xt7m3775vw7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7m3775vw7p/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1977 journals 229 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.229 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.229 1977 2014 true xt7m3775vw7p section xt7m3775vw7p 2
TE S TS — 1 9 77
Progress Report 229
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Table 1.—L0cati0n, Planting Dam and Climatic Data for the 1977 Soybean Performance Tests.
l 2 3 3 ii 5 6
llenclersen llnrtlorrl Princeton Prineeten Nurray Lexington Franklin ·
w_fiW_i_é_4__v _A Double Crop Double Crcg
Farmer James Dune lixp. Exp. Gus Exp. Joe Sr
cnlq»t·r.’1tur MuCtm;xtliy l·li l l igzxn Stn. Sta. Rnbertsontlr. Sta. Ben Neely
lixtunes lon William .l0l1n - - Ted — Don
.il5t~nt llemlrick l{£\V?ll'\i1ll@ll U llnward Kessler
Snil Lyne l~l;1lil·illt·:;7/ l lb l.ur¤»:·; l qt l lb llirn:-; l lb Lnrtix l lb l.ur<»:< l lb Lnrex ll/2 lb Lnrex
Z qt lnssn '1`rel`l.1n2 lb Lrissn 2 qt lnssn 2 qt Lasse 3 qt Lasse 2 qt l..1ssn
3 pt lS.isn- 3 pt l%.i:s.1— l qt Pura- No pt Bass- l qt Parn-
lQl“·lll grill] quill; )§Y`[ll`l;/ flllllf
Sn l l 'l`t·:;l, +
l’ lub 60 58 70 hl 300 l55 `
ll 5 W 167 lh} 17Q 299 BRA 239
pli b.?% (1.6 6.7 $8 6.5 6.5
l`r·rt i l iiger T·J¤vnt· 81 lb l’,)\)3 9] lb PFFUB None EO lb N 60 lb Kvl) None
nnvl imi?" lll} lb KSU lll) lb l{iO SO lb PWD; 7 —
` “ no 1l> R30
lute wil _
tt—i·ip,i‘t·ill;·*>; W/J —’»/25 ¤'•/lll /o/l‘i 5/22 5/l2 5/6
¢»s"i> ni ,mt·
—:»i’ l it ·_
Wl ¤ii_n¤.·.·
;;—;-;·i; /· ll '·/Ji -'»/lll J/lll -Z/l`i Q/ij »·/ll
~· ~L‘i‘ .: wt
W ‘ ati  
‘~lZ rlll .Z—¤ llfli lll/l'! lii.”l‘? lD—'.il 10/.1% lll/JQ
*·· " #11—~'» . it `~ ~i intl wl ipgiqwllv ii l ;t·.

 _ Kentucky Soybean Performance
Tests — 1 9 7 7
By D. A. Reicoshy, _/. M. Wood and Charles Tutt
The objective of the Kentucky Soybean Performance tests
is to provide an estimate of the relative performance of soybean
varieties in Kentucky. This information may be used by growers
and seedsmen in selecting the variety that will give the highest
total production for a specific situation. Experimental strains of
soybeans provided by the U.S. Regional Soybean Laboratory
T are also tested at several locations in Kentucky.
Soybean tests in 1977 were conducted at six locations in
the state. The testing locations, soil types, planting date, row
width, and other information are shown on the opposite page.
The information on the dates that soil temperatures reach
65°F and the date of a 50% chance of a spring killing frost is
provided for various areas of the state as guidelines for planting
of soybeans (Table 1.) To obtain good germination and stand
establishment it is recommended that soybean planting be
, delayed until after there is a low probability ofa killing frost
and until the soil temperature at the 2-inch depth reaches 65°F.
The date of a 50% chance of  fall killing frost is important
, in determining which variety you select to plant (Table 1). For
maximum yield, a variety must mature before the first killing
frost in the fall. Maturity dates of varieties are listed for the
Princeton and Lexington locations in Tables 7 and 9. Particular
(These footnotes concern Table 1 and material onpage 2.)
1No·till double-cropped after wheat.
3Two applications of 2 pints each.
4Temperature at 2—inch depth of bare soil for years 1967-72 (weekly average).
5Bascd on a 30-year average.
*Trade names of products mentioned or similar products not named is neither
intended as an endorsement nor criticism of such products by the Kentucky Agricul»
tural Experiment Station.

 attention should be given to the maturity date of a variety when
double-cropping soybeans. (See the discussion on double-crop
soybeans.) ~
The dates presented in Table 1 are average dates over a
long term, and the date for each factor may vary from year to
year. For the date of a 1 year out of 10 chance of a spring
killing frost, add 13-16 days to the dates in Table 1 and for the Y
date of a 1 year out of 10 chance of a fall killing frost subtract
13-18 days from the dates in Table 1.
Iiach variety was planted in three plots (replications) at all
locations, with individual plots being 20 feet long and 4 rows
wide. The seeding rate was approximately 8-10 viable seeds per
foot of row.
Lodging was rated on a scale of 1 to 5; 1 = almost all
plants erect; 2 I all plants over slightly or a few down; 3 = all
plants over moderately or 25% down; 4 = all plants over con-
siderably or 50-80% down; 5 = all plants over badly.
Maturity Date _
This is the date when the pods are dry and most of the _
leaves have dropped. Stems are also dry, under most conditions. i
Maturity may also be expressed as days earlier (—) or later (+)
than that of a standard variety (Williams). Maturity dates were
recorded at the Princeton and Lexington locations.
Plant height was measured in inches from the soil surface
to the tip ol the main stein.

