ERAMICS, oils, engravings, and sculptures were all apart of the many art exhibits in the Student Center gallery. The art department students could display their finished pieces. Admission was free.
The most interesting piece of work was a large ostrich taking a shower. An electronic eye activated the bird so that at times he would mysteriously duck under the shower nossle for his bath. No one was sure how it operated, only a few gen-iouses figured it out.
Center Art Exhibit
(Top) Although most art work is just for exhibit, some is for sale. (Center Left) Only a few wood pieces, like this snake, are displayed. (Center) This ceramic art looks like a wide mouth frog, but it's title is "Alibi." (Center Left) The motorcycle is made from small rods of steel. (Left) All of the displays are just as interesting as this skull is (or this student.