P;. 2 K ‘. ‘·   ·—
  l V
" A R ‘ ‘ th P 1 A
iiN0w that a New Yea? has start- WB have tried to enlarge our as large nor have our alumni
y ea, We believe that- wc should give membership roster, but in this we showed the interest that they did
D ithe alumni somehinsildc cljopc and have not been so successful. last year.
l°’ them know w at as een go- With the h ]_ f th . , , _ A
t   on in the alumni assocmtmn Offi h 6 P 0 € I’€g1SU‘Z.I‘S l L. K. Franke-l, ’O0, is completing,
_ 1 P _h S Rome of ce, we ave been able to learn in June of this year, his second
qq ice all yeah;) dei!   Xgrhat We the 3ddYeSSes‘ of many who have term as president of our associa-
qgr rea ers wi n J_— been on our Lost L1st" for some tion. Much of the work that was
hwg accomphshed durmg the past tlme accom lished last ear can be laid
ear. We shall endeavor to tell ‘ P Y
you. f
.The most important eature is __
that we have brought the Associa- .,... .
tion out of debt. Due to the coop- ` K
, eration of the Executive Commit- ‘ ' .
‘ tee with the office, we have been    
I , · rl
. able to 1·un all year and get V     y __
' through by the "skin of our teeth."   -.   /]/z .
” However, this could not have been ,, V ?  '’`'`   * 4  ‘  
done without the aid of the Lex-  q  » _ '~’r   .
ington Alumni club, which, at the   ,  
Suggestion of Miss Marguerite  ij, · ' V. A  
McLaughlin, president. came to thc   ' i° 
_ rescue and presented us with     _  i  “     ,
r $300.00 just at a time when it   .,  ·  ’~~ ,   _
looked as if we might have to     , ` gf { .J_
close the office for lack of money     r    ' 4-   A ·  
e_ on which to run. Perhaps you will       ‘`       ii  ’  in ,   V
ask. why is the association in such     “ VQ    '   V
8.,bad way financially ‘? Do the `   ·      
readers realize that only 10 per   · .5   ·  
L- cent of our graduates are members     if A r  ,  
ofthe association`? The assOCi2l- · i E-  iii V  it    
tion receives very little money  ‘T;z*·r   L .7  L- ii ` »·‘` A
from advertising. Thus, alumni     ·— Vi - `    >·  
t dues are the only source of income `     ·‘‘t i_;,Q;,    __   .
`S mt we h=¤v·¤· . »--el:-   F   ¤‘‘‘¢-   ‘
In llStil’lg' Our Other accomplish-   _.    Ni  _ n
géllts, We are glad to say that we       ___r  
ave not missed getting out a     [  
glgle number of The Kentucky     .. ·
umnus.   ._   V
The Executive Committee has     i   l
m€t_1‘egularly every month, dis-   ‘ Y   at   ‘  
¢\l8Smg the problems which con- - V ··       Y  
A   fus   Striving to End solu- · ` `   `}  r,`  ;t    [Q ”'   I- `  
‘ ¤S Vl., r   iit `   F`       t.    is- , ’ VE  
“°‘ Jmie Ogiasjni-'eu,.lO,,$ last Sp,.,,,g.         i``i  g     
were by far the most Successful ..   spit;   . _    I  :·12_   lj)    
ga? have ever been held at the         l   V   
ret. vers] yy OVQY 400 1'€i)ul‘yliy·lg for    f`;-E`   `    
;h€m- H0meComing day, Novem- i-;     .   4``i`  
lg-   “vaS qulte 3 SUCCESS. ‘-‘.. .`   :.:..1·...z..»s;.:.<  [;{&."';* ···‘·‘   `.  ·`g?_:A{_Z;·§"_=
_ e Association has been verv
glgdtlaential in the ].€_0,.g.aniZati0h L. K FRANKEL
one seclubs and in the forming of
y€a,.'b;h°tEg‘L Dmfglg FM vest We believe that we have suc- at his door. He has been untiring i
isvme Clubs hwcxmk im dllfl LOU- cceded in arousing the interest of in his efforts for the association
. . ‘ Q °°m* fe me and the alumni more than ever before. and the Universit v,
are fun t - }
Om , c ionmg well, The alumni If V · · ·· -ll; ‘ tly - ·
°f vKa¤S¤S have oiganiyeel -1 club lll? Mi {lg] Qu }S’ mil 53885 Looking into the Future
with C_ _ _ ·_ _— wou c no rave een 1ll.V€1lI`l ia
ate We hG' Blakely AS plesldcnh we accomplished nothing yelsc. Now, looking into the future,
QW' (EVE Published two pamph- This fact was evidenced in the lct us see what we can do. At the
Y lets, O . - . . . . . .
ky,, a d hl! Umvers1ty—Kentuc- number ot ballots received in the January meeting of the Executive
Uliivernf A _B C Facts About the recent election of alumni members Committee, it was decided that
___,4mail€dS;hY oi Kentucky" and have to the Board of Trustees. Never we would get to work on a con- V
Em to 0U1‘ alumni. before have election returns been centratecl drive for more mem-