lcnrn some day thnt ho dances the Luln Fodo with case nnd grace and
he can write as well as do nearly everything else, In fact, If wo should
ditcs love lyrics beneath the Hunimcr moon, wo should tnko It as a nmttcr
M. J. H.
of course.

The Kentucky Kernel

(Formerly The Idea).
Published every Thursday throughout tho College year by the student body,
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of tho students, alumni and faculty of tho Institution.
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Is tho official newspaper of tho University.
It is issued with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the universities of other States and Canada.
Entered at Lexington Postofflco as second-clas-


to tho fact thnt their guns wore of
the most Improved typo.
It Is reported
thnt several companies of tho Homo Economics Hat
tnllon wore forced to retire with heavy
losses. They fought under great dif
(lenities, as tho Profs had tho ma
chine guns and they were unable to
get tho range. Tho slaughter was
terrible in tho ranks of tho Physics
nnd Mathematics
companies were almost annihilated.
Tho Foreign language Legion was
in tho thick of tho fight and suffered
The Law and Arts Flying Squadrons were overwhelmingly victorious
in a scries of very hot air nttacks.
At tho end of the six days' fighting
the position of the forces on each side
retrains about the same as it was at
the beginning of tho week.


mall matter,

Bart N. Peak
Miss Anita Crabbe
William Shlnnlck
Mum Rebecca Smith
McClarty Harbison
J. R. Marsh



Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"

The Kentucky Colonel 8ays:
"Women are deceitful, suit. So 1h
deceitful, suh, but. wo
love it just the same, suh.



Athletic Editor
Exchange Editor

Shoot Them at Sunrlsel
Rookie: "Were many of the Scots
Locals and Law Miss K. Mitchell. .. .Homo Economics kilt?"
J. T. Gooch
Harry Melton
Mechanical Herbert Graham
llookie: "No, but a great many of
Mining Miss Anna L. Whltworth. .. .Sororities
S. J. Caudlll
the Russians were slelghin'."
Agriculture Miss Elizabeth Duncan
James McConnell
Patt. Hall
Miss Elsie Heller
Nicks on That.
M. C. Finney A
W. T. Cottlngham
H. J. Evans
Estill Woods
hnndsomc young swnin from the
Miss Mildred Taylor.
Business Manager In society tried hard to micks
W. J. Harris
Hut n belle got his goat;
Took his wallet and coat,
Back Again.
And he's now In a helluva ticks.
Here wo are again and glad to be back, thank you.
Useful Things.
Exams are over (Allah be praised), and we think we "got by" all
Our offering for
right. Here's wishing you the same good fortune. For the kind fate which
contest is a blue
guided our hand in answering exam questions, for the inspiration that
serge suit Youngstown Telegram.
told us what to write, and for the Providence that moved the "profs" to
Our nomination is the black
tie. Zanesville Signal.
compassion, we humbly give thanks. Sclah!
I would modestly mention the
The first of February is the students' New Year and should be a
and much misused hand
season of resolution for better work. Though every man is expected to
break his New Year resolutions, It is always evidence of a desire for imHave none of you fellows over henrd
provement and a determination to make greater progress when one reHouston Post.
solves to do better the next time. That "cramming" we all had to do
We nominate the lowly safety-pin- .
last week and those gallons of midnight oil we burned in trying to get our
notebooks ready, have shown us the wisdom of doing each day what should
Some Baby!
be done that day and of keeping up with the procession.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. V. Smith, of Tavares,
The Kernel has made some new term resolutions and hopes to be able
autoed to Jax Wednesday to spend
to keep them. We intend to put out a better paper than before, to record
Christmas with Mr. M. B. Jennings
more completely the news of the student body and more fully to express
and wife. They will return with "G.
the student opinion. As we have said before, the Kernel staff is only G." the little Jennings girl, who is her
human, like yourselves, and subject to the same limitations. So please
grandpa's pet. Eustis Lake (Fla.)
M. J. R.
bear with us.




(From the Files of The Idea.)


Dr. Tlgert, autocrat of the class room, master of philosophy and
metaphysics, favorite of chapel audiences, connoisseur of droll wit and
biting sarcasm, football coach par excellence, gave evidence of an hitherto
unknown accomplishment last Sunday when he blossomed out as a journalist in the Lexington Herald. The tnugazine section of this paper contained the first of a series of articles, to bo run each Sunday according to
tho announcement, on "Football History In Kentucky," by J. J. Tigort.
Last Sunday's article had to do with tho early history of tho game in this
State and comparative scores of tho Kentucky teams. Next Sunday the
stories of some of tho important battles in which Kentucky State has participated will be published.

The Kernel would like to publish these articles in their entirety, but
their length this is out of tho question. Tho Information in
them is accurate and detailed, and tho stylo is of tho kind that is generally
known as breezy and full of "pop." Wo believe ovory student in tho
enjoy them.
.Knowing Dr. Tigort as we do, we are not surprised at the discovery
on account of




