5 McCRACKEN COUNTY GROWERS twenty years of age and is composed '
[ ASSOCIATION largely of Red Delicious intenplanted
, This association of strawberry grow- Wltll Golden Dellelons» StnY1nsn and 8
Q ers is very much interested in the VerletY celled Mlsslng l-¤lnl¢·Tl1€ `•Vl10l€
_ work to be carried on under the hor- orclierd ls enrrYlng n tlill eroll of '
E tlcultural appropriation. Through this trnlt Wlllen wss nnnsl1nllY tree from
, act lt makes it possible for the Ex- s<=sl>infeclc<1snd worrny sllflles and is
Q perlmcnt Station to enlarge their Ill`ollnlllY tlle lleiwlest €r0D of Red
_ facilities for carrying out laboratory Uellelons illlnles ln tlle state- This
,, and field experiments which should ol'ellill"l· lloWoVel'· llss llsil s l‘eY Mr- Bray and H0rtl·
t creasing yremB_ cultural workers to be the result of
E We appreciate ore value ot quality the srnnle nollen provided by the va-
frult, and our observation has been rletY referred to os Mlsslng Llnk. Tllls
i that the best quulity has been har- VsrletY ls an €Xtr€nl€lY l1€sVY annual
L; vested from thrifty high yielding llloonler tllst produces an abundance of
I fields. High yields not only prove Pollen- Tllls [net together Wlth an V
more profitable ter the grower but at abundance of wild bees in the s¤r·
·‘ the same time keep him ri satisfied roundlns woodland combines to fur-
D fruit grower. nlsh adequate pollination for these
E ]g_ g_ y3Y\uu,;u' ,q,,,.,-em,-y_ Delicious trees which absolutely re- _ e
]»udu,.,,;,_ Ke,m,,.kp qutre abundant cross pollination in or- _
l _i _ _ der to set a heavy crop of fruit. This
-‘ orchard is also located on a high ridge
l' SUMMER FRUIT MlQl·)'I‘ING OF that affords excellent air drainage.
2 CLNTRAL I~.l·.!sTI.Cl{\ GROWERS The well constructed {arm apple  
E gu August lp u ygry yutereuliug storage attracted. much attention along
0 Horticultural field day was held at the Wltll tlle grsdlng sod slung ma'
C orchards of Mr. Joe Bray and Sons elllnerY· After the tour of the orcllmd  
. near Bedford in Trimble County. This wss n¤s<1e· generous Portlons of grape é
{ orchard ls some thirty·eight miles iuice. cookies and watermelon _l¤eli>e