·   .
    developing the crop of fruit for the The study was to compare the yields of Ml
T ¤ following year. rows that were allowed to grow and
A numhor of domonstrntions indi, mat up naturally with the yields of ,i
. cats that any soil which is dcncicnt rows that had some spacing work done ers
_ in nitrogen will glve increased yields Oh the "°“' ¥"h“th· Th° mhuhd "°“'h wo
or strawhcrrios tho ysar rohowing tho were cultlvatefl the usual way anld al- [rm
application of nitrogen. On one cmp lewcd to deve OD 88 many new p ants uct
_ in Marshnii County in thc iggg hni.vcst_ as they would. The spaced rows were pm
· ing scason, tho growcr had two good not given the usual cnltlvatlons near me
° · pickings of berris on the nitrogen mw the rows that tend to brush the run- um
. nttsr tha rost or tha natoh was nhnn_ ners close into the row. Instead, the m
` doned. Similar results were obtained "“"“°"“ “T°"° "H°w°d t° Smead and {nr
V in two othcr countics_ In no casa fan out normally. This gaveagreater tm
` under observation has the yleld been hllrchd h°t“`€‘*“ Um “°“' plhmh hh crt
‘ _ . docrcascd and a carctui check up ot they were formed. `A small amount of r
i i thc demonstrations conductod shows spacing the runner plants was done fn
that the shipping quality of the berry dllmlg the early hhhihgs- thi
. — . is not injured by this fall application After the rows had fllled with large. va
T ‘ of nitrogen. early formed plants and were as wide n
Z A The nitrato ot soda or thc suitntc as desired a cutting device was placrd ni
· ; of ammonia is hroadcast on thc niattcd on the cultivator to cut off, in cultlx a- tn_
T.   = T TDW Wh€I`1 the plants are dry and the QOH. BUY Il€W I`l1Iln€¥;S· that tried to rrr
- . additional precaution is taken of brush- mot ih the middlhh l""‘“l’· " hm 'Thhh
r Q ing the plants to keep the small par- 0* Spike _m°th h"h"°f‘- _°“‘·’ ‘“` _h";"
__ tlcles of this fertilizer from lodging mkihgs “"° given ·‘c"’Sh the "°“h rh
. V in tho crowns ot the niants; for burn, $eptemher and October. These ra`;
_ _ ing would ho expected it cithcr ot ings tore out the late formed nes Sl
‘ <   these fertilizers remains on the plant. Plhmh by cht°hi“g_ in "“"“°r“ Bud C
t » This brushing may ho donc with an dragging them towards rthe mlddles
_. . r Old broom, ri hunch or groan brush or where they w ere cnt off with a rolling H1
1 r · _ tau weeds on if a large patch ot bei-. cutter orrotherwise remoxed from the or
    ries is trsntod_ a satistactory hrush row. This removal of the small late nt
T   _ may be made by fastening about three Dlnnis gave more space for the earlier-_ Ur
— is , thickness of burial) bags to a 1"x—l"x12' ]i“`g€*` l’h‘“‘“ U) d°“`h‘l’ h"““°r nt
. I- ._·__l gate slat and dragging this device over C*`*§:"‘?_·IT_ The bmwicq in me qpaved rc
T .   ‘ the patch with a mule. *‘ · *·“ ‘ ‘ or
  ¢ .   .·",lz‘r‘zlfltt
  »e·f g  I §’<>¤ldf 1¤k·=> ;¤_ ¤¤¤t~»¤¤ ¤>_t;¤¤e_.*=¤e L2lLT»_"`“¥i.§S$"§-‘.2.-J`f;EI.·.§"{€;L»€§°pi? yg
  .;. Z i n,um sr ° gm“°lS O. stm`} mugs; m plant on the spaced rows than on the he
.     r i kentucky to at least give this fertilizer Hyman mw Drums In vistas one te
  of   222222$‘é§.§`a‘§°§3i°§$L2?.2§‘L2252.28 S21; vgfte S¤.<>-·€¤ =·r;¤i=*;; ¤€g;§=·¤€ dgehto E'}
i_   I   ‘ V. T _ t e spacings. ie o mer ree pa c es
    — i   tw€myTHve.cmt°s per acre `Hth the m gave an increase of two, forty-five and "]
rz.;   i ? crease in yield On Some hhlhs running seventy crates of berries per acre due "`
=   ?   hh high hh S""’°h""h"‘* °"h"’S heh hm tothe spacing practice. The and tem Yi
TT T ’TzTi_,   w.h€m ther;. is a nathrat; Shortslgiiof gave an average yield of 132 crates per fi
  ’     m}r{)g€n‘i Sir a Sm; EEIQIQS ra (gil; acre for the matted rows against an °
.       tlrlahiapg) {.1. reetan Om} a hpmé? 5 average yield of 157 crates per acre r'
t. _’_I     Stags img; 1 mer O one mw a hh E for the spaced rows. p
    T This is only one year's results in n
TT     Indiana. This practice deserves more u
.:     — · . , t . r [ t i
 22 SPACING BE?€§Y Aimgie STRAW- §2$..‘3.X§‘ Ji ‘1i2‘.§’3.i‘i §.$§"Z§nJ§`§’S§5 ;g
      P A TS conditions. h
T;   Research Work   the United States —-C0)l('C)l8Cll ]T7`OHl (I ]l(l]If`l‘ Il]! JIOHVOF t
  Department of AgI`1Cl1ltl1!‘€ and V8.1‘l011S t‘[CC0ll`It. Purriur ('nirrrsiI1/. nppcaring h
  states have shown considerable gain nl "°"”'”" H”""""""""· 5
  in strawberry yields as a result of Norm.-—It would be of interest for a t
  spacing the new DlnntS in the YOW number of our Kentucky growers to t-
  ‘r._ it during the growing season. This is try some of this spacing this fall as I-
    I the mst Y€D0Tt dealing with the far as the raking and harrowing work {
g»`_.`;'*G?·]T·;§}{t   Aroma V¤¥`i€iY Since the previous work goes. These rows should be compared
  was done with other varieties. with untreated rows as to yield, size
 is METHODS.··IH 1937 four demonstra- and color of berry and earliness.
    tions were lined up in four patches. Emroiz i