Shattering was scored 3 weeks after maturity and was
based on estimates of the percent of open pods on a scale of 1
to 5; 1 = No shattering; 2 = 1%-10% shattered; 3 = 10-25%
shattered; 4 = 25-30% shattered; and 5 = over 50% shattered.
Shattering scores were taken at the Princeton and Lexington
An important step of profitable soybean production is to
select good seed of the best variety for your management
system. The Kentucky Soybean Performance Tests are con-
ducted to provide information useful in making this selection.
Performance of soybean varieties is affected by many
factors including season, location, soil type, and time of plant-
ing. A particular soybean variety is adapted for full-season
growth in a band approximately 100 miles wide from north to
south. Thus, the best variety in northern Kentucky may not be
A the best in southern areas. For this reason the Kentucky Soy-
bean Performance Tests are conducted at several locations in
the major soybean—producing areas of the state. Data from the
location nearest to a soybean grower’s farm probably provide
the best estimate of the potential of the soybean varieties in
that area.
Yield is only one factor to consider in selecting a variety
for your production system. Maturity, lodging resistance,
disease resistance, seed shattering resistance, and time and
equipment availability are other factors that need to be con-
Performance of the soybean varieties will vary from year
to year and location to location depending on adaptability,
_ weather conditions, and management. The average performance
of a variety over a period of years provides a better estimate of
its potential and stability than its performance in a particular
year. When selecting a variety it is important to consider the
three- or two-year average presented in the tables to get an
estimate ofa variety’s stability and performance potential over

 Small differences in yield are usually of little importance.
The yield of two varieties at a single location may differ because
of chance factors (difference in soil characteristics, fertility, or
availability of moisture) even though the inherent yielding
ability is the same. To decide if an observed yield difference is
real, use the LSD (least significant difference) value quoted at
the bottom of the tables. If the difference in yield is greater
than the LSD value, you may be reasonably certain that the
entries actually do differiin yielding ability. "N.S.” in the tables
indicates that no statistically significant differences were deter-
Special Note
A severe infestation of the Mexican Bean Beetle occurred
at the Henderson location during the last week of August. All
varieties in the test suffered defoliation ranging from 75%
defoliation to nearly complete defoliation by September 7.
Owing to the range of pod development of the various varieties
at the time of infestation yield comparisons would be mislead-
ing and confusing. Therefore, only data for 1976 and 1975 are
presented for the Henderson location.
Variety Adaptation
Early-maturing varieties (Group III), such as Woodworth
and Williams, are best adapted in areas of Kentucky north of
the line indicated on the map shown below. The line is approxi-
mately the same as where the Western Kentucky Parkway is -
located. Late-maturing varieties (Groups V and VI), such as
Essex, York and Forrest are best adapted in areas south of the
indicated line. Mid-season varieties (Group IV), such as Cutler
71, Custer and Kent, can be successfully grown in most areas in
‘ \.II'lCII<`S tor other groups not named are not adapted for growing in Kentucky.

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Approximate areas of adaptation 0f the maturity groups commonly
grown in Kentucky.
Double-crop Soybeans
Planting soybeans in a double-cropping system usually
results in a later planting date than conventional-planted beans.
Previous research has shown that soybean yields are generally
reduced by l/2-3/4 bu/A per day for each day planting is
delayed after mid—june and 1 bu/A per day when planted after
the last part of _]une. Practices such as high-moisture harvesting
or swathing of the small grains and no-till planting of the soy-
beans all help to get the soybeans planted earlier and should be
used where possible.
The shorter growing season of a double—cropping system
results in a shorter vegetative growth period, reduced plant
height, and a smaller plant canopy. Row spacing research has
indicated that the highest yields in double-crop plantings are
obtained using narrow rows (10-20,,}, particularly when the
_ planting date is in late june and july.
Variety selection is very important in a soybean double-
cropping system. Research has shown that the mid- to full-
SGCZSOTL 7’l'L(ZlU7'Z.77.g ULZTZIEZZIGS CZddplCd 2`7'L yOLl7` LZTCLZ p€7'fO7'777. bC.S`l' ZITZ tl
double-crop planting. Caution must be used to select a variety
that will mature before the first fall frost. When plantings are
made in july, a variety that is one maturity group earlier than
normally used should be selected to prevent a yield reduction
due to frost injury.

