University meal costs for 75
it(, S.nv.inih.t C. Wilt, U // in>S. Wlw>. UaiyH. U6 Winers, (."'gory D. Wiilwer, Leslie P. Wittwer, William I Woford, Deb,a II. Wolord, ienvl. Wohlhurter, Rae I - 294 Wohh, Robert A I,. Woiczyk, \-,. R. 384 Wolejsza, \\ illiam C. '384 Wolf. David R. Woli la, :"(} Wolie, Mat <;. Wolfe, Charles D.-240 Wolfe. Christopher It. Wolfe lohn I Wolie, KathivnF. Wolfe, L. C. While, MaigaftxJi Wolfe. Sus.mne 5. Wolfe, CatoivnJ. Wolf I. lobe C. Ir. Wolff. Robert I. Wollord.Saudia K Wpltei. Diane C. Wongkohrat, Aiunee 30 Woni.ii It. Archie L.
'ombel. loesph H III Wombwell, Francis  267 Wong, lohn Wood. Anne F. Wood. BafriL. - 157
W.....I, Bruce W
Wood, Carol \l Wood, Dianne I. 184 Wood. Dosste M. Ir. Wood, Jack D. - iS4
\\...../, \anc\ I
Wood. Pamela I 327 Wood, Patsy I.  :    id, Roger - 258 Wood, Terrie I Wood, Thomas 11 Woodall, Clarent e A. Ill Woodall, Uattha \ -384 Woodard, Keith <). Woodhridge, Allen .VI  32 Woodcock. Jeffrey V.  277 Woodring, lohn II. Woodruff. Rebecca I. Woods, Belinda S. Woods, Carl D. Woods, Edward H. Woods, Ernie I Wood , Greg  /16 Woods, James \l Wootls. Martha M. Woods, Terri S. Woodward, latlet L. Woodward, Pamela L. Woody, Donn F. Woolcott, lames N. Wooldridge, Elaine  452 Woollolk, Gwendolyn A. Woolley, David K. Woo/urns, Billy G. Woosley, Charles 5. Wooton, Deborah L. Worcester. Paul L. Wore//, Amy B.  266. 327 Workman. Herschel I Workman. Morgan T. Works. Victoria L. Worley, Gwendolyn  346 Worley, Karen D. Worster. Ralph T. Worth. Gale A. Worth, Paul S.  346 Worth, Vonne fsl. Worlhinglon, Start  380 Wrenn, Ruby C. Wright, Anne M. Wright, Bonnie E.  327 Wright, Charles H. Wright. Cb/een A. Wright, Diane F. Wright, Frances I.  146 Wright. Frederick M. Wright, George C. Wright, lackte A. 263 Wright, Janet W. Wright, Joe F.  265 Wright, Kim  336 Wright; Mark P.  327 Wright. Moiris A Wright. Nyla A. Wright, Ronald H. Wr/g/il, Ruby L.
Wright, Steven P. Wright, Vickie F. Wright, William 7 Wu, Minecheng Wu, Rinsing Wu, Shenjyh Wu, Wuttenjl Wuerih, John M. Wuesi, Deborah A. ~ Wuest, leffrey FI. Wulls, hleger, Mao I) Wurth, Maik S. Wyatt. lames I. Wyatt, Mai. G. Wyatt. Robert I, Stephen R. Wyehr, Cahdyce V WyUu/7, Debr.) Wy/ie, Co/hi /. Wylie, Yvonne !.. Wyman, Cornelia F. Wyman, Cathy M. Wyman, I ante I. Lee294 Wynkoop, Randall I Wynn. Christpphei L Wynn, Coach Paul Wynne, Audrey M Wynne, satah S: Wyse. Mark A Wyss. lames D. mdra T.
Young, Kelsa 184 Young, Kristine V)  226 Young, Martha A. Young, Mary  327 Young, Nancy N. Young, Naomi A. Young, Nella ). Young, Rebecca  27b Young, Robert A. Young, Robert A. fr. Young, Robert A. Young, Robert P. Young, Robin D. Young, V'u ki  27b Young, William Fi Young, IA illiam 5. 269 Youngbloud. Phyllis H. Youngblood, Wayne H. Younger, EdwardF.III Ybungi\uist, James I. Yount, Mil hae/C. Yozwiak, Raymond A. Yu, Hyeran Yudelson, Stephen j. Yung, Stephen j. punker, John hint, GarvE* fi
ager, ! ihn R Yahne, Deborah Yancey, Barn I Yancey, Colette M. Yang, Wuushyong Yanik, Flan, / Yankey, Fu/ene Yankey. Pamela k. Yarberry, Phyllis- \\> Yarbrough, Frank L. }r Yarhrough, Robert j. Yartzjohn G. Varus. David A. Yasuda, Yoihikazu Yates, Charles.L Yates, < .wendolyn A. Yates, fames E. Yates,, Raymond M. Yazdanshenas, Bahram Yeager, Constance R*. Ycager, Cynthia i. Yeager, Kenneth G.  270 Yeager, Norman C. Yeager, Robert A.  307 Yeakle, Robert S. Yearwood, Donald p. jr. Yeary, Mark D." gag Veasf, Lyndell f. Yeaste, Nancy A. Yeh, Sentyan Y'eh, Yeongmaw Yeiser, limmie L. Yeiser, Melinda K. Yellman, John Scoff /// Yellman, Louise B. %[ehon, Kim A. % Bn, Ghih A. Yingst, Sara A.  Yip, Shut M. Yocum, Owen S. Yoder, Steven M. 1 Yoiue. DavidS. Yonk, Ann L. fUgnts, Larry B. Yopp, Lloyd G384 York, CliiiordG. \i. BEL Howard D. Wfck, Martha T. York, Paula A. York, E. R. Yost, Michael I. Youell, GaryR. Youger, Thomas W. Youman, MaryM. Youmans, Beverly). Young, Anthony A.  Young, Barbara S. Young. Charles G. jr. Young Chester R. jr. Young, Daniel T. Young, David M. Young, Everett N. Young, Glenn W. Young, FiarleyR. / Young, ]ames S. Young, James W. ^
Zabala, lulioR. Zaho'Owski, Christ Zaboiowski. Patri Zachai tab. She; i Zack, Petei I. Zacko. Colleen -\ Zadrasii, John B. Zaenglem, Priscilia I. Zakemjoel D. 2t%2 Zaleski, Cheslei A. Zaluski,Joseph j. Zandona, Kathl Zandona, Marcia L. Zanone, George R. Jr. Zapp, Robyn [. Zartman, Richard E. Zartoshti. Mannucheh Zaslove. Phoebe B. Zax. ludith L. Zay, ludy  327 Zegart, lerry A. Zegeer, Charles V. Zegeer, Sharon F. Zeh, lames S. Zeh, Margaret S. Zehnder, Anthony I. J. Zeiden, Laurie L. Zeiden. Michele A. Zeigenluse. Irene K Zeiti, Gray W. Zeleznik,)ack M. Zellet, Debra I. Zeller, Kenneth W. Zentlergordon. Robert A
ZenU, Beverly A. Zerga, Joseph L. Ill Zerger, Rebecca A. Zerhusen. Donna M. Zerhusen, Mary R. Zettwoch. David F. Zettowch, Nancy C. Zibell, Scott H.236 Ziegler, Nancy I.-384 Zieglet Ziethh Zimnu Zimmer. iS Zimmerer Zimmerm Zimmerm Zimmerm
Robert P. v. Michael W.
lames M. Mary a.  384 resa A 264 Bern ird ISA. Harry K. Terry L.
Zinn, Nancy H. Zipf, Kathleen A. Zmijesvski, Milton I. Ir. Zoeller. Mark  327 Zoldos, Marilee  327 Zolkowski, Kathleen M. Zopli, Wendell A. Zornes, James D. Zoroya, Gregg M. Zrenda, Stephen A. Zumwinkle, Robert 445 Zyles, Gara Teresa  83
Carpe Dipple wins Quiz Bowl
UK sponsored its 10th annual Quiz Bowl during the spring semester, a contest which was designed "to promote intellectual activity among students," said Bowl organizer Brad Miller.
John White's team "Carpe Dipple" won the event. The winning team was comprised of honors program students. "Dialectical Synthesis," an honors program team captained by Ken Ashby captured the second place title.
According to White his team did not prepare for the Quiz Bowl. "We always plan to but never do," he said.
The Quiz Bowl was similar to the former television series, the General Electric College Bowl, in which two four-member teams meet in a question-answer session with the loser eliminated.
A toss-up question was asked and the first team member to buzz must answer. If he correctly answered the question his team gets the opportunity to answer a bonus question.
Questions cover nearly every subject. Some, for example, were relatively easy: Has a US vice president ever resigned from office? Yes, Spiro Agnew and John C. Calhoun. Others were exceptionally difficult: What did the Englishman Thomas De Quincy confess to? Being a drug addict.
Graduation  410