‘,  ` ek. i l
 = · 9 _
i Gi-   ’  er junior year, had she returned ward Bentley C . Th dd' _ _ " Q
vher ell;  to Northwestern. This year, the will take lace iox 6 ‘W€ mg The blmquet was il’°“°°l"ll by ·
esl, . _ , , P ll tlle SPl`lllg· the agricultural society of the
au Alphi charmmg bl‘lde_·eleet ls e Student The engagement is of much in- College ef A rienitnre and F d ll
 ‘t the University of Kentucky at terest in Lexin , , g > ,l`e ~
 9- _ _ gton M11 Gordon Hafer president of the society 1
jc exmgtofl and ll3$ l`eCelltlY_ beell 15 9. trustee of the University of actedlas teastmaster Deen Thom;
e  ledged e member of the Chl Del- Kentucky. Mrs. Gordon is the as P (jen ei- Weienih th th
l e pl? a nagional honorary wri— daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, gringl P ed 9 ga - `
I_ Dai ‘ ers' raterni y. R. H. Courtney, a sister M ·, S - l · . . · ,
llcky di, _ olvlr, Ogle received his bachelor Courtney and a niece ef   tylvliilxiseligiblliiiilss fwl;.I;i?(;€dEliy Fi;¥;l`;il(i
ccept tl;   science degree atgglle Céllellh A1`lZl`lL1I‘ Carey and Mrs, Roger Wil- Green A J Olney H Oy’MatS(m
uri Stn.  ati University in 1 1 an one liams. and éruee iam, dg ' ` d b A
‘ i ear later was awarded his mas- * * · n S (mel or Y 3 J
. . . . group of home economics students.
any ai. . or’s degree in chemistry. The Umversity Alumnus Selected · · . _
day eled 2  _ ollowing year he attended the Het Speaker §1I;ei,1§r;\{[c;E,igg€h: ;t;g;,nt’ play . .
’ and als  1'eW_Ulllell College lll Clllellllletl John Y. Brown, Lexington at- Professor Ely presented Charles
iemberi.  nd lll l?28_We$ gledueclfd flfelll torney, was elected speaker of the H. Ingersoll, New York, who has l
ae ll1’1h._ v__· _lle·t llletltlltlell; _ mee at tlllle State House of Representatives been on a speaking tour of the
l2` °ii“ itléisnlfii`€r%lil€L‘ii‘¥§.$§i§l§ilZ?$` iii ilii lilii ligiiliiiio   Bluigiei 1
B all   ' I`. l` W * d · T
 on Nehn what they hors to no Unilveilsitliain i§$o“§§§d...£’.§§$ r?'i§i¥.i.§r§‘“i$i0l€§S.Y.i 1
he og  ii;lgeiT$h§i1ln€h,?me alter the Wed` id 3 dlelgree from the College of Dr. Arthur Braden, president of
y u     _ · s : aw. e is a member of the local Transylvania College, announced 5
fort   Unis Roydeg l ghgiiigr of the Phi Kappa Tau fi-a- that the executive committee at
HCCGD .. yi;-‘ _ erm y. its December meeting granted an ` J
:l.   ade Director W . · (hh ·
  _ _ h th h f _ _ 1n_ nite leave of absence to Prof. ,
ars Ol(l,. ,°'NOT1‘1S Royden, former Univer- tives ighveiedogienzonreliliiggggg, William M. Clay, assistant pro- 3
y, He  student, known to h1s fr1ends Jam 5_ Remesehtative `Bmwn gi fessor in the biology department. V
B°“`l‘l cll lllll Blullglais. as lieilllrll lla? years old, became urs iii-stsneéien Prolosoor Clay rioosiyod his A- r
e, and  made pub 1c1ty dnector for Of the house from Fayette count`, B· degree from T1‘a¤SYlVa!11a 111 Q
,  rlmgton Park, Ch1cago’s wealth- Since the davs of Heniv Clay and 1927, later taking graduate work
J ill-$3.*  and mostl flilshlonable mee the voungeslt in sever·il deénldes ol the univellsl/°y‘
r.  ourse, and wil egin his duties “ r as s ( ` * ‘ ‘ ‘ 
,ia_m Blaz jficially, February 1. Bn R · University Graduate i