 Soil Fertility and Inoculation
Failure to adjust soil acidity is often the most limiting
fertility practice. Acid soils should be limed to pH 6.4. If soil
pH is below 6.2 at planting, molybdenum should be applied.
Apply phosphate and potash as needs are indicated by soil test
results. For double-cropped beans, phosphate and potash can be
applied for both crops when seeding the small grain. Foliar
applications may be necessary to correct manganese deficiency
problems on some soils with high pH levels in the Western Coal
Field region.
No nitrogen is recommended for soybeans. However, if
soybeans have not been planted in the field in the past 3 years,
seed should be inoculated as close to planting time as possible.
See Ky. Coop. Ext. AGR-1 for specific fertility and inoculation
Seeding Rates
Soybean seeding rates should be governed by the final
stand desired in terms of plants per foot of row. To obtain a
given number of plants per foot of row, seed size and percent
germination of the seed lot must be considered. Soybean varie-
ties differ considerably in seed size, with the more common
varieties ranging from 2,600 to 3,500 seed per pound. After
selecting the variety, row spacing, and number of seeds per foot,
the planting rate in pounds per acre can be determined from
Table 2. If the field conditions are nearly ideal and the seed is ‘
of high quality use the lower rate. lf field conditions or seed
quality is marginal use the higher rate. Adjustments also need
to be made for differences in seed lot germination. The seeding —
rates in Table 2 are recommended for both conventional plant-
ings and double-crop plantings. When planting with a no-till
system, the seeding rates should be increased by 10% to
ctnnpensate for slightly /tig/zer seedling mortality.
Certified Seed
Always plant high quality seed of the variety you select.
Certified soybean seed is a reliable source of good seed.

 Table 2,-Pounds of Seed per Acre for the Given Row Width and Seed Size
at the Recommended Seeding Rate.
Q Row spacing 10 20 30 40
Seeding Rate 3-4 6-8 8-10 10-12
(seeds per foot)
Seeds per pound ‘
2600 60-80 60-80 54-67 50-60
2800 56-75 56-75 50-62 47-56
3000 52-70 52-70 46-58 44-52
3200 49-65 49-65 44-54 41-49
3400 46-61 46-61 41-51 38-46
3600 44-58 44-58 39-48 36-44
Certified seed has passed rigid field and laboratory standards
for genetic identity and purity of a variety. Certified soybean
seed also has good germination and is free of noxious weed seed
and other crop seed. The Agricultural Experiment Station
recommends that Kentucky-certified seed be used whenever
possible for growing a commercial crop of soybeans. Informa-
tion on certified seed growers in Kentucky can be obtained
from your local extension agent or the Kentucky Seed Improve-
ment Association (P.O. Box 12008, Lexington, Ky. 40511).
Kentucky State Seed Law
The Kentucky state seed law requires all seed exposed,
offered for sale, or sold in Kentucky to be labeled as to kind
and variety for each agricultural seed component present in
i excess of 5% of the whole and the percentage by weight of each
component. All soybean seed blends should be labeled as to the
percentage composition of each variety that makes up the
mixture. Table 3 lists the soybean blends tested in 1977 and the
components of the mixture.

 Table 3.—Percentage Composition of Each Variety in the Soybean Blends
Tested in 1977.
Name Variety 1 Variety 2 Variety 3
Multivar 100 33.3% Dare 33.3% Essex 33.3% Mack
Multivar 91 33.3% Calland 33.3% Williams 33.3% Cutler 7l
RA—3l 50% SB 27 50% Williams
VB 350 50% Agripro 35 50% williams
Average Statewide Performance
The performance data of varieties that have been in the
Kentucky variety test for at least 2 years are averaged over years
and across locations in maturity zones and are shown in Table
4. Performance of a variety across a period of years and at
several locations in the state is a good indicator of its produc-
tion potential.
Varieties that have shown satisfactory yields and lodging
resistance in Table 4 can be expected to have satisfactory field
performance under similar conditions and locations in Ken-
tucky. lf you have soybean cyst nematode problems a resistant
variety should be used in conjunction with a recommended crop
rotation in your production system (Sec Ky. Coop. Ext. PPA-3,
"Soybean Cyst Nematode," available at your county extension

