I. Approval of Honorary Degree Recipients (PR 4)

       Dr. Albright said it was always a happy occasion when an institution can
award its highest institutional recognition to outstanding people. It, therefore, gave
him much pleasure to pass on to the Board of Trustees, the recommendations of the
Graduate Faculty and the University Senate that the honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws be awarded to Mr. William B. Arthur, Mr. Donald C. Cook, Mr. Allan
MitchellTrout, and Mr. Robert Whitney, and that the honorary degree of Doctor of
Science be awarded to Dr. Francis M. Massie and Dr. Morris Scherago at the com-
mencement exercises on May 8, 1967. Dr. Albright reminded the Board members
that for the past two years honorary degrees have been awarded to outstanding
persons who have retired from the University of Kentucky. One such person is in-
cluded in the recommended list for 1967 -- Dr. Morris Scherago.

       Several members of the Board expressed gratification at the outstanding list
of persons presented and, since each member had already had an opportunity to re-
view the biographical sketches of each recipient, the motion was made, seconded,
and carried, that approval be granted to award the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
to Mr. William B. Arthur, Mr. Donald C. Cook, Mr. Allan Mitchell Trout, and Mr.
Robert Whitney, and the honorary degree of Doctor of Science to Dr. Francis M.
Massie and Dr. Morris Scherago at the commencement exercises on May 8, 1967,
and that the President be authorized to notify these persons that they had been se-
lected to receive the honorary degree approved for each. (See PR 4 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       J. Policy Relative to On-Campus Solicitation of Funds Adopted (PR 5)

       Dr. Albright commented only briefly on the recommendation relative to on-
campus solicitation of funds, since copies of PR. 5 had been mailed to members prior
to the meeting. He said that the recommendation contained in PR 5 represented the
administration's thinking of the most orderly and equitable means of handling solici-

       Mr. Ezelle moved adoption of the policy as set forth in PR 5. His motion
was seconded and without further discussion was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes. )

       K. Approval "In Principle" of the "Prestonsburg Community College
Preliminary Development Plan" (PR 6a)

       Mr. Kerley had copies of the "Preliminary Development Plan for the
Prestonsburg Community College" distributed to those present. Copies had also
been mailed in advance of the meeting.

He said that the projected enrollment for Prestonsburg was 3, 000 students