1  ` ` l  
 S Th · d V February 18: 12:45 to . . 
On·th€  I ` V 1-00 urs ;r;Tobacco market; C.
nsgeelgri rr!  ° P D-. Phillips; assistant in Market-  
,g cm,.       Rdd1O I‘OC]T€lIT\ mg. 1:00 to 1::15:p. m:-1;*1; egg  
lference lg,  and White :orc esga. tion No -5: ~
rite rg; rr  da February 1: 1 ;5 to mer, associate professor of Eco-    lglhifnggsistgrite proressor or
avis he  ;`.(1¥::]0ITp_yIe1,—-TOb3CCO market; J. H01T1i€$§ $objoot» :;‘Tne Current Ifsychology; subject, "D]§111j1Qu€?:; _
are al- V   Humphrey, iield agent in Fogil- Business Situation. rglesldirgnthe Adolescent e11od
zhe for- nr:  Subject, "Poult1‘y1I;‘glnterS or Wednesday, Febrtkary 10: 1i:4:5 E: _d · F b uary 19: 12:45 to .
mmu es   , 1:00 to : p. m.- t 1:00 _ m__TO acco mar e; Y1 ay, e r . . _:
are able -  rgeqngrtfs Program. 1:15 to 1:30-- Ee N: Follegus: asslstant professor 1:00 p: m__Tobo_eeo mm.ket:1L_ C:
r0S1tlOUS 1.1;:  m:_Pl.ofS_ R_ S. Allen anlll T. of Farm Crops: Subject: upastures Brelver, College of Agricu tobre,
E9, BEN  A. Sherwood; ln`eS%ntrr};g* The As Economic Produevers of:Fo::o:d{’ i1b:g§0'€,’:"V¥tg%tt(?`*;rr& Serge Ti; .
err e`   _t·` it  .V91`$itY Question ox- 1:00 to 1:15 p. m.- ountain e - s: mg. 1 _ · : · ·f‘
ution is ;::::·__f  Fol)l.um·y 2: 12:45 to odies. 1:15 to 1:30 p. m.—Dr. H. Phi Beta Musicale. 1.15:1:0 1.30 P1
  Tu€Sday’ · H D wnin rofessor of Astron- m.-—E. A. Bureau, Pro} essor O
  r£1l;n`o;gf(:;;gi·O0?2§`§ii%   0my;0subje§t,I?‘Popular Astronomy Electrical Engialéegipgi §;:t:g8e;€# Z
1   rsubject: nTlmoly Dairy N0: 3:,, Niéheg glome s E -c rica » :
  1:00 to 1:15 p. m.—The Thursday: February 11: 12:45 p_ · · : : : l :45 t :
jock of   and White orchestra. 1:15 m__·l·oboeoo market: E_ N_ Fel, :Monda5, 1i:el:31112;:1)yn129i::{€1:2.E Ao
ity bas`   ligo P· rn·_‘R‘ D: Mclntyrg pro` gus, assistant professor of Farm   p' mrge ;r—ement of Markets `
Quintet  -essor of Marketing and Sales- Crops: Subject: .‘Managoment of odn§o1;k1F£1ancQ·Subj€ct UM?} :
ne of the  anshiP3 Sublfict, ucnats err Sale? the Established Pasture." 1:00 _t0 in S}; tion for 133:1,}, ono Poul_ `
k of the   anship, No. 5 —- Salesmanshil) 1;15 p. m.-The Blue and White tie; P;_Or:1e1ctS::, 1_0O to 1:15 P: : ,
straight   undamentals." orchestra. 1:15 to 1:30 p. m.— m_F:n€ Ares Pimgmm: 1:15 to 1
r'   Wednesday, F€b1‘¤¤1`Y 3i 12*15 Parental Edr:l°et1.°rr’ .N0` 4; Drf 1:30 p. m.»—Profs. R. S. Allen and .
It meet;   1;O0 p. m.—Tobacco market; (grah:a1n1 B. D1m£11€l;y loggggfggisg T. C. Sherwood; presenting, "The l
een an   l h Kenney, field agent in Ag- Syc 0 0gYS Sn Joe L U · ·t Question B0X_" .
lcfagame  eergmyr Subject “Pr€pamti0n of Honesty m Chlldmn- letzileillabr; February 23: 12:45 to `
StIOng€l   Bed for L€S1)€d€?8,_’!  to Fl~iday, F€brua1»y     to   1117-—T0baccO lnarket; Dr:  
Tank?}   ·v- m——M<>¤¤*=¤¤ M€l¤d1.€S· 1:00 p. ¤¤·—T<>b=*°**0 ma*`k°*” L· w opmehoiis head of the de- ·
grenctb:  g;15 to 1:30 p.: m.—Margaret King C_ Brewer: College of Agl.loultm.e agmlmt Of Fmjm Economms: Sub- 2
mo§n;:‘;1 :·brarian; subject, ··Monthly Book Subject, Uwhat Form Folks Are §·€ct {Farm Management in View 4
E ’  eviews." Asking." 1:00 to 1:15 p. m.-— ’ · · " 1·00 to .  
; d,   . , . _ f the Outlook, l\o. 1. . _ :
:tol$\llla;,:   Thursday, February 4; 12;45 to The Phi BBW- Mu$loo}e· Lrof to 1:15 p_ m__Ths Blue and White  
he Wild.  :100 p. m.—Tobacco Market; C.   1:30 D1m§E:1::;:::BuEe§;:::§;$:§;1 ol.eheStl.a_ 1:15 to 1:30 P1 m_T . 