 Table 4.—Averaga Performance Across Years and Location.
Hartford and Murray and
Lexington Mayfie1d/
1976-77 1976-77-
———5y -· ·y Am>r¤><-
. Yield Lodging- Yield Lodging- Seed/ Appr0x.3/
(Bu/Ac) (Bu/Ac) Pound Maturitxj
Early (Group III)
SRF 307P 49.2 3.1 - - 2800 -3
Williams 51.2 1.8 44.8 1.4 2600 0
Woodworth 50.2 2.3 46.4 2.1 2600 -4
Mid-Season (Group IV)
_ Bonus 50.9 1.8 49.4 1.6 2600 +4
Cutler 71 49.5 2.2 47.0 2.4 2600 +4
Kent 46.1 2.0 48.2 1.8 2600 +13
Mitchell 53.2 2.5 52.5 1.9 2900 +9
SRF 425 46.1 2.7 43.1 3.0 3200 +5
SRF 450 45.3 1.9 47.0 2.2 2700 +13
SSF 402 47.1 2.6 44.1 2.3 — -1
VS 405 46.8 2.8 48.3 2.1 2400 +4
Wilstar 430 55.3 2.3 50.6 2.8 2800 +6
Late (Groups V and VI)
Dare 44.9 3.3 46.3 2.6 3500 +33
Essex 4/ 50.1 2.0 53.1 1.8 3500 +27
Forrest- 44.7 3.5 44.7 2.3 3500 +33
James 41.9 2.1 45.1 1.8 2800 +23
McNair 500 5/ 38.1 3.0 42.6 2.3 3500 +35
Multivar 100- 45.1 3.4 46.0 2.8 2600 +36
York 47.7 2.7 48.0 1.9 2600 +36
FFR 556 39.6 3.1 41.0 3.1 2600 +31
Hood 75 " ’ 40.5 4.1 3400 +35
Average 47.1 2.6 49.5 2.3
LSD (.05) 7.8 0.7 N.S.§/ 1.0
l/ Murray data for 1977 and Mayfield data for 1976 were used to obtain
2/ a 2—year mean from the Purchase Area.
57 See explanation in text.
ZY Days earlier (-) or later (+) than Williams.
E7 Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
gy Blend, see Table 3.
- No statistically significant differences were indicated.

The seed planted in the 1977 Soybean Performance Tests
was acquired from the following sources:
Entry Source
Multivar 91, 100 Northrup, King 8c Co., P.O. Box 49, Wash-
ington, Iowa 52353
SRF 307P, 425, 450, Soybean Research Foundation Inc., Mason
City, Ill. 62664
McNair 500 McNair Seed Company, P.O. Box 706,
Laurinburg, N.C. 28352
RA-31, 501 Ring Around Products Inc,, P.O. Box 1629,
Mitchell Plainview, Texas 79072
A3585 Asgrow Seed Co., P.O. Box 1059, 9001
Hickman Rd., Des Moines, Iowa 50053
AGRIPRO 27, 35 North American Plant Breeders, Route 2,
Ames, Iowa 50010
FFR 336, 556 Farmers Forage Research Coop, 4112 E.
State Road 225, Lafayette, Ind. 47906
SSF 402, 503 Smith Seed Farms, Route 2, Box 59B,
Goodlettsville, Tenn. 37072
Wilstar 430 Wilstar Seeds, Hopkinsville, Ky. 42240 .
VS 405, 465 Voris Seeds, Inc., Box 457, Windfall, Ind.
VB 350 46076
CX 215 Pfizer Genetics, Inc., Rural Route 1, Box 99,
Beaman, Iowa 50609
Williams, York, Kentucky Foundation Seed Project, P.O.
Woodworth, Dare, Box 11950, Lexington, Ky. 40511
Kent, Custer, Essex,
Cutler 71, Bonus,
james. Forrest,
l·`r;inl~;lin, Bedford,
llood 75, lllf, Union _

 Table 5.-Kentucky Soybean Variety Tests-Henderson.
. . 2/
Yield (Bu/Ac) Lodging;
Variety 75-76 1976 1977;/ 75-76 1976 1977i/
Early (Group III)
· Calland 57.0 65.1 - 3.6 4.0 -
Clemens 327 - 55.5 - - 4.5 -
Funk'§/G3333 - 52.1 - - 4.2 -
RA 31- — 56.5 - - 3.5 -
SRF 307P 51.7 52.9 — 4.4 4.7 -
SRF 72-3299 — 59.5 - - 4.5 -
Williams 54.1 57.5 - 1.9 2.0 -
Woodworth 55.9 63.8 — 2.8 3.0 -
Mid-Season (Group IV)
A72-512 — 58.9 - - 4.3 -
Bonus 3/ 56.3 53.6 - 2.3 2.2 -
Custer- - 57.8 - — 4.0 -
Cutler 71 49.7 51.5 - 3.5 3.0 -
FFR 444 3/ 49.7 49.9 - 3.3 3.0 -
Franklin- — 50.9 - — 4.3 -
Kent 53.3 56.7 - 3.2 3.7 —
L73-6536 - 52.2 - - 4.0 -
Mitchell 62.9 62.0 - 4.3 4.2 —
NAPB 418 - 55.4 — — 3.2 -
Pomona 52.6 55.1 - 2.9 3.3 -
RA Expt 1 - 55.7 - - 3.2 -
SRF 425 52.5 55.0 — 4.3 4.2 —
SRF 450 48.1 48.6 - 3.8 4.5 -
SRF 72-89 — 49.8 — — 3.2 -
SSF 402 - 48.9 - — 3.2 -
VS 405 - 62.2 - — 4.2 -
Wilstar 430 — 58.6 — — 3.2 -
Late (Groups V and V1)
Dare 41.3 49.1 — 4.8 5.0 -
Essex 3/ 44.8 46.1 - 3.3 5.0 -
Forrest- 42.5 43.9 — 4.0 5.0 -
James 44.0 49.2 — 3.3 4.0 -
McNair 500 — 28.2 ~ — 5.0 -
Multivar 1005/ - 43.6 — — 5.0 —
York 44.0 46.7 - 4.1 4.8 —
FFR 556 38.8 25.2 - 4.1 4.8 —
Creensoy 74-45 — 34.2 - - 3.5 —
Average 50.0 51.8 - 3.5 3.9 -
LSD (.05) 14.4 11.4 — 1.5 1.5 —
V i/ Data from 1977 not reportedowing to infestation by the Mexican Bean
7/ Beetle. See explanation in text.
gy See explanation in text.
ZY Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
-7 Blend, see Table 3.
1 3

