Teaching, "to guide the studies of
EACH1NG was defined by Websters "to guide the studies of." At the university many learned they could be guided by instructors in areas other than studies. The art of teaching demands a
great deal from the instructor  time, patience and the ability to help students who they may-not know or like.
The university is a teaching institution as well as a place of higher learning. In its capacity as an educational arena it trained men and women to become future doctors, lawyers, journalists and teachers.
Women like Barbara Stacy, trained three years and then step into a real classroom to see what it was like to be depended upon for answers. Women like Fannie Miller who were as much a part of the institution as the walls around it, structure, tear down and rebuild the campus its ideas and substance, (continued on pg. 66)
(Top) Relaxed professor makes himself at home while teaching. (Bottom) John Jacob Niles in Frankfort, Niles visited the university early in the year. (Opp. pg., Top Left) Dr. Sabharwal teaching introductory biology course. (Bottom Left) Sociology department seminar. (Top Right) Professor ponders new thought while erasing board. (Bottom Right) Physics teacher looks over problem.