· k nd  31`1`iS, field agénf i¤ P0¤1t1`Y§ SU · Sor_ o U ec , _- ’ Lloyd B. Averett, instruc or in  
tnestreor  ieee Hpreperetien for the Brood- Subjecu lrhg ytiomes Electucal Economics; subject, “PoDular Talks L
e. Their  Season." 1:00 to 1:15 p. m.- Servant, I\0- 2- on Insurance, No. 2-Personal {
.mp0rf¤¤¢  ahe Blue and White orerreSrre· F15 Monday, February 15: 12:45 to Uses of Life Insurance? »
o ..Agg:€.. .o  1:30 p. m.—Parental Education, 1:00 p_ m___rl-homas Poe Cooper: Wednesday Febmmv 24: 12:45 : :
ing mate  0.:3; DE; Henrg llgeaullnont, assii- dean of the College of:k,kgl.leu:l_ to 1:00 lp: ;n:_T0baCc0 market; 1
»ts.  C   n Pro QSSOY 0 _Sy€ 00gYS so ' ture; subject, "Agricu ure in Dr W D: Nicholls: head Of the r
ed by the  `ject, ‘fVienna Studies of the First Kentucky in 1932:,7 1:00 to 1:15 d · hkem Of Farm Economics; :
Jorine°1r‘ Y°e‘r m Chlldhoody ·P. m.—Fine A11? §1`0§ra§r;A€i15 sggect, “Farm lldanagement in
Farey o‘     .· . . . . to 1:30 P- 111-·— ro S- · - _en V' · f th Outlook, No. 2." 1:00  
I of much   Ftldayrl F2)ruBrre’wi·r.12Ci?le;e1egg and T. C. Sherwood; Pre§ntl?g’ to1€1r1g p. in-Mountain Melodies. i
*nleJeh“`  ·.— I r · Z "The University Question exe 1·15 to 1·30 p rm.-Dr. H. H.
 _; _gr1culture; subject, What Farm - _ · ' _ _ _ _
lead the  -01kS Are Asking." 1:00 to 1:15 Tuesday, February 16: 12:45 to Downing:‘professo1Ao£:AS;koo0HI1:y), l
 Q. m.——The Phi Beta Musicale. 1:15 ];()() p, m.—Tobacco market; Dr. sulxléctr POPU ar S ion M - :
h ame:  1330 p. m.——E. A. Bureau, pro- H_ B_ Price, head of the depeft- 4. : l
8 g f0li&$§ssor of Electrical Engineering; ment of Agricultural Economics; Thursday, February 25: 12:45 to ,
Ie as   "The Home’s Electrical subject, “The Market for Kentuc- T;00 p. m.——Toba:cco l'l1§1`k€t;_ W-
4 Qgiliiit ervant, No. 1." ky Farm Products in 1932." 1:00 M_ Ihskgl Jr., assistant in Animag 1
we 2 '   to 1:15 p. m.—The Bluen and Nutritioo; Snbléct, What to Fee 1
r Tech 34·§tr ·;(r(/gondayr February 8: 12:45 to White orchestra. 1:15 to rioo D- Baby Ch1cks."1¢ooto 1:15 P- mr-
,   p. m.—Tobacco Market; E- m_...Ll0vd B. Averett, instructor The Blue and White orchestra. _
1e'   F€rguS’ essrstepr preresser of in Economics; subject, "Po1>ular 1:15 to 1:30 p. m.—Parental Edu- ’
24.  arm Crops; subject, "Kentucky :::11,::: on Insummee: No 1___O1·_ cation: NO: G: Edward Newbrrry, 1
17·   3 Pasture Stare}, 1:00 to lile ganization of the Life Insurance lostructol. in 1>SyCh?10gy:; subjeco:  
2%   ‘§>?6F.§“i..A"§   Ati.?   “““   °* §“S§’§“Eé"y; A 
39 · rl?  · · .— 1`O . . . .‘ · · · ·
.   . . · .- 1 ; 12:45 ruday. Fcbnumy - — 0
rege lt`     S}?:erWk§°d;t.p1`e§?ntlBg’ toW1e%%cS;iayrr11;€g1(;b.;;,1creo 7market; 1:00 p. m.——Tobacco market;lL. C. ‘
 l ee mversi y ues ion ox. ` .` `· - f · f Brewer, College of Agricu ture; .
  D'   Cmfr aSS1Smnt·pl.O essor O sub`ect "What Farm Folks Are 2
. it 1 omics subject J ,
. _ ._   · .Tuesday, February 9: 12:45 to Agricultuia econ , . · . _,, . . A __•1—l.l
nal f1atc1 no  . · . . 9"2 T bacco Asking. 1.00 to 1.15 p. m. e 1
h ter in  700 p·l11.—T01J21CCO1Y13.1`k€l3; E. N. “Plann1ng for the 1 5 ow. Phi Beta Muqicale: 1:15 to 1:30 :
e eztalm  rergus, assistant professor of Cro·p." 1:00 to 1:15 D.   out ) m __E A 13u:.oou: professor Of i
n m · ¤1`m Crops· subject "Makiug a ta1nMel0d1GS. 1:15t01- _D·m· I-   · · _ __ _ b_ t : 1
lucted b) (ll-,  Pastmgo 1 06 to 1 15 p Dr Frank L Move`, president of Electucal Engioeeimgi §l1J€‘ct» .
: . yer ·`·_   ` - ¢ t · · . .' ‘ ’ . _ M ’ t·' ·van ,  
are Jfmu  -—The Blue and White orchestra, the Iglrkkveriilrtigé of tgentucky, sub N'I;1ie4:Home s E ec iica ei
 i15 to 1:30 m-Dr E. Z. Pal- ject, 01‘ ven · ' ' _ 