 Table 6.—Kentucky Soybean Variety Tests—H¤rtford.
Yield (Bu/Ac) L0dginEl/ my
Variety 75-77 76-77 1977 75-77 76-77 1977 (In)
Early (Group III)
Agripro 27 - — 54.2 — — 2.5 38
Agripro 35 - — 53.9 - - 2.0 41
Asgrow 3585 - - 57.1 — — 2.8 42
CX 215 — — 48.6 — — 2.8 40
ELF — - 62.0 - - 1.0 23
FFR 336 — - 50.7 - — 1.7 33
RA 31- — 58.1 65.3 — 2.3 2.5 44
SRF 30E? 48.0 52.5 57.4 2.7 3.3 2.8 43
VB 350- - - 53.5 — - 2.2 41
williams 49.9 53.0 59.8 1.7 1.6 1.8 41
Woodworth 47.3 50.7 60.7 2.2 2.6 3.0 42
Mid-Season (Group IV)
Bonus 3/ 50.4 55.9 61.9 1.8 1.8 2.0 47
Custer- - 46.7 51.7 — 2.8 2.2 43
Cutler 71/ 50.1 53.2 55.2 2.0 2.2 1.8 43
Franklin- — 52.4 56.7 — 2.3 2.3 46
Kent 45.3 45.8 48.7 2.1 2.4 3.0 43
Mitchell r/ 49.0 51.9 52.6 2.3 2.7 2.5 45
Multivar 912* — - 60.4 — — 2.3 44
SRF 425 48.0 50.1 55.8 2.3 2.7 2.7 46
SRF 450 42.3 42.8 44.4 1.9 2.0 2.5 43
SSF 402 — 49.5 49.8 — 2.3 3.0 44
Union - — 64.1 — - 2.5 48
VS 405 — 45.3 50.5 — 2.8 3.3 45
VS 465 - — 58.5 - — 1.8 48
wilstar 430 ~ 56.3 64.6 — 2.5 2.7 46
Late (Groups V and VI)
Bedford;/ - — 45.2 — - 3.5 51
Dare 46.3 50.6 56.4 2.6 3.3 3.5 39
Essex 3/ 50.0 51.2 55.5 1.5 1.8 1.5 34
Forrest- 50.0 50.5 64.3 2.4 2.7 2.2 40
James 44.6 43.3 37.9 2.3 2.3 2.7 51
MeNair 500 ,/ — 41.8 54.4 - 3.0 3.0 40
Nultivar 100i — 49.5 55.9 — 3.3 3.2 41
RA 501 — — 59.2 — — 3.7 52
SSP 503 - — 60.8 — — 2.0 33
York 48.0 51.0 59.0 2.1 2.3 2.3 44 ‘
FFR 556 44.6 40.5 48.1 3.1 3.5 3.3 56
Average 47.6 49.7 55.4 2.2 2.5 2.5 43
LSD (.05) N.S.9/ N.S. 11.0 N.S. 1.1 1.0 6
%5 See explanation in text.
{C 1977 data only.
%5 Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
é. Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4).
iQ Blend, see Table 3.
-' No statistically significant differences were indicated.

