.~.» ·
  » Howard (Randy) Newman '82 is l Wendy Rae Schultz '84, ’92 is an S. Troy Armstrong ’86 is the assis- , 
  \ I the retail account manager for , exploration geologist for Texaco in i tant plant manager of Keller Manu-  t
  - , P Valvoline, Inc. in Cordova, Tenn.   Denver, Colo. facturing at the Culpepper, Va., plant. Q
    Q A. Olu Oyinlade ’82 is an assistant   Shauna L. Patton ’85 was one of 10 i H. Michael Lucas '86, an attorney, is
    " professor of sociology at Nebraska   outstanding Kentucky teachers hon- , a partner in the firm of Webster and
  — i Wesleyan University. He was previous-   ored by Ashland Oil, Inc. with a Lewis in Pikeville.
Q ly an assistant professor at Northern 1 Teacher Achievement Award. She I
  · State University in South Dakota.   teaches at Central Elementary School John G. Swanberg ' 86 is an apprais-  
  i bb h I d   in Paintsville. er for the Realty Advisory Group, Inc. i
  A y Sut er an '82 is deputy 1 in Virginia Beach, Va. The Swanberg’s `
E director of the Bretton Woods Com- \ Joe Sexton '85 is senior vice presi- welcomed their second son last April.  
if mittee in Washington, D.C., where the dent of Computer Associates Inter- E
  committee’s 1992 conference ad- , national, Inc. in East Irving, Texas. Steve Whitmer '86 was promoted by  
  l dressed the economic future of the   Brown-Forman International Ltd. to J
  former Soviet Union. James D. Smith ’85 is an advertising inventory control specialist for Lenox g
  { representative for the Cincinnati and Hartmann. He is based in l
  j Emily Monroe Bates '83 is the direc- Enquirer. He is a member of the UK Louisville. _
  tor of product line and mortgage loan Alumni Association. I .
  accounting of the AIG Division of the John S. Douglas '87 has been l
ii Capital Holding Corporation in Loren A. Anderson '85 is treasurer- named credit administration officer at
{ Louisville. elect on the board of directors of the Liberty National Bank of Lexington. lf
l   American Industrial Hygiene Asso-  
1 Kathy Ashby Merry ’84 has been R ciation. He is employed as manager of Jeff Tingle '87 is controller and chief  
| promoted to vice president and gen-   product safety for PPG Industries financial officer of the Leestown  E1
l eral manager of individual markets I Coatings and Resins Group in Allison Company, Inc., a distillery and bot-  
i for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of 3 Park, Pa. tling operation in Frankfort. He lives  
  V Virginia. Merry, who has worked for l in Lexington.  
  the company since 1991, had been j Mark S. Snell '86 has been present-  
  director ofQ_uality Programs. l ed one of five Outstanding Young Barbara Jane England '87 is the  l
1- ‘   Houstonian Awards by the Houston . ` director of public  
`Q Kathy Carney Lawson '84 is manag- i jaycees. It is given for outstanding per- __ K relations for Cin-  j
it er of waste management for Battelle 1 sonal and professional achievement p   cinnati's Museum  ji
! Columbus Labs in Columbus, Ohio. and community service. An attorney,  if   Center Foun-  
Q She and her husband, Stuart, wel- Snell has been recognized for his     dation. England  E
, comed Ashley Nicole to the family last advocacy of low-cost legal services for   ° and her husband,  ‘' l
§ january. the poor and pro-bono legal assis- john, live in Mar-  
§   tance to charitable organizations. He   iemont, Ohio.  
2 Karen Busler Kursar '84 is a Q also has instituted nationally ac-  
  senior economic analyst in the   claimed programs for hunger relief Charles A. Clark Jr. '87 is invest-  
  ’ Strategic Planning and Business 1 and youth services, and has participat- ment vice president for The Ohio  E
li Development Department of Sea-   ed in community service projects. Company. Prior to this he was invest-  .
iii Land Corporation, with responsibili- J ment vice president for j.C. Bradford.  
(Q ties for international economic and Naomi Tutu ’85 is completing her He lives in Ona, W.Va.  
  trade analyses and forecasts, and   doctoral dissertation from the  
ll y { competitive strategic analyses.   London School of Economics at E Ariun Sinha '87 has embarked on a  
l` 1   l Hartford, Conn., where her husband, i new career in secondary teaching,  
  Adam Wilson '85 is director of mar-   Abie Ngomane, is a student. Her l beginning in Los Angeles with gradu—  
i keting for Trend House, Inc., an 1 father, South Africa’s Archbishop l ate courses, teaching in the Bedford-  
l architectural design firm in Seattle,   Desmond Tutu, officiated at the bap- Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn, N.Y.,  
i Wash., with studios in New York, ` tism of Naomi’s daughter, Mpumi, in in Portland, Ore., and then Thailand.  
Q I Beverly Hills, Chicago and London. l Hartford, in October 1992. He returned to the U.S. in january  
  I 1993 to prepare for an MEd program. g
Q .
  26 Kentucky Alumnus Winter 1993  
if , S . _