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FiwANcEs 1
Two questions that naturally arise in con- g
nection with any public institution are, first, E
what is its income and how derived? and, sec- 5
ond, how is this income spent? lt is these 7
questions as they refer to the operation of the
Louisville Free Public Library that this sec- é _
tion will undertake to answer. f
The 1ibrary’s two major sources of revenue y 1
are city tax moneys and the rental of the Kauf— , `
man—Straus Building. In the 1940-41 fiscal ‘*
year these two sources brought more than ‘ V
$221,700 of the grand total of $240,751.61 re- ,;_
A ceived by the library. Third in size and im- ; "
portance is the subsidy from the Jefferson i 1
County Fiscal Court for library services to V
county residents. This has rangedup to $15,000 lil
in years past. ln the quadrennium ending with  
i the 1941-42 fiscal year it has been $9,000 an- ·i,A
5 nually, rising to $11,000 for the 1942-45 fis- /
cal year. T `/
By statute the library may receive a maximum ·*y
V of four cents of each $1.50 of city tax reve- 1
nues. ln 1905, to provide funds to purchase iv
the site of the present building, and in the Y,{
_ four fiscal years after the 1957 flood, this Alt
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