Mhckliffe Parent-Teacher Association.
Committees: Lunch room and garden, Mrs. S. D. Sinnott, Vickliffe.
4 fuppose: To create a better spirit of cooperation between parents,
teachers and students. _
Nornpi_Civic Activities; Cooperates with F.P.A. in supporting
public school lunch rooms, gardens and canning programs.
Dofen§e_AptivitiEE; Fn§aged_in Preparation and Serving of Food.
Interested in;Auxiliary Fire Frotection, First Aid, Child Care.
Local Publioatipns: None.
A WICKLIFFE WOMAN’S CLUB {General Federation of w¤mcn*s Clubs; 7
Kentucky Federation of Women*s Clubs), q/o Mrs. F} L. Trimble,
Wickliffe. Founded 1899. Frcsidont, Mrs. VL L. Trimble, Tick-
liffe, Telephone 5. Secretary, Mrs. Clyde Filbeck, Tiekliffo,
Telephone 45. Terms expire September, l942.
Membership: 24. Qualifications, must live in the community and
have the approval of members.
Conmdttees: Recreation, Mrs. S. D. Sinnott; International Re-
lations, Mrs. W. L. Trimble; Literature, Mrs. W. B. Maxwell;
Music, Mrs. R. I. Cooke; Kentucky History, Mrs. S. C. Bohanan;
’ Nutrition, Mrs. S. D. Sinnott; all oflfickliffe.
Purpose: Civic welfare, child health, recreation and study.
-Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with library, crippled
children’s fund, cancer control, student loan fund, penny art
fund and child feeding, also F.T.A. and nutrition council.
Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Preparation
and“§§rvin§*of Frod, Entertainment, Recreation, Library Service,
Collecting Books. interested in Auxiliary Fire Protection, Hos-
pital and Clinical Assistance, First Aid, Child Care, Discussion
Local Publicatipns: Year Book.