T   ·f y
    berships. We shall have to do things that would meet with your turn. The first reunion letter W V.  U
' most of our work by mail, how- approval, such as improving The be sent out next month.  
. · ` ever, as we are not yet able to Alumnus, etc. We hope to make the Kem   
F afford a field man. (This is one _ - _ ,, Alumnus a better magazine,  Q`
‘   Z of our dreams). We want to get · AnOth€l_p1zm’ vihlch we me tu- always get it out on time.  
_ mg to work out, is that of having y . .   ;
  at least 2,000 members of the as- an Alumni Student Loan Fund We are anxious to continue .
  sociation before we feel that we - _ · Q program of last year,  
  have a good start The Loan Fund at the Umvelslti clubs and creatin intere ‘ »  `
i 1   is Our d€SlI`€,· also, to be 3blE IS         in the Un§€l-Sit),. St   ,  I  
S to start a drive for an alumni en- ser g S B We have chosen the Alaly  ,3  driy
  dowment D0 Ou realize what ty are forced to leave school be- K t k, f tb H f   .p.r  
i— - ' y · cause they can not get employ- aa uc y. O0 a game  ¤Z’P*V?“.‘ 
t this would mean to the assocra- . home-coming, because we   rate.
§. tion? If we had an endowment EBECEBQY gggog goniié fN§;,Ehg§ that more of our alumni   (msn
§ . which would enable us to save the °? .0 Q. . a interested in returning for ;§;.t{;‘  ll
§ · principal and use the interest for tl? mg;lv€r,;;gi‘nt Ogcmlg .ginpl.°¥ game than for any other. ejttga Fii
g , · expenses, alumni dues would be a .y S S .pO Sl Q 0 At the beginning of thisilees.  coll
Q. l lowered. All alumni would be gggbilnle W;’Ek> L"’};l%l°‘;’1“li;““”l year, we pledge Ourselves to   an;
  , given the same service and receive it glggloig eb; aa m wps for the betterment of our· Ut dditi
2 the same £§1b1rcat1¤ns,hwhe(t1her W ‘ sity, to be loyal to her, et ihy
° — t ey were a e to pay t eir ues e are making ·plans now for serve her·. We pledge ourscll· 'n' 'S
g or not. It would mean that we the Class Reunions in June. The work for the alumni of the    s lthz
.. would not have to s·pend so much 1·eunion chairman is working out sity, to serve them, always   disti
V   time in trying to get money. This an interesting program, hoping to best of our ability. This it -r .of K
,   would enable us to have time to do please all who are planning to re- creed for 1932.   Q sl
I    g lted z
V 5 _____  S Wll
  r end this
I ‘ ‘ ‘
=   $3ugh
' · 1- 5 .
¥   • • lllléa Wlll
a ¤ Sixtqesix Students to Graduate  
I ; Fglaliteral
    Dj , S 0I`
  r M. th    
~ ‘· ·     `  can
F'?  {JOSE
` By BETTY HULBTT   libc
Q 0 l Sixty-six students of the Uni- building and on the walk leading L. McVey and Mrs. Mc\/'eyw le bei
E . veirsity of I§§ntucl1;y·dwil_l Jgo out to Memorial hall. at home at Maxwell Place 2 -egg
. in 0 t 9 WOT OH 1`1 2-Y 9·¤l16·1`Y . , l, _ members of the graduatinge  1
* 29, 1932, to make their’way and p€;':f€lf*·§’)(;S§é1_";l 1,3,; 1Q§};l‘“C,$lf§;j their tt-lends and families, a» *° t
, _ bring credit to the school which limi clllurch at Loui -11 K_ t ` the members of the faculty  l
` has fostered them so kindly. The ' · · SVI €’ in uc- Universit . This courtes*  °i·»:l`  `
. . . · ky will deliver the baccalaureate y i E — t
' Alumni Association is pleased to ‘dh_ . M" _. 1 1 ‘“`; gf the most delightful on tha . 0
e · welcome these new alumni and Ea Eleesst 13 selglmi hi? IJDOCEQ; gram,   Ol}
‘ wish them well. .r H els u Jac wl , Q rrrlei SOI
. Previous to last year it had been Mmd to Match the Age`, ·Th€ day will be ch1}1aX€d§ €i)d‘n1
’ the custom of the Uinveteaty to At 5=3<> ra- ru., members of the     §Illivl;f_S§€;€§0Qi5* .y, tl
‘ have only one commencement pro- Faculty Club will €nt€¥tam Wrth in MCVG hall The dhgnel. {1  “e pr
’ gram dur-lng the school year. At a tea far the members at the grad- .· hy   . th .  ghte
, that time, however, it was decided uatiug classes aud their frieuds. §W€{°l; ‘{§`,§’?Qn§,t ° IE€“Kg SOl'!l€
- that students who left school with- lu the baautrfui faculty club rooms All Q A I €· St-Y ° l { rote]
out the pomp and ceremony of m MCVQY hall- 0fLl£1;lfac§it(§lgn;?I;t${Y%( mi l nee
l clommencement had missed one of On Friday Tanuaw 29 the ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '   __
i t e greatest events of their lives, ’ ' _· . ’ . It is the aim of the faculiigkfi
j , namely, graduation. Who wants goigrllmfscsligelxc _.Pr{)t°€§SfO£ .1 dwm administrative officers, a¤€f§ i’%“GO
I to miss the thrill of donning cap gucu dud ul mg Universit Alumni Associalii¥€?·` . at
. Y , .
. . and on the walk leading to Memo-   .
; l and gown, paradrng to Memorial Hal han at 230 ) m I _ 1 make the events connect€d§ ·  h-
' hall, and the stirring commence- to M mm, lil Hb ·¤ aru Palme gmduation a pleasure and51 ` 1y, Z
E ment address? Without these, Q la 3 ‘ thing to be remembered dF ,·645
j ` loyalty to the Alma Mater is not At 3:00 ip. nw., the Commence- with a feeling of mingled  1,33 
_ l so strong as it might be. meHrt3addressH)"Your· Alma Matei·," ness and som-ow·happinese  ·t}“°
l _ wi e given y Dr. James Thomas four wonderful years hair  mn
· l Members of the Executive Com- , , · , · ,   t
E mittee and the faculty have tried   xmlhgf {jhliviglliige ag Edu" '°§°“l’ hm a araat ““"{‘“S‘ll .-fig;
; to plan a program which will be a V · y O cn- t at t T8 who leave me lmlli:§¥,E  t·
_ _ _ . tucky. Doctor Noe is well known and equipped to take tht   S ‘
, 1 Dleasure to the participants and of out of State as well · · , _  ·‘·. 6 to
. . as in ken- knocks that are sure to  ,·..et-3
, l   all  glguests tucks}- H6 is lOV€(l. ZS H man, 2. \V2),y—(‘],I`1(l SOYYOW,   tllE >r@r3
.. · mversl Y 3 3 t’·m~· poet, and a speaker, and long has wonderful years have endti lajlg
0n Sunday, Jgnumy 24, the been one of the most lpopular they must leave the Alma  ni
_ program will begin at 3;3() p_ mq members of the University fac- which has treated them s¤j, =ta°l
_ I when the Baccalaureate procession ulty- and given so graciously tt;   .  
    forms rn front of the Agriculture At 4:30 p. m., President Frank bounty-   `
. —  egrep
' r  
{ . _ ` * `