great deal of trouble. Probably the feeding. The secretions from its body
greatest loss of fl'\lH. wma cuused by ulung with the molted skins which are
Brown Rot. Scrimm dci'olluti011 uml cast off as it grows form its shell-like
marking of fruit was also caused by covering. Here the females remain
lute utuwks of Hu¤·Lurh1n1 Pruni. Sun for the remainder ot their lives. The
Jose xecnle is nn Lhu innmrrcmsu in thc young become adult in a little over a
state- again, wu nrc sorry tu I`(‘])()I`[. monlln and then themselves begin Lo
'1`huru is utlwr space in this isamc dc· pmelnxvu young, und in the northern
vmvml to Sun Jusv scale dix·s<:m—ssi¤m. stntvs there nrc usually at least three
lwuuln Loaf curl, the Plum Curculiu generations in :1 season while in the
mul the Urie-ntul Fruit Moth were all South there are four or even more. The J
troublesome in some quarters. generations overlap, the earliest young .·
It. is przuzthzully impossible to pre- prudurcd by the second generations for
dh-!. what the insect or disease dum- example sometimes appear before the
age will be in il given year. The best lust born of the preceding one, which
policy is tu always be prepared in uu results in uu almost constant presence
mr us possible. ot crawling young on an infested tree.
;—— This condition goes on from the time ·
som: lN'l`|·1I{l·]S'l`lN(} l·`A(T'1`S mx. the first young appear in the Spring
(·[.:RN[g(; SAx JUS].; S(·ALE until I`¢:])l`(J(ll1CIi(JIl is stopped by cold
v_ _ _ _ weather.
Ilw urngxnnul home` gf Lhv sun Jose Busvd on fum. full generations and I
svulv was probably (·4lllll1{. It uppeufs assuming that me young are equally ¤
tn 1mYe l`('iH‘llt*(] (.uhfu1·n1u ulmuL·1S»U divided between sexes and that an Of
and *‘*"*'*' fh"! MS *I*¤`*‘¥[*l 1"`}“*U"Q*H!·' me inweuzse should live, it is estimated
ull O\'¢·l‘ this Cllllllfl`}'. 1]*.lll0l`lll;; Ixftll- that (wc]. three billion (3’000'000’004)) V
Ulcky *‘h"‘“ ]i"’*·* IL ]'“"* “ ‘“d‘{ svulo insects would be produced from :1
murgu lnf {gud plmyg, on llllilly ni single Wm., in one SQHSOIL Fortunately  
\\'·]\lt']l ll tlnrxvvs SllfflCl\‘ll[l}’ to quurkly mum. num. muph nmmrilyv UI. an iu_ ‘
M11 ¤¤·¤¤¤· _’1`¤¤¤ v¤¤¤¤¤S -‘¤¤¤<·¥· Suffer levied tree “-mud often be sucked dry ‘
nms! front 1ts attacks ure the fruit before wmmn .
trees and <·urr;u1ts, the dogwoods, _ H '_ _[ _ __ _ ._ __ . L
. . »~ nn funn Iulerxlxla Applud _;
mums. puplurs, ornamental Ch€l'I`l€S, ],·,,y,,,,,,,;,,,,y·- ;
T¥·¤“'¤¥`i¤1K h¤¤¤**· h¤¤¥`dY roses- }·`mm the above statement the reader  
willows, limos, uml liudcns; and even mm understand what a problem it is .
xuuplvs uml elms ure sometimes ut- U, Cnmrol Scale where food plums me
tacked. IL feeds on all parts nf the as plemiful and climatic conditions _
plum ulmvc the ground even including us Nmgeuml as they appear to be  <
the fruit. over this and adjoining states. K;
The full-;:mw11 S(`il]O is about the V 
size nf il pin head, nearly circular in _ _ _ _ _ ·*
outline and rather ilut, sloping grad- $0*1*4 SC·\Lh DISCL $$10:*  
uully upward from its edge to nczxr The i¤1D01`U11H‘€ of $2111 Jose scale  
tho center where :1 slight Ci1'Clll(lI` de- ¢‘<>11\1`0l <‘¤¤111\0l be 0\'€!` €H1Dh11SiZ<-Pd I0 {