Erotic Film Festival
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GREGORY L. MOORE Ft. Thomas, Ky. HOWARD F. MOORE Louise, Ky.
NATHAN L. MOORE EHzabethtown, Ky. ROBERT S. MOORE JR. Danville, Ky.
CONSTANCE C. MORSE Louisville, Ky. JAMES B. MORSE Louisville, Ky.
MARCELLA MOUNTjOY Williamsburg, Ky. MICHAEL L. MUNDAY Crofton, Ky.
LINDA j. MUNDRANE Morristown, Ky. NANCY J. MUNN Lexington, Ky.
Festival cancelled
While "streaking" elicited the most noticeable campus response, another controversial issue surfaced in March. To avoid possible legal repercussions, UK Dean of Students Jack Hall cancelled the scheduled showing of the "Best of the New York Erotic Film Festival" at the Student Center.
The controversy first emerged in February when the film, characterized as creative depiction of sex on the screen, was temporarily cancelled by Charles O'Neill, SCB program advisor.
While no film had ever been confiscated at the Student Center Theater, Fayette County Attorney E. Lawson King acknowledged that such action fell within the jurisdiction of local police.
Mark Lusk, SCB cinema chairman, presented a resolution to the SCB Executive Council on February 25 supporting the film's showing. Lusk noted, that as adults, members of the university community had the right to view the film.
Hall had screened the film and said there was "little substance" to it. On March 13, Jack Hall announced the film had been cancelled.
In a two page statement Hall said, "while I am acutely aware of the First Amendment considerations present in this situation, I am unwilling to place my staff or any other university employee in jeopardy of arrest and criminal prosecution."
Monty is a telecommunications sophomore.