Allies Victorious.
In battle with Profs.
The Allies were victorious along the
whole line of battle during the past
Losses was very heavy on both side
week. Losses wore very heavy on
both sides.
Although the official lists of killed
and wounded have not been pub- Halted, it is estimated that the losses
of tho Profs, were by far tho heavier.
All of tho Chomlstry divisions of
tho Allies suffered heavily.
woro unable to withstand the fierce
onslaught of the Profs, who followed
a gas bomb uttuck with a spirited
charge. Probably a third of tho chem-- I
istry forces woro killed.
Tito "Ag" battalion was strongly
entanintrenched behind barbed-wir- e
glements and resisted all attacks with
ease. Their losses wore small.
Tho Journalism forces woro victorious in the fighting of the week, owing



feel thy mighty hnnd




ncross tho land,

As cnlm nnd soothing ns the cool,
Sweet finger of a woodland pool

Laid on the throbbing brow of Night,
A healing finger and a light.
And In those warm vermilion deeps
soul of Beauty sleeps,
And Mystery dreams a solemn nun
''ront tho convent of tho sun,
.Son of hand and starry-eyed- ,
y client darkness dollied,
ihy presence Is in everything
he cold moon and the stars that cling
10 space, like moths on gossamer,
he wind notes and the nestling whirr
And chirrup of the birds that stir
hero 0110 lono leaf of starry bloom
Disturbs the deep cathedral gloom.
wind goes crooning through the
And far away tho sunset fados;
The sky Is darkened, and I see
The angel eyes that look on Thee.
0. Paul Smith, In The Transylvanlan.


Jaffrey "How do you suppose that
dear old man remembered exactly
January 19, 1911.
how much he paid for his gold tooth,
President Barker, newly elected,
which he bought forty years ago?"
makes his first appearance before the
Agnes "Why, I suppose he carried
student body at chapel, which Is
it in his head." Lampoon.
llnrirolv ntfnrwlnri
The Wildcats open their basketball
And Then
season with a defeat at the hands or
Lexington High School, 36 to 29.
She sat on the step at eventide,
Enjoying the balmy air,
Professor McHenry Rhoades assumes the chair of Secondary Educa- He came and asked: "May I sit by
your side?"
tion in the Education Department.
And she gave him a vacant stair.
January 26, 1911.
Transylvania defeats the Wildcats

in a whipping finish in the last minutes of play by a score of 23 to 18.

Mother Goose De Luxe.
cessful concert at Versailles.
Jack Spratt could eat no fat;
Varsity defeats the faculty in bas
His wife could eat no lean;
ketball in a hard fought game in which
So together they entered a boarding Downing stars for the Faculty. Score:
Varsity, 50; Faculty, 1.
And lived on the navy bean.
'The use of a bugle call to mark
the end of recitation periods is disAppropriate Mottoes.
continued and the whistle now in use
For the tired shop girl:
in installed.
If at first you don't get a fit try, try
February 2, 1911.
again; then buy somewhere else.
Congressman W. J. Fields enters
the Law Department In order to learn
how to act when he goes to the Leg"Preparedness is my slogan," said the
State basketball team receives its
"In my endless quest for knowledge
third successive defeat. This time
and for truth."
Wesleyan twists tho Wildcat tail to
On his linen cuff with glee
the tune of 23 to 19.
Then he wrote his formulae
Leo J. Sandman wins tho medal in
And passed hjs math exam
the Union Literary declamatory conwith ease, forsooth.

The Kernel is making plans to get out a series of special editions during the second semester which will be devoted to several of the various
branches of student activity. There will be a Literary Issue, a Girls' Issue, a Fun Issue, and probably others. Tho dates of these special editions will be announced later.
The Literary number will be issued within the next few weeks and
will be devoted almost entirely to things literary. Contributions of poetry,
short (very short) stories, and literary contributions of every kind are
solicited and we hope there will be u liberal response. Hecause of limited
space it will be impossible to publish any contributions which are unduly
long. For this reason many contrib itions have gone into the waste basket in the past. All contributions must be signed, although we will not
divulge the writer's name in case he does not desire it known.
The Kernel has been unable in the past to give as much space to literary matter as it has wished because it is strictly a newspaper and not a
literary publication. But there is talent in the University which should be
given opportunity for expression and by giving virtually all one edition to
contributions of this nature we hope to gain that end. The members of
the Canterbury Club have agreed to contribute, as have many other students, including some of the young women of Patterson Hall.
Wo want to make this edition of The Kernel a big success, so please
drop your contributions in The Kernel box at the Main Building door.
And above all things, BE BRIEF.


Glee and Mandolin Clubs give a suc-

An Announcement.


Between Friends.
Carmen Patterson:
"That horrid
girl even hinted that I am indebted
to the druggist for my complexion."
Jeannette Patton:
thing! I know positively you always
pay cash."
Sue Sims: "When Miss Mills asked
me for a list of Shakespeare's works
which I had read, the only one I could
think of was "Paradise Lost."
"Why, you've
Sarah Middleton:
read "The Tale of Two Cities,"


Because of the war, the members
of the scrappy team put out by
last fall may never have the
honor of wearing tfce traditional Crimson sweaters.
For some time they
have been trying to obtain sweaters
Plans made for the establishment of of this color but manufacturers have
not the dye to produce the correct
the Kentucky LaW journal
shade and have been trying to make
them accept a substitute which is
maroon in color.
Maybe that is what has happened
Patterson Society picture for Anto the Blue and White sweaters.
nual. Spengler's, 1:30



Have you seen those swell English Last Shoes we are showing
tills season? They are sure beauties; made in mahogany calf and
gun motal calf. They fit like a
glove and stand the knocks. They
are just the Shoe for the Dressy
Young Follow. Prices, $4, 4.50
and $5.00 the pair.

The Special Shoe Co.

West Main Street,

Lexington, Kentucky.

Cy Hanks, Manager.