 Table 7.-Kentucky Soybean Variety Tests-·Prinoeton. [
Yield (Bu/Ac) Lodging%/ Htg/ 3/ Maturity
Variety 75-77 76-77 1977 75-77 76-77 1977 (In) SS- Date-
Early (Group III)
Agripro 27 - - 37.1 - - 1.0 32 1.0 15 Sep
_ Agripro 35 - - 44.0 - - 1.0 37 1.3 17 Sep
Asgrow 3585 - — 47.1 - - 1.0 38 1.0 18 Sep
CX 215 - - 32.9 - - 1.7 34 1.3 11 Sep
ELF — - 48.2 - - 1.0 24 1.0 18 Sep
FFR 386 - - 38.5 — — 1.7 32 2.0 13 Sep
RA 31- - 43.8 39.2 - 1.5 1.3 40 1.0 15 Sep
SRF 30g? 45.3 43.1 37.5 2.9 3.2 2.0 36 1.0 13 Sep
VB 350- - - 45.7 — — 1.0 37 1.0 17 Sep
Williams 44.4 39.2 37.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 34 1.0 15 Sep
Woodworth 47.7 46.3 43.8 1.3 1.5 1.0 37 1.0 15 Sep
Mid-Season (Group IV)
Bonus 4/ 48.6 46.2 45.4 1.3 1.3 1.0 43 1.0 23 Sep
Custer- - 42.3 41.3 — 2.7 3.0 48 2.0 26 Sep
Cutler 71/ 47.3 43.2 44.0 1.8 1.8 1.0 41 1.0 19 Sep
Franklin- — 46.7 49.6 - 1.3 1.7 47 1.0 21 Sep
Kent 48.6 45.5 48.4 1.1 1.2 1.0 42 1.0 27 Sep
Mitchell 6/ 56.8 53.4 52.7 1.8 1.2 1.0 42 1.3 22 Sep
Multivar 91- — - 43.3 - — 1.3 39 1.0 18 Sep
SRF 425 46.3 41.5 40.8 2.2 2.5 1.0 41 1.0 20 Sep
SRF 450 49.1 47.4 45.6 1.6 1.5 1.0 42 1.0 28 Sep
SSF 402 — 42.2 42.0 — 1.3 1.0 42 1.0 19 Sep
Union · — 51.1 — - 1.7 43 1.3 18 Sep
VS 405 — 46.8 44.0 - 1.8 1.0 45 1.0 20 Sep
VS 465 — - 50.5 - — 1.3 43 1.0 22 Sep
Wilstar 430 - 51.6 57.2 - 2.2 2.0 43 1.3 22 Sep
Late (Groups V and V1)
Bedford2/ - - 29.2 - - 2.3 w 1.0 -4/
Dare 39.2 39.4 41.5 2.2 2.2 1.3 38 1.0 6 Oct
Essex 46.3 46.7 45.3 1.4 1.7 1.0 30 1.0 3 Oct
Forrest- 36.5 34.0 37.8 1.8 2.2 2.0 42 1.0 9 Oct
James 40.1 39.4 45.9 1.1 1.2 1.0 49 1.0 2 Oct
McNair 500 6/ - 33.4 34.1 - 1.8 1.0 38 1.0 9 Oct
Multivar 100- - 40.3 43.4 — 2.2 1.0 38 1.0 12 Oct
RA 501 — — 44.6 — — 2.0 47 1.0 9 Oct
SSF 503 — — 53.0 — — 1.0 31 1.0 4 Oct
York 43.8 44.3 42.4 2.1 2.2 2.0 39 1.0 9 Oct
FFR 556 35.9 33.4 39.1 2.3 2.5 1.0 56 1.0 -
Average 45.0 43.0 43.7 1.7 1.8 1.3 40 1.1 —
LSD (.05) 7.6 9.6 10.8 1.1 N.S.§/ 1.0 5 0.3
- gf See explanation in text.
§/ 1977 data only.
ZY Shattering score, see explanation in text.
EY Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
E7 Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4).
? Blend, see Table 3.
BV Not mature when killing frost occurred on 10/13.
- No statistically significant differences were indicated.

 Table 8.-Kentucky Soybean Variety Tests—Murray.
. . 1/
Ylald (Bu/Ac) Lodg1ng— Ht
Variety 1977 1977 (In)
Early (Group III)
Agripro 27 51.2 2.7 35
Agripro 35 47.8 2.7 37
Asgrow 3585 54.6 2.7 37
CX 215 46.0 3.0 40
ELF 51.6 2.0 27
FFR 339 48.5 2.0 37
RA 3lL 49.6 3.0 41
SRF 3071; 51.4 3.3 41
VB 350i 49.7 3.0 40
Williams 46.8 2.0 40
Woodworth 48.2 2.0 39
T~Iid—Seas0n (Group IV)
Bonus ,)/ 52.6 2.3 43
Custer; 40.2 2.3 49
Cutler 7])/ 54.3 3.3 43
Franklin; 51.5 2.3 44
Kent 52.6 3.3 41
Mitchell IM 56.3 3.7 41
Piultlvnr 9lr 49.5 3.0 45
SRF 425 47.7 4.3 41
SRF 450 55.7 3.0 39
_ SSP 402 52.0 2.3 40
Union 57.7 3.0 44
V5 405 45.2 2.3 42
VS 465 57.6 2.3 41
Wllstalr 430 51.2 3.3 43
7.2lCC (Groups V and VI)
Bedford}! 46.3 3.3 48
l)£lI‘t‘ 51.3 3.0 40
[Essex ,,/ 55.4 3.0 33
Forrest; 57.4 3.7 40
James 54.0 2.3 44 .
)1eN;1ir 500 52.2 3.0 41
Nultlvzxr 100i/ 49.5 4.7 39
1:.x sul @9.3 4.3 47
SSP 503 56.3 2.7 33 _
York 55.5 2.0 41
I·`I·`i< 556 32.8 2.7 45
Need 75 51.2 4.3 34
.`\\`;;L`l1g€ 51.4 2.9 40
LSU (.03) 7.7 1.9 7
4,; See ezaplnnutlen ln Lexi,.
E-, Ei· sistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
  liesistsmt to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4) .
7; Blend. see Table 3.

