lawyer, chairman, referee
Bell's term expires on Board of Trustees
1 O many students, the UK Board of Trustees was made of aloof and unapproachable administrators. Tommy Bell, vice-chairman of the Board, dispelled any such stereotype.
Bell was not only a prominent Lexington lawyer, chairman of various organizations including Easter Seals, and UK Board member, but he was also a National Football League (NFL) referee.
Bell's four-year term as Board member expired in December, and he chose not to run again. In an interview, Bell gave some of his views on the Trustees, Dr. Singletary, and students.
A very personable man with a fondness for "did you hear the one about ..." stories, Bell talked on anything from who will win the NFL Championship to the justification of co-ed dorms on campus.
He was quick to praise Dr. Singletary for his part in the develope-ment of UK. Bell did not brag about his own accomplishments for the University. He did think his actions as Chairman of the Student Code Committee, Hearing Committee, and Co-ed Dorms Committee were his most important achievements while on the Board.
"The main concern of the university is the students," said Bell. The Hearing Committee gave students a chance to give their opinions to members of the Board, he added, "and keep the lines of communication open."
The fight within the University for co-ed dorms brought strong community reactions. But, according to Bell, the winning argument was the comparison of the off-campus apartments to an on-campus coed dorm. "We need to get the kids back on campus," he said. "Coed dorms are more conducive academically, spiritually, and morally."