I .
  , zation today is working , man, vice president of public affairs
    A     with the state’s colleges and   for Toyota Motor Manufacturing,
E   . . . ,. . .. . _,, universities to use their connec— USA, said, "The rallies performed the
  I , //11.s* \'I’(l}' Ilez//mm I. lllllllg 1) , _ ,
; r , · _ . . , _ ._ tions to promote the higher educa- equivalent of slam dunks. They
  _ ; r r1rIr/1·// //11* /MICS/Ig`l()llS ().·lIx Azwml I0 /11,x Li tc H Be as roms le el can ht [hc ublids attention fast ,,
a ; I . . . ,. . ons s mo " v . . ;
  , /1s/ 0//10110}:s. I /111 ().~\Ix 1‘\7U{I}`(], /l)YiY('}I/- 0   gr 5 , _ g _ P _ _ , ,
  , I · . . _ . _ Vision 2000, the group s strategic , Lacy said the current organization 1S 9
ge; i ~ wl by I/11* ]x1·uI ur/ty .·\/Izw/*/1//ev /m Hzg/11*1 ____ _ _ ,
ii , I . ‘ _ . _ ’ _ . _ ‘ _ . , plan for the coming years, involves I interested in fostering dialogue between 1
gs , , I:1l11r11I11n1, .s/rn11I.s_/rn ()ll/.\/(III!]//Ig h _ l_ th _ _d d _ti I d ,
gi _     A/111111111.s /1/'I\'1*r1/11r‘k\‘ .·lwr1rr/. T/11* t me mggcir géa S` _ _ C umV€rS1,€S an Comimum .€S’ ea -
g; I , _ , ‘ _ _ ‘ , . . . • coordinating efforts among univer- ing to more input on policymaking.
r ~ 11:11/11// /111.s /}('/'II /nw.sr·21//·r/ I0 I (S 111r/11r1r/- _ _ _ _ , _
§ I I 00,, ,00,, ,007 sity public relations departments; Many Kentuckians don t realize
I: , I ` [   i. , _ . _ • uniting various groups — includ- how the state’s higher education sys-
5 r I lmmg 1.s an 1mn11·n.sm11/z/,· 111//zzwiz//» _ _ _ _ _ _
I I , _. __ _ I . ing alumni, students, parents of stu- tem benefits their daily lives, directly
,- , an lm!/1 {)lI.\I}I('.\.S and {’(/Il{{I/l())I nz d ts f 1 b _ I d br , _ d_ tl h _d d h h
I I ]\'('}l/II('/{\‘. A g'I7I(/[lll/(’ 0//IKS (I0//zjgr 0/` Cn ’ acu tl/’ usmess Fa €rS’ pu ic I Or m nec y’ ye Sal ’ an C OPCS
·, I . .   Y   ‘ , __ _ __ j_ school employees, media, and public the Advocates grassroots campaign
, I Izzzgzwmzizg, l1»1111g.s/111.s1111*.s.s.s11u1».s.s _ h I th _ h 1 h h _
Q · I I /}li.Q`(I}l rg//1·r his .~\rm_y (I/Sl/I{(I,Q?' in I 9-/5 lmierest groups — tO_ €_p C uml/Qt- cmg C P ii ing; t a;lP€rC€puO§` f I
I . I I zu/uw/u·_/mnu/wIII1f7l l/)ll}Ig]'/IINLS', Im'., Smés Eck Comfnumiylinput OH   6 h Xe O t 6 Oun u§hm€m €rs_O
{ , ,0 ,,,0,,,,,0,.,,,,,, ,,,0. ,0,, ,),,0,,,,, ,,0,,,,,; major 1SSU€S f2tC1Hg·l'11g er education t e ’dvocates,“Brent ·ompson 50
, A/,,0, ,0,,,,00 ,0 ,,,_0,_,0,_ 00,, ,,00,0,,, ,0 and their community and state. The and 59, said, We continue to have ’_
  · 1`95s1»,»~,,,»m·,1 im; »»>.,..,g- .s,m·,,0,, H ldfehhedeh sedheeed Weedd he eeed ehe eehde ehieedves hee we dee differ- ,3
  ,0,0,,,,0,,_0,,0,,,, ,,,,,0,,,,,,,0,0,,,00,,,,/,0;,,,, to assist. in strategic planning by the , ent avenues to obtain those objec-  
·, ,,00,,,,,,5,,,,,W,% ,0,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00I`__ universities and by the Council on tives. Nowlwe re working on 'more of 0
I I/1* /1r1.s‘ /1/·r*11 /1 1/in·//or r,/`I*Y1:s/ S{’('II)//\‘ Hlglfcr Edlrlcauone _ I an Cducauonal effort `“ lettmg. PEO' ,
, N00000, ,,0,,0, ,,0, ,\·,,,,,,,,.0,_,__,,,,,,,.,,.,,,, • involving the governor and legis- , ple know the importance of higher
_ ,,,0,,,. (,00 ,,x,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,’ ,,,,.0 ,\,,,,,,,,.,,,, lators in public discussions and goal , education 1n Kentucky, , ,
I*`riw/ (.`/1i1‘kr·11 I)r1/am 111 In/·. //1.w Scmng In higher €duCaUOn· W1S€m3·n> who mmams 3 dlrccmr ef ri
