(Left), Barbara Stacy holds jar of beans for math game. (Below), Two children who are eager with their answers. (Bottom Right), Girl shows surprise as she reads. (Opp. pg., Left, Center and Right), The three laces ot Stacy as she discusses her role as a student teacher. (Bottom Right), Stacy discusses an important problem with student.
teacher and student
1 love little kids and the way they think, they teach me things too. This is the attitude Mrs. Barbara Stacy has towards student teaching.
Stacy was doing her student teaching at Garden Springs Elementary. It was a first grade readiness class for kids not quite ready for school either because they are too immature or just not the right age. "The kids are demanding in that they need to be told constantly that the work they're doing is good. I have a lot of patience but sometimes at the end of the day I'm ready to pull my hair out," said Stacy.
Stacy was recently married but said she felt no strain between teaching and her husband because she found she "had a lot of time on my hands since I don't have to grade papers or anything yet."
Her choice of teaching as a career was a simple case of following in her mothers footsteps. She remarked that, "1 used to go to school a lot with my mother and just realized that teaching was what I wanted to do."
Stacy, on the final lap after four years of school had no definite plans after finishing her student teaching except hopes of finding a job.