E.         Goals and Objectives for President Lee T. Todd, Jr.
Mr. Hardymon referred to President Todd's contract that was approved at the September Board meeting and the clause in the contract involving goals and strategic objectives for the president. Following input from the entire Board on the 2005-06 goals and objectives for the President, Mr. Hardymon said that he finalized them and presented them to President Todd. He reported that President Todd has assured him that he concurs with the goals and the direction that the Board has outlined for him and the university.
Mr. Hardymon noted that he has personally been on both sides of the CEO evaluation process many times in his career and said that he feels very good about the goals the Board has established. The goals address day-to-day operations, longer-range initiatives, and areas of special emphasis the Board deems important. A number of the goals are very specific and finite in nature. Others will have objective numbers assigned to them, and some are more subjective in nature, just as the President's job is often subjective in nature. With those goals, an important component of the Executive Committee's review process will be based on the President's self-evaluation and documentation of performance.
The UK staff is sharing the goals with friends in the media; therefore, everyone will be clear about the area of focus the Board has defined for President Todd this year. Mr. Hardymon pointed out that it is important to have the Strategic Plan included with the one-page goals-and-objectives document because the Strategic Plan covers such items as research dollars, retention, graduation, salaries, and things that carry as much weight as the others on the one-page list of goals and objectives.
Mr. Hardymon thanked the members of the Board for their input in the process. He said that he feels confident that the President is already working to achieve the 2005-06 goals and objectives.
F.         University Staff Emerita Title Be Conferred upon Roberta T. Stinnett (PR 3)
President Todd said that he would like to acknowledge some special guests in the audience before asking Dr. Wendy Baldwin and Dr. Steve Wyatt for their reports.
He called attention to Ms. Roberta Stinnett who was in the audience and said he was delighted to have her at the meeting. She is recommended for the university staff emerita status in recognition of her long service and dedication to the university for fifty years.
On August 22, 1955, Ms. Stinnett began her long and satisfying career as an account clerk in the General Accounting Department. During her tenure at the University of Kentucky, she faithfully dedicated her full career to serving the needs of the General Accounting Department. She has seen the transformation of the University of Kentucky in a way few employees or citizens of the Commonwealth have experienced. Additionally, she has been able to bridge the movement from manual systems to electronic systems, paper to paperless, and worked with many different supervisors during her successful career. Over