, . L:  
 culture have elements of interest bulk of the musical pro r _ B t ·i · · · _ " , 
l lfgy the entire _farmer’s family. The Fine Arts program ong lidlols- ty? ;£ai;1;$g:il,lmc1ud€ 2 wlde Vane ’
a  Talks QH Styles In olothmfb home days. a _$U`i€UY ¢l8SSiC3l presenta- In addition to these scheduled i I
 .decorat10n,·8Hd'f00d data will be tion, will feature David Young, programs many special I-adiocasts ’
 directed primarily for the benefit violinist; and a piano duo. The are presented each year such as
gf the f8.l'lTl€1`,S wife, and many Blue and White orchestra ra. idl ·* ’ - n
“4 H club programs (some by the becoming one of th f , tp F afi fiom S programs on the mgm
 _ · ` _ _ e oremos co - o anuary 21, featuring the test
 members thelmselves) will be ·pre- l€gI3t€· dance groups IH the coun- musical selections to be used in
_ y sentedlfor t e youngei element. try, will appear on Tuesdays and the state music contests- athletic
gppraisa V Musical programs coming from Thursdays. On Wednesdays, a contests; and fraternity dances.
_f Cem.  the University during _the first typical Kentucky program, Moun- The ALUMNUS will carry the in- ~
   Six months of 1‘i)32 will _be va- tain Melodies will be presented. formation on these special broad-
; ·ried. _Whlle strictly University This program will feature the casts at the proper times
ietlgeat;   organizations sudh as the Phil- more unusual mountain songs and Booklets listing all of the Uni- ·
eclim it 1 armomc orchestra., the bands, will be performed by people from Vorslty of Kentucky 1‘3·di0€3StS for
ld to the  and the Glee club will appear at the mountains. The musical pro- thefirst Six months of 1932 mo
transfer  intervals, groups especially adapt- gram for Fridays will be a classi- Zggllgggioiggq W¥%1ob€R;§I?t lg; ZT}?
e non-li  ed to radiocasting will handle the cal presentation sponsored by Phi at the Uni g ‘ 10 u IOS I
ocisiom  _, _ versity, Lexington, o
e court. - T
le univer- `  ___
ice taxes ‘  ‘ f
Vey ati I Q
iversity`;      . l `  
rces ei  3 uulnl NGIUS 2
lpproxim A _ 
FY aging; »Grad Visits U. K. They will be at home at 1628 South Mrs. John Couch, Princeton. He l l
,010,006i 4_ Arthur M_ Eyre, who was gradu- Lllnestone street after January 1. is connected with the Indian Re- I ‘ 
7 ..  .· ated_last June from the College of ° °‘ " fining company. `
t d th  Engineering, University of Ken- Day-Williams ax a a i  
1 e a  tueky, was in Lexington Visiting The following announdements D,. I., S - . l 
venue of  Ifyigndg On his gvay to his {Oi-mei. are received: u 5- pller — ? g
or the   home in Maysville. Since his, MTS. Albert T- Day _A \V€{ldlIlg of unusual beauty ` E
» the at   graduation, Mr, Eyre has been with announces the marriage   Sg€}1l;oZi%o§at“1€aX night, ’  
t Work-     K. Campbell Heating and of h€1` da¤ghl5€1‘ to wiiy.? 1»I’th d-’ atl Qclock at ‘  
 Nentuating Company, with head- D<>r¤thv Markwell F H? ?- 0 at °_““°h’ “’h°“ l
 ,qum_t€1_Sin Kansas City M0 to Miss Katheilne Druly, daughter- , ;
  .* * * ’ ` _ Mr. Howard Griffith Williams gf ML and M,1`$· Leo R- D1`m`Y» `
 iquyn-Anderson on Saturday. the twentysixth Of s?§§;uii,.th€TiE;1(i§€,? fRCai§€yD£gi,n ‘ (
  Th { ii ,· December _ ’ 7 '   .‘ · , , ' ‘ j
  lzceivtzdouing announcements Ono thousand. nine hundred and e1tlyh!ngsid;;ie;So1f;Eoo‘2atilng `llmmstgr.
¢?réiY$¥fY  and Mrs William nant Guy,. - th"`t*"°“‘“’ and attractive and dfuigl Y lim Y `
.r.,_   · _ - g hel stu- .
