Students have a beautiful campus to run around on. The tower of Dickey Hall is seldom looked at when Memorial Hall is the central steeple on campus. The fountain gives students a place to meet, talk, and study near cool rushing water. Administration Drive, a circle road running in front of the  Administration Building, is beautifully lined with trees. At Christmas time, some trees are decorated, like the one behind the old Model-T Ford. At night, besides {.he golden lights of the Office Tower, the sign signifying the university lights up to show a campus warm and alive.
only 680 1973 copies compared to 1500 copies purchased by underclassmen in 1965. Total sales that year including senior books were 3500.
Because of past problems we wanted to produce a book you will read and enjoy.
"The only way a yearbook can survive today," Dr. Ashley said, is by "good hard reporting like a mag-
"Indepth reporting is the strength of American magazines." he continued.
Because of this, yearbooks are turning to magazine formats in layout and copy.
You wanted the yearbook to cover student life, academics, greeks, honors, faculty and sports, so we are attempting to give you an over-
all view of the academic year from the hassle of drop add to the unbearable heat of graduation.
This is your yearbook. If we have failed to cover any events or departments you would like to see in the Kentuckian, we would appreciate your suggestions. We want future Kentuckians to reflect you and your activities : . .