>od   Royden was a student for three Wi1;m];1uhi§Sl§;:`,i5§St ls Sworn into Office E
·   ·,` th Cll fA·t d , ' ‘ · · 2 
Tni? ii.- Eiéia? n.,§n§n.i§"n§’ ions gilt E- K- Bormsr has resigned as i3glliléiintl2E“li§“n§i`$i‘i;i$?‘iii; l
imed ll`?  as registered as a special, or pliilgilon ef. baft§l`l?l€gl,St in llgo recently been ap-pointed assbetant  
 art-tune student during the year ll lc. Selvlce 3. me mes or l e attorney general at Frankfort. He ·
nate oi' 924 and 1925, Exllelllment Staj°l°ll to aooort the was sworn in office Monday Jan- l
f ,24   oos1t1on of assistant director of . . ‘ . ’ -
D ‘   _ ' ' ' laboratories in the Connecticut uai\¥I,4’§§c§l;;kfO1;hdu t d f _
_  ormer Wildcat Star state department of health at the uhh ersitv cihgee O? lim, `;?$ `
' __ _nits as Male Coach Hartford. He has been bacteriolo- Y ' · A
`ge    ..l Ab Kiywan, assistant fogtball gist at the Experiment Station for  ci§sS1:i)]fi1li§gimH;£;aSh2hlg;€.£iQ  
ale 1   oaeh at Louisville Male high seven years, coming here from the . . · l . l `
the bug  h 1 _ N .7 J _ t t d _t f law fiateimty, and Scabbaid and i
lis hoshh e ee r elllllelllleed tllet he  haehiield stm. at Mele high, dO_ Two hundred students and about Den,-essien Causes  
 N  r sda major share of the work of ii£0_ nrnnhors hof Ehe gaérrhtsibahd Dr. Frank L. Mevey, president r
  ing 3. bigger and stronger ell`WlVe$»lV 0 el ell e le _elll‘ of the University of Kentucky,  
td YS  ,9;l;Ual team to a scoreless tie in glllet tg _tlle _?0lle§eI<0ltA%l`l€lll£ spoke on "Causes of World Depres- i
ll ea l_,  - Later he attended Ken- lll`e· lllYel`$l V 0 ell tlc {BQ el sion" Monday night, January 4 at
Y_ lll ilg uoky, eaptained the freshman the Phoenix hotel, Saturday nraht. the weekiy nieting or the inter- l
l lll lll‘lt“‘ _l€Ven, played three years on the =§1llllill'YJ9;I_ weiie ftgld tbyc iles- national Relations class in the lec- §
legemell  .e·l‘Sil&y and ca t ' d th W‘ld- tiles · tll`e€ 0 ell l`e 0 eee ture room of McVey hall at the ,
ll SleClll€l Z8t$ in his last) 2ie;;on_ elle las- to he llllelell tlllll Pl`02`l`eSSl"e lll university. Mrs. J. B. Miner pre- ,
Mrs. lli jsted pied J_ Murphy with C0ach_ their attitudes toward the prob- sided_ _ 
MF il· " `g duties at State during his last lellls lelelllg tlle “’el`l(l· P1‘l¤€lDtll etlllsee for tlle illleeellt  
te· __ ~ea}` and was offered n position as He discussed theories of gov- depress1on were listed by Dr. Mc-  
ll llellel lfj S$l5taHt to Murphy_ ernment and social adjustments, Vey as follows: the Vllorld VVar,  
Sellloll lll. - , * _ said agriculture initiated the era breakdown in currencies, high , i
lll tho lljl l. d of government regulations of pri- tariffs, shifting of the credit sys-  
tl Nel`llll`i ‘0r °n`C°x vate business, and declared that tem, large amount of frozen assets i
vanstolli   M1`- and Mrs. Robert Greer Gor- there should be more government held by banks and the problem of ,
ts a lnellli elli Lou1sv1lle, announce the en- in business rather than less. He reparations. Slow improvement E
elta s0l'_0ll·· ·eg‘ement of their daughter, Miss would, however, have wiser reg- was the forecast by Dr. McVey, e
holarslup llen Courtney Gordon, to Dr. Ed- ulation. who said improvement would not .