{_Lo,,o  TY; ·—.  annouooodihé m31‘1‘13ge of Lexlngcgnixigtucky dent days at the University of i
that wm  ·`_·   `Ch€l1'-(l21l1gl'1t€l‘ on Rossoil Avoouo Kentucky was showered with  
latives t, ; 3 _ Elizabeth Loxiogtoo Kootooky much attention and many honors, ·
"  ‘f ` to e L-   She was a member of Alpha Xi · 
y th in L   Walter Southall Anderson, Ji-, n,,,,c,m_C,,,,ci, Delta S<¤‘<>rity. R- 0- T- G- alien-  
b e scg V on Saturday, December Mr {md MTS J W Duncrm of sor in her freshman year, and at- l
€€¤ ¥   ` ie nineteenth ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * tendant to the May Queen in her *
m yi   is  ·Nioot h d_ ._ _ Stone avenue, have announced the I . , .
Elia     ii£h0i`§2.iiiS i`i’§,i.?Qi1?y °“G   of their deughtev Mar S°i~i°m€iii”w" i. i
i di,  _°  , ’ · tha Pence, to Mr. Vir il Couch, of Q 11 €gr°qm* W ° was grad' .
Of   = At Home - · g uatecl froln Lexi t h h h l ‘
re tyvg    .· . after January first P1'1HC9t0Il, Ky., which was solemn- d th U _   On lg SC 00 , .
lectncal    1682 South Limestone su-eee md Ch1`lSt"“‘S as at 2 °’°l°°k   · il liwemty of Kentucky i
h or _ o  The W dd_ ' V o by Rom R- H. Doughorty in tho xx rele e vias a member of the {
rap Y , _ _.  G mg tool. place at the _ _ _ ·_ - football and basketball teams He l
Ci ine _· , __ . pelsonage of the Fllst Methodist _ · _ _
ntiy Di; ya igiilaziililie tbéldes Faéentsdln church was also a lnember of the tennis i
’ · *;:  . o ti 0’<¤ 0¢< atur av ` .· · . .· t , t` ‘ tl R .... *
he _C<>ll?$   gllvolifcllani D€0€ml>er 19, Dr. D. K. oo;;?iSlf,lo1g_G 1SSir;;tla;;E;;d2§(l   €1€2lil1€11$l?£`ai>If lglplig Taxi) Olilnegzi  
will lll-  1,;  $1 3 i pastor of the Presby- ·, _· , - _ social fraternity and Omicron i
d ir ,  tenlan h . . . Unlxelslti of Kentucky, whele . J
Stu   b ,c urch’ Of?f1Cmt"?g‘ Only she was a l`l`l€lTll)(:‘].` of Delta Zeta Delta Kappa’ il fmtermty for Out` Y
  the immediate {ami- · Sol,o1_ity_ Sho has boon Soorotory standing senior men; Delta Sigma _
urn] pro     C OSB fllellds VVQYQ present, , · · Plil, l10I‘101‘a11‘V Commerce fraterni-
 _. - M,. Ando], . I , at the Bureau of Business Admin- · l
mal and Y  and   Son IS he Son of PYOL istration at the Universitv, tY· aud a mombor of Scebberd and l
,od_ Hoi   iin t 1S- W, S. Anderson, Lex- M1,. Coach is o omduooo of tho Blade, and Keyes, the outstanding ·
nr-ni Fall   U§i€;·SitH€ ES 21 graduate of the Uoi\,o1,SitV of Kootooky and o freshman organization, ;
· ‘ . - v =•= ¤ I
ontmuttl -5  · ombor (gl} she Igooguoléy a“dRha member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- M . A * l
p°“lm¥l   fraternity p 3 amma O ternity; was president of the Y, """°‘*-to f“‘o““°°d . f
The dai,  —_ or  Mh and Mrs A d ' A _ M_ C_ A_; editor of The Kem Mrs. Leslie Sloan announces the 1
be pre  ·_ ediatelv f0H0· _ H eason left im- tnckinm and p1·€Sid€nt of the pit, marriage of her daughter, Miriam i
season,   for Waéhin t wing tlc ceremony kin club Ho is tho Son of ML and Field, to Mr. Ralph Gooch Wood- l
,]]ege of.    g on and NQW YOTl<· all, ’30, formerly of Somerset. The i
. W:    I