 Table 9.—Ken¤ucky Soybean Variety Tests—Lexingt0n.
Yield (Bu/Ac) L0dging§/ Htg/ 3/ Maturiyy
Variety 75-77 76-77 1977 75-77 76-77 1977 (In) SS- Date;
Earl (Group III)
Agripro 27 - - 53.6 - — 2.3 39 1.0 24 Sep
_ Agripro 35 — - 56.7 — — 2.5 41 1.0 26 Sep
Asgrow 3585 — — 57.2 - — 2.0 41 1.0 24 Sep
CX 215 — - 47.3 - - 3.0 40 1.0 23 Sep
ELF — - 61.4 — — 1.0 25 1.0 26 Sep
FFR 3g? — — 51.9 — - 2.5 34 1.0 22 Sep
RA 31- — 48.4 57.8 — 2.4 2.7 44 1.0 26 Sep
SRF 30gF 42.8 45.9 49.9 2.6 2.8 3.2 44 1.0 25 Sep
VB 350- — - 52.1 — — 2.2 42 1.0 28 Sep
Williams 47.5 49.4 54.4 1.7 2.1 2.5 43 1.0 26 Sep
Woodworth 47.7 49.6 55.1 1.7 1.9 2.5 42 1.0 25 Se
Mid~Season (Group IV)
Bonus 4/ 47.0 46.0 53.3 1.7 1.8 2.2 48 1.0 1 Oct
Custer- - — 48.1 — — 2.7 48 1.0 4 Oct
Cutler 71 42.1 45.8 52.4 2.1 2.3 2.2 45 1.0 26 Sep
Frank1in-/ — — 52.2 — — 1.7 49 1.0 28 Sep
Kent 42.5 46.3 51.8 1.7 1.7 1.8 45 1.0 1 Oct
Mitchell 6/ 49.7 54.4 62.1 2.6 2.4 2.5 43 1.0 2 Oct
Multivar 91- - - 55.4 - — 1.7 4O 1.0 26 Sep
SRF 425 39.3 42.1 49.7 2.8 2.8 3.0 43 1.0 27 Sep
SRF 450 43.4 47.7 54.1 1.9 1.8 2.3 45 1.0 3 Oct
SSF 402 — 44.7 55.1 - 2.8 2.8 46 1.0 26 Sep
Union — — 56.4 — — 2.7 45 1.0 26 Sep
VS 405 - 48.4 51.2 - 2.7 2.7 51 1.0 30 Sep
VS 465 - — 56.5 - — 1.7 49 1.0 6 Oct
Wilstar 430 - 54.3 60.7 - 2.2 2.0 45 1.0 1 Oct
Late (Groups V and V1)
BedEord2/ — — 38.0 - — 4.7 49 1.0 —%§
Dare 38.9 39.1 47.4 3.2 3.3 2.5 41 1.0 ~?/
Essex L/ 47.2 49.0 53.6 2.1 2.3 2.5 36 1.0 —?/
Forrest- 41.8 39.0 52.0 3.7 4.3 3.8 41 1.0 -·
James 36.3 40.4 44.8 1.7 1.9 2.0 52 1.0 10 Oct
McNair 500 (/ - 34.4 54.0 — 3.0 2.7 38 1.0 ~%;
Multivar 10094 — 40.8 50.4 — 3.5 3.3 38 1.0 -7/
RA 501 - - 45.0 — · 3.5 52 1.0 -$/
SSF 503 - - 56.6 — — 2.3 36 1.0 -7/
York 44.6 44.3 51.3 3.0 3.2 2.8 42 1.0 -;/
FFR 556 37.1 38.7 50.2 2.4 2.7 2.7 53 1.0 ·-
Average 43.2 45.2 52.8 2.3 2.6 2.5 43 1.0 —
LSD (.05) 7.6 N.S.§/10.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 5 N.S.
, gi See explanation in text.
§/ 1977 data only.
ZY Shattering score, see explanation in text.
7 Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
¤/ .
EY Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4).
$7 Blend, see Table 3.
§/ Not mature when killing frost occurred on 10/13.
· No statistically signizicant differences were indicated.
1 7

