On behalf ofthe University Health Care Committee, Ms. Young moved to accept
UHCCR l, and it passed without dissent. (See UHCCR l on the Board of Trustees website,
www.uky.edu/Trustees, under agenda.)
W. University Health Care Committee Report Continued
Ms. Young reported that Sergio Melgar presented the August financial review.
Discharges for the month of August were 93.8 per day, which were 0.3 discharges per day
greater than the budget of 93.5. The hospital experienced high volume in August posting an
operating income of $2.4 million for the month. Comparing the balance sheet at August fiscal
year 2012 and fiscal year 20ll, cash has decreased $80.9 million and has remained the same as
the July 3l, 20ll balance. Cash continues to be used to fund the remainder of Phase lA ofthe
Patient Care Facility project.
September continues the trend of July and August with high volume and discharges and
an operating income of $2.l million. Year-to-date income from operations for the first quarter is
6.6 million. Management continues to monitor the level of FTEs, watching to see if the high
volume continues and where the optimal level of FTEs will settle.
Bad debt is still a concern, and there will be studies to see what is driving it with the hope
that it can be managed.
In summation, the first quarter will end up in good shape, setting the system on a path to
achieve a $22 million revenue goal in fiscal year 20l2.
Dr. Richard Lofgren and Dr. Michael Dobbs reported on the UK HealthCare and Norton
Collaborative Stroke Affiliate Network, looking at its current state and future opportunities. The
Committee voted to approve the creation and funding of the UK Norton Healthcare Joint
Corporation for Quality and Research Collaboration.
Dr. Lofgren presented the August 20l2 signature perfonnance matrix. He also
announced that the hospital will invite consultants from the University Health System
Consortium (UHC) to conduct an audit ofthe hospital’s current clinical perfonnance processes
to assure that UK’s HealthCare’s methods are state-of-the-art.
Dr. Kevin Nelson presented for approval the current list of privileges and credentials for
Chandler and Good Samaritan hospitals. The Committee made a motion, and all privileges and
credentials were approved.
Following the meeting, the Committee and interested Board members took a tour ofthe
new operating rooms, PACU, and Central Sterile.