0 ,;,,,,,,,,,0 ,,,0, [,,,,0,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,0’ ,,,,.0 ,,0, "We are interested in. fostering dia- the Advocates,-said the,Advocates must  
,,,,_\.,,,0.,,,,, ,,,,0,,,,. ,,0,,,, 0,,,, 0 ,,00, 0,- logue between the universities and show the public that higher education Q
,0 0,,,,,,. 0,,,,,,0,. ,,0_,,,,0,,_,_ ,0,,,,0 0,,0 ,,0,, communities in a way that can lead to dollars are wisely spent. A lot more 0,
P ,.,.,0,,,, 00 ,.,,,,,,.,,,0,, 0,,,,,, ,,00,,, ,,,·,,,,,,,._ more 1nput, Lacy said. We re trying money is required now for things like ywj
5 I 10.-, Q, 1,,, 1:00,1 cs,-(mm (:,.1,, (:0. in ee develep these hhkegee- heehh eere- The State le Ieekmg fer  
  · (,0,0,,,,,,,_,_ (,0_ 0,,,, ,0,,0 ,.,,0,,. 0,,,,,, Advocate Ron Geoghegan 75, more places to cut, not where to put  
  _ K{1),/,((·Ig\y{§(·(","",i(·l){»I,(1/()!}",(»,,/(/0,7)- assistant to the president of South more money. We face an uphill battle.  
; . ,,,. ,,0,. 0,.,,,,.,, ,,0. 0 ,,.0,,,,,, 0, UK 0,,,, Central Bell, said the organization is Local higher education summits {
_} ,,0,. ,,,.,.0 ,.,,,,,,,,,.,·_,,,,, 0, ,,0, ,,0,, ,·,, 0, working to garner support for higher involving the Advocates and chairs ofthe I,
, ,,·,,_,,,.,._, 0, ·,·,-,,,,_,_,.,,,,,,,,,, Xi",-(1 IQ77, education from lawmakers by turning boards of trustees of colleges and univer— é,
0,,,,.,-,. ,0. ,,0, 0, 0 ,,,. to legislators’ constituents. ; sities in the state are part of the organiza- Q;
" - ,,,0,0,.,.0,,,,,,,0,,0,,_,_ l "Ifwe’re goinglto be effec-   tion’s plan for the coming months.  
()I/wr rirrir ('OII/l`//ilk _ e   · UV€ m Public POIICY making,    
,;,,,,0 ;,,,·[0,[,» I/0,,,,,,  ii we must put forth grassroots   • PROTECTING HIGHER  
rl('/I/l"l!{’II/(’Il], /0 zu/1ir/1   effoftsxl Geoghegan Said I EDUCATION •  
E ,,0 ,,0,,0,,.,] ,,,0 ,0 0,,   "Legislators pay attention to   An original goal of the Advocates  
; IU/l('I`l’ ilx /}(’(l(/(/l(([)`I(')]S `·   - COHStiU.1entS, SO we need a I remains in clear focus today: The  
; _ mw/um/,·1l. II,».v1·mwI an ' `'i__e long-term, grassroots pro-   need for a quality, adequately funded  
I ,/,,· (,‘,,,,,,,·j/ ,,/`l-[jg/,,·,·   V V gram that shows the universi- i higher education in the state must r ,
I [J,/H,-,,,j,,,, ,,,,4 j_,- N   0 ` ties are doing real things for I not be ignored, Advocates say, `
  ,,,,.,,,,,,.,· 0/,],,. p0,·,,,,»,t Y ?  W -3  lm. ·‘i" ` real people every day.” I despite a state budget stretching tO
I .¥/I//},//ll`]\'l'II/lll/f_\' Sr/mal It//hruz. Rallies, as they were used in the early   cover many funding needs.  
l· I In [Wl )?»1mg·,Imm1,·,I   millim, 10 years of the organization, are an effec- , The percentage of formula funding {
:‘i e //11* (IK [.//1:711)* (/(III//)(IdQ`II {(Il(H(/I/Ilg I/1w tive H1€3.f1S of uniting support for the   is decreasing, forcing state colleges i
_   $2/) mi/{im, _/im,]-mi,sing· d,·iw·, I-Ii.; cause, but today’s Advocates say they   and universities to become state-assist- i
i , 0 (//um1im, is- 1/pw [mgm! (ml, gi/I an ,,/,4,,,- must try other methods. "Rallies were , ed rather than state-supported. More ¤
. . ` . . . ` . . I
uns has /·v1·rg1zv·n /1://11* (‘lIlI`(/('IIVI/Y. good one-shot adairs, but in the longer people are attending Kentucky public  
. tenn, day in and day out, we must work community colleges and universities {
, at the grassroots level," Geoghegan said. than ever before, yet the percentage I
I Former Advocates chair jim Wise- of the state’s budget going for the sup-  
    8 lieuunrky Alumnus Winter l993  
iii. I , ,
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