 Table 10.——Kentucky Soybean Variety Tests—FrankIin, No-till, Double-
(Yield (Bu/Ac) Lodging%/ Htg/
Variety 76-77 1977 76-77 1977 (In)
Early (Group III)
Agripro 27 — 44.0 - 2.5 29
Agripro 35 -»- 43.4 - 2.7 30
Asgrow 3585 - 36.0 — 2.2 31
CX 215 — 39.2 — 2.5 29
ELF — 43.3 — 1.0 17
FFR 3g? — 43.1 — 2.3 27
RA 31- — 43.1 — 2.5 31
SRF 30E? — 35.8 - 3.3 28
VB 350- - 43.8 — 2.5 27
Williams 45.2 46.5 1.4 1.8 30
Woodworth 39.8 35.6 3.3 4.4 32
Mid—Season (Group IV)
Bonus 3/ 39.0 39.8 1.9 2.5 33
Custer- — 41.0 — 2.8 33
Cutler 715/ 39.5 42.0 2.4 1.8 30
Franklin- — 43.4 - 2.5 33
Kent 34.8 36.1 2.0 2.3 33
Mitchell 5/ 48.0 48.0 4.0 3.7 33
Multivar 91- — 42.5 — 1.8 31
SRF 425 43.7 43.3 3.3 2.3 31
SRF 450 34.0 34.1 2.9 2.2 32
SSF 402 37.8 35.7 3.0 2.6 31
Union — 45.3 — 2.7 32
VS 405 40.3 35.6 3.2 2.3 34
VS 465 - 45.6 — 2.8 32
Wilstar 430 44.7 47.5 3.3 2.8 30
Late (Groups V and VI)
Bedford§-/ — 24.5 — 2.3 35
Dare 38.8 40.6 4.5 4.3 32
Essex 3/ 39.1 39.9 3.7 3.3 28
Forrest- 31.9 32.2 4.5 4.0 33
>iuN;1ir 500 27.4 31.4 4.1 3.2 33
Multivar 1002/ 35.3 36.9 3.8 2.5 30
RA 501 — 36.8 - 3.8 35 ‘
SSP 501 — 43.7 — 2.5 31
York 37.9 36.8 4.0 3.0 30
1·`1‘R 556 26.7 22.6 3.7 2.7 38
Average 38.1 39.4 3.3 2.7 31
l.s1J(.05) 7.3 13.5 N.S.g/ 1.8 6
-2// See explanation in text.
@5 15177 data only.
-2, Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3) .
7%/, Resistant Le the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4).
K', Blend, see Table 3.
-’ Nm statistically significant differeneee were indicated. 4

 Table 11.—Kantucky Soybean Variety Tests-Princeton, No-till, Double-
Yield (Bu/Ac) Lodgingé/ Htgj Maturity
Yield 75-77 76-77 1977 75-77 76-77 1977 (In) Date-
Early (Group III)
` Agripro 27 — — 60.0 - - 3.0 34 12 Oct
Agripro 35 - - 55.4 — - 2.0 33 10 Oct
Asgrow 3585 — - 54.0 — — 3.0 33 7 Oct
CX 215 - — 51.5 — - 3.3 31 3 Oct
ELF - - 52.6 - - 1.7 21 11 Oct
FFR 3g? - - 52.5 - — 3.0 34 5 Oct
RA 31- — - 59.7 - - 2.3 35 12 Oct
SRF 30E? - - 51.9 - - 3.3 35 3 Oct
VB 350- — - 59.3 - - 1.7 35 1l Oct
Williams 32.2 32.6 50.8 1.3 1.5 2.0 35 10 Oct
Woodworth - 33.7 52.6 - 2.0 3.0 31 4 Oct
Mid-Season (Group IV)
Bonus 3/ 32.3 34.8 53.7 1.2 1.3 1.7 37 8 got
Custer- - - 54.4 - — 3.7 39 -—
Cutler 71/ - 39,2 55.1 — 2.5 4.0 38 12 gpt
Franklin- - - 56.3 - — 2.3 38 -5/
Kent 36.9 38.6 50.2 1.6 1.8 2.7 38 —-
Mitchell 5/ - 32.8 55.5 - 2.0 3.0 37 -2;
Multivar 91- - - 56.7 - — 2.3 38 -—
SRF 425 - 38.8 56.1 - 1.8 2.7 36 12 got
SRF 450 - — 48.8 - - 2.7 37 -
SSF 402 - 37.4 49.2 - 1.3 1.7 37 13 Oct
Union — — 59.3 - - 2.7 39 -2;
VS 405 — 43.1 59.8 - 1.8 2.7 41 -
VS 465 — - 59.6 - — 2.0 39 13 get
Wilstar 430 - 41.2 58.3 - 2.2 3.3 37 -
Late (Groups V and VI)
4/ 6/
Bedford- — - 23.1 - - 4.0 46 -g/
Dare — 33.9 44.7 - 2.2 3.3 38 -g/
Essex 3/ 33.8 33.2 47.0 1.8 2.2 3.3 35 -E/
Forrest- 26.2 21.6 30.3 1.9 2.2 3.3 39 -6/
James — 33.2 44.3 — 2.2 3.3 39 -·
McNair 500 5/ - 24.0 32.5 — 2.2 3.3 39 -g§
Multivar 100- - 35.0 51.7 — 2.0 3.0 37 -g/
RA 501 - - 39.8 — - 3.0 42 -g/
SSF 503 - — 44.8 - — 3.7 36 -g/
York 34.4 34.2 44.7 1.8 2.0 3.0 35 -5/
FFR 556 — 21.7 30.1 - 1.8 2.7 45 -
Average 32.6 33.8 50.2 1.6 1.9 2.8 37 —
I LSD (.05) N.S.Z/ N.S. 8.3 N.S. N.S. 1.3 3
1/ S _. .
;/ ee explanation in text.
@7 1977 data only.
ZY Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 3).
gy Resistant to the soybean cyst nematode (Race 4).
- Blend, see Table 3.
Q! Not mature when killing frost occurred on l0/13.
l/ No statistically significant differences were indicated.

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