lil;   ,  ·
  wedding was solemnized, June 3, ents, Saturday evening, January Mrs. Lehman, nee Edith Greiss  Aer ju1
  ’ 1931, at New Albany, Ind. Mrs. at 7 o’c10ck. attendedthe University, where shi  to Nor
_ ig Woodall attended the University The bride is a graduate of was a member of Zeta Tau Alphi  charmi
` é i of Kentucky, where she was a Bourbon county high school, Mil- sorority. _,;  the
  member of Alpha Xi Delta sorori- lersburg, and of the University of * * *  "Lexing
g . ty. She is a graduate of the Mar- Kentucky, having both A. B. and Dawson Accepts Insurance  pledgec
_ { orie Webster School of Physical B. S. degrees in home economics. Post ·_‘;   Phi,
  Education, of Washington, D. C., She has been home demonstration Federal Judge Charles I. Daw  te1·s’ f1
Q ` ‘ and for the past two years has agent for Oldham county and lo- son, of the Western Kentucky dig.};- ; "Mr.
  been physical education instructor cated at LaGrange for the past trict, has decided to accept tlg of scie
g i in the Lexington city schools, three years. presidency of the Missouri   ati U
Q Mr. Woodall is a graduate of the Mr. Bottorif is a graduate of Life Insurance company.   ear lz
  University of Kentucky, where he LaGrange high school and is a Directors of the company  `;—Qi, er’s d
  was a member of the Pi Kappa prominent farmer and breeder of meeting in St. Louis Monday elec; gg  ollowi
i _ Alpha social fraternity, and of {ine live stock. ed him to the presidency and ali " v rew I
` E , Lances, Scabbard and Blade, and * ' ‘ decided he would be a member-r if  nd in
E = if Delta Si%na Phi, honorary fra- Cole-Mathis th‘§g"“€"al codunsel Of gw §““·   ha; il
  érni ies. e is connected with · · · e was ma e a mem er of   e as
gi . the c. M. com Lumber compa- C§§”,,,‘§.a‘",‘{{§g%§ft.1;I‘?V_El{@§l’§§;‘ legal Sta? to meet Judge Dai itofi
  ‘ ny of Montgomery, Ala., where both of west Liberty was solem; Sqnis deswe t° remain aSS°°i“[‘ i9°ln’ i
  _ ML and Mrs- Woodall   reside nized Wednesday, Deéember 30, in \v]iEh_   law- Seyerance of   _ake_
  after February   · the lnresence Of th'3 immediate zgygxggfnaswiie iiigafslonbiioiiuiii dlng H
‘   Fai-ley-J0neS f¤}Y\1h€S and a_ few intimate muncin he would t   Om
. 5 fmends, at the bride’s home, E-? _n0 accep ir  S
Q wom was received from New M.-S, Mahi. is the eldest augh- lm but he 1‘¤¤¤¤rd¤‘€d—   ade
‘   York of the I¤31`1‘i3g€ there re- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Cole Judge DaWS°“· 51 Years °ld»- __N01‘l
  cently of MISS EHUOP Farley, and is a charming and popula]- a native of Logan county, He F elt}, St
i   daughter   MY- James H, F3_]•ley_ g·i]_•l_ She is 3 graduate of 1\/[Oygan tended   College, B0\\'lll; I1 the
i   i to Mr. Richard R. Jones, son of county high school and has been G"‘?€“ Buslness I“St‘t“t°¤ imd * ****9 ’
, ; M1`- and Mrs. Frank B. Jones, 336 teaching in the west Liberty grad- Umvemty Of *K<·g}1*¤¤¢ky-   rlmg
.   Hampton _c0uYF· ed school for the past two years, ,_ _ r *  €Si1 3
E   The bfldé IS a charming girl, Mr, Mathis is the eldest son of wllham “attS Blant°p‘.Jr‘  °°qr?’€
2 Wh? was Ereatly admired duringa Mrs. Myrtle Mathis and the late Judge and MrS· Vvlumm BlaY 9H:1C13l
i Q l Vim ’¤¢> Mr. and Mrs. Jones in the Everett Mathis Hg is a gi-ada- '°O“· Pa1`*$·_ have the $006 **1*% * R<>y·
‘ late fan ate of the Morgan eeunty high of their friends {Oi- then; gon, w ears,
_ M1`- Jpnes is an alumnus of the school, and attended the College ai? the G°°d Samaritan bff cienc
" UmV"¥`S‘tV of Kfmtucky, a member of Law, University of Kentucky, Qual' HB has been named w as N
_ ¤ of Phl Delta Theta fraternity and where he was a member of Alpha ham Watts Blaiimy JL  . a"t‘tl
  popular and PY0TYliT1€Y1l) amgng the Tau Omega fI·g_tg]·nity_ FOI- the UMl'· pilanhon 15 3 g`Yadua?Q of  E
  c %'}$g?§§Er;;1€cX1Y%gtQnians. lie is in paslt few years he has been tealihéi mvelslty m Phe, Clilss of 24‘  
T . 6 ¤$1n€¤S, Wit office an coach in the Benham i .  
- m_Hq·» Security rmi gompan; school, Be¤1iam,Kv. g G°"'g° H' D°‘"““g’ J“  Qiiiige
l blllldlng, »== ¤<` # llir. and Mrs. George Deire j Ab
; _Ma¤Y friends have cordial good Marriage Announced powningh Of Moyeheadv are Ygciil each
W1Sh€S_for the happiness of this The following announcements mq congtratulations on the bii:· .chOO1
, e attractive you;ig*e0up]e_ have been received. of a Son   SE. Josephs hosmza v ha,
I =·¤ _ ' , recen v, e as been named f~£.e;é"' `
, a Fm.uS0..-J..dy Dr- gggoggcg iglgkgnggggggepggcell hi. {aaa. Hle is the H.-S.  
l , l _The marriage of Miss Tiiiie Re- their daughter, MIK D°W"mE was f°"“°°° i§; ` ead
_ V gi/Eck Fer¤nSen_ ·30, dquqhter of Elizabeth Lois 1V§:¤s;/Il¤ by thé Pastor of the Lexington, Kentucky mls Of the Unlymflty Of K€ntuC*ii§* ac
? l c}}“"°h· Wit¤°S°€S were the bi-ide’e The bride was graduated from  
i _ l ijlster- Mfg- Wilson Worick and the University in the class of ’31, E“¤*‘K°m°“t of I“t"°St  
5 , RY- W0*‘<¤l<· and her brother, Mi-, and this year she has been doing A note from Ashland saysf  
, I Obert H. Ferguson and Mrs, Fer- graduate work at Northweswrn “F3S`¤i0nable society in  
_ , SUSOT1- A motor tmp north fellow- University, While on the campus, land will be interested in thc iTg§@,%`§]eVe]
. 9d thé ceremony. Miss Purcell was very prominent nouncenient of the Gneagélném 
. i The YOUQQ ·D€0i?]€ are attractive in journalistic circles, being vice- Miss Eleanor Judith Stecll"§$;§?EetS
l l and pfmnlnent in central Ken- president of Theta Sigma Phi, daurrhier of Mr. and Mrs. lli§?§*$%is1;ed
-. j tucky _$0C1€l3Y. The bride is a gig- women’g journalistic fraternity, ` StP<¥l