wet f
"  Q » safe. However, in a brown·rot year moth may lay as many as 829 eggs mi
` as this one ls, it is not safe to follow and around 400 ls the average. the
sulfur sprays or dusts too closely Young borers, hatch and burrow nnn
with oil. This will cause foliage in- into the peach bark at or near the base can
· jury, It is generally considered safe of the tree where they feed and soon ME
to apply summer—0il sprays two to reach tt considerable slze. As many Ml
three weeks after the last sulfur has as 90 borers have been found ln a O"
t been applied, This would not apply to single six or seven year old tree but Dm`
orchards that had no crop in 1938. the usual number ls from two to ten. {OV
‘ for of course they have not been Large borers pass the winter right Y
` sprayed for brown rot. A few test in their borrows while many smaller of
sprays have been applied at the urgent ones make winter cells ln the bark of six
request of several growers. These will the tree. The borers begin feeding bor
be reported 011 lu the October issue. again inthe spring, ral
O  · Grewere Wne are interested is gemng In mldsummer, the borers change to CHS
_ these results before that time can the ntlult State These nre cleur_ nv;
· write te W- D- A"Inet"°ng· H°rti°nl' winged moths which fly during the TN
‘ turist, Western Kentucky Experiment tluy_ The`. look S0 much like wuenu lcll
. Substatiou, Princeton. l It l i_
‘ , I atheist li; <;}§l=:;¤·’r:gg;rl;¤¤§utggiJlg   tnliltgIniglngenngnkZeteentnnlg.
V · summer spraying for regular dormant r(’;lM“°""`eiTl;e belt wuynu;) get {ie B‘
· . scale spray. This work is simply to ie) in _i>5¤$ii l eee ere? henry uelnie
" try to help the grower who has gotten neilied e I me ’(“““e· °' ue S
h mm trouble and ends the Scale spl-eede (ePl3)ll is ·x white material which
ing and damaging his trees at present` looks much like coarse salt and smells ,
  PEACH TREE BORER AND ITS $tJ§?$n`E`§°tlZ'é°L’$EZi}$’ nl"}S£`..t€liEt.}§ im
. CONTROL heavier than air, satnrate the soil and me
-. - P.O.R1Tc1u»;n. slowly poison the peach tree borers. bm
l · Department of Entomology and Botany Treatment should be made as late  
  lNTnnntic.l.n,N__.·l·he peach tree hnrer in the season as possible but lt must les
_ ,   is n nntlye Kentucky insect \`·hich hee be done while the ground temperature in
  . been a pest in nur State ger mnny yeayst is ti0°F tor above to free t the fumes mt
_ . ‘ It nttncke trees Ot every nee nun is su which kill the borers. Injury to the _
V A ` l thick in many nench Orchards that trees may result from application dur- ·
` ~`   ·   most of the trees are attacked within a mg hot \‘~`€2‘·¤l}<‘¤‘. In addition, PDB n__‘
    t   year or eu utter nlunting_ Since the should be applied when the soil is dry. 3**
. T ? 2 best time an getting nm of uns insect Peet: er¤~§¤r$l_Sl¤<>¤¤ll1] use this tlvtiw- li
. ° i » is almost here, I have been asked to me U lll ecllmg “' €¤ 0 Veil ¥ l"
;t. * fc.; i l V write ehcut the hnhits ct the peach ply PDB from the middle to late Sep- °{‘
        in A borer and how to kill it_ tember, in eastern Kentucky; late e ‘
*1.   _t_t ~.   lN_rUnr__The iniuricue stage Ot this Sreptemher to early October, in central m
. .’e. ·   ` ‘ * Ei insect is the worm or grub which in- Itentuckyi wld October. in W€Si€¤j11 gn
-     { lures neuch trees nenr the ground hy kentucky. Btorers lean be treated in el
_··.   rt tunnelling under the bark and more er the spring with tatr success but fall mj
    ti Q 3 · less girdling the tree. Young trees are le the best tune- _ m`
    more subject to girdling while older Penen U;eee· SIX Yenre OY 0ld€¥`·
V       trees ure SO injured thut they hecurne should receive one ounce of PDB. For
  —   t.   etuntetl and sickly untl their crepe ere lour and flve year trees and unusually
    {_ greatly reuucetl An inteetecl tree sturdy three year old trees, 3/4 ounces
ly,     l usually has roughelled hnrk nenr the of PDB ls correct. Younger trees may
  ;;'ft;     hese and n mixture nt ielly_llke gum not need treatment but if found in-
i   ; flctl t and brown nellets of hnrer excrement festetl they. should be wormed with a
    will he found ever the wcunue in the knife or wire rather than treated.
..  base of the tree. For successful treatment, the earth
  Lira Cror.r:.—The peach tree borer for fifteen to eighteen inches around
5;; _.gjr,.i;-é·;:jl`;' goes thru four stages in the course each trunk should he cleaned of grass
  '-A..   { of one year. The first is the egg which and debris and leveled off. lf borers
  E? is a small, oblong, reddish-brown ob- are present above the ground level,
the-,2j}.s  · ject. Eggs are laid from July 1 until dirt should he packed around the
Q.     2 . late in September on the bark or limbs trunks so the earth is level with the
Z'. _Q  ; of peach trees, on nearby weeds and highest horer, excessihe gum and grass
 -.;iQQ ·->’ gv trash, or on the ground. These eggs should he removed.
    l I hatch in about 10 dys. One parent The PDB is placed around the tree
<é`?Z··;¥, I. —