ines are tiring, boring, aggravating
'hether 1964 or 1974 the lines were all the same; fee payments, meal tickets, health fee, stadium buses, drop-ad, Crosby Nash, late fees, UK vs. Tulane, cafeteria lunch, Sly, UK vs. Tennessee, dinner, or registration.
Some lines were held down by groups starting the night before tickets were available. Fraternities wanting seating sections at football or basketball games would take shifts to sleep in line during the night assuring good seats.
If you weren't with a friend you were bored. If you were, in time, you were bored, hot, tired, hungry, and aggravated. Pushing, breaking, and sighing; someone would sarcastically comment how fast the line was moving.
Regardless, they were all the same, whether at the Coliseum, Student Center, Billings and Collections, or cafeteria. They were all too long, too big, and sometimes not worthwhile.