mental Action Society to fight the building of a dam at Red River Gorge by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and supported Lamdba Chi Alpha and the American Cancer Society's Bike-a-Thon to raise money for cancer treatment and research. Work on Point 10 of the Krislov Report has provided for student input in the evaluation of faculty for tenure.
A mainstay of the SG office was Administrative Assistant David Muc-ci. Flegle has said he "couldn't run the office without the help of Mucci and next year's vice president Mike Wilson."
Mucci hopes to continue the successful programs of this year as well as experiment with new ones. He views the main functions of SG as: letting the administration know what the students want, responding to students needs, providing needed services and serving as a lobby for changes.
Mucci was encouraged by the apparent rise in student interest in the activities of SG. He pointed to
the increase in voter turn-out for the SG elections, 15 per cent of the student enrollment as compared to a 12 percent turn-out in 1972-73 elections. This was a positive sign when compared to a school usually known for its political envolvement, such as Wisconsin, which only attracted a turnout of four per cent in recent student elections.
Mucci emphasized "we need to let it be known that we (SG) can help in things like parking stickers and textbook exchanges ... if we can build student confidence and support, then we can move into other areas such as language requirements." He added that although SG has no "inherent power" it can persuade officials to look at logical points ... let the administration know the importance of an issue to students."
What is the future role of SG? Mucci forsees "a need to show students that we're effective, that we can 'touch' them. Then they would have greater contact with Student Government." jpfT*
(Right) Courseselector. (Top Left) David Mucci president elect for 1974-75. (Center) Emily Ledford, Mucci's opponent. (Top Right) Campaigning for Mucci. (Bottom Right) Voting during elections. (Opp. pg., Top Left) \im Flegle, 1973-74 president. (Top Right)
Flegle with Dr. Otis Singletary, UK president. (Bottom Left) Student with adviser had easier time with registration by Course-selector. (Bottom Right) Campaigning for Ledford.