie, "Poseidon Adventure", consisted of a huge ship, the USS Wildcat, driven by moving cars across a sea of green waves.
j ,ing Queen.
ommyoity- College Princesses, IcdVled by SCB members, were riv^n around the fiejWinjjntique ca/s. '  Up
eeBTTa1 Generation" and Buffet" was held Friday nigr the Student    Center Ballroc Homecoming events conclu^ Saturday  night  with  a "Davir! Crosby-Graham Nash" concert in Memorial Coliseum.