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\ 1. Towne articles and Polytechnic Socie— {
, ty’s records of Troost collection.
2. Polytechnic Society Minutes, 1881. j
\ 5. Recordsof Louisville library museum.
_ 4. Louisville HERALD, July 7, 1911.
5. Correspondence between R. C. Ballard
Thruston and George T. Settle, March—May, 1914.
o. Information supplied by Lucien Beckner.
7. COURIER—JOURNAL, July 5, 1925.
_ A brother of Sallie Ward Downs,Matt F.Ward,
was involved as defendant in one of Kentucky’s i
; causes celebre of the mid—nineteenth century.
J Ward shot and killed William H. G. Butler,
· Louisville high school principal and brother of
Noble Butler (seeChapterIII). Professor Butler l
had chastised Ward’s youngest brother, William,
for some breach of discipline and Ward, with
another brother, Robert, went to the school to
discuss the matter with the principal. At the
trial Matt Ward,a man in feeble health,pleaded
self—defense, claiming that Butler threatened `A
to strike him. He was acquitted on this plea, (
an outcome that aroused much indignation in the
city. Bland Ballard (see Chapter III), then an
I attorney, headed a committee that drafted reso-  
lutions of disapproval; and the Ward brothers .
’ were burned in effigy.
8. Information supplied by R. C. Ballard
d Thruston; also, COURIER-JOURNAL, September 25,
{ 1921.
9. COURIER—JOURNAL, September